Just a devastating dork with no social life | Seven

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Chapter Seven: Just a devastating dork with no social life


"How to become a devastating dork with no social life, volume one." Luke Mocked as he held the book that was moment before, in my backpack.

    I rolled my eyes groaning as my locker opened. Before turning to him and bickering "Have you ever heard of privacy? or manners?"

"No, beyond that point. I am going to make the next three days of your delicate lonely thing you call life the most memorial days of you entire human breathing time!" He said smirking, gently tossing the book into my locker.

"More scientifically speaking, hell inside and out." I smirked hanging my backpack on the hook of my locker and grabbing the needed materials before speaking.

"however you'd like to word it Dear." he said as we made are way down another hall.

    Yesterday, I made the devastating mistake of agreeing with this asshole to follow him around in his pity life. For ideas for the book that could change my entire future. May I state, any ideas from him will be as corny as well... anything.

   Eyes drifted to us, then away. I mean, who wouldn't be curious on why a lurking bad boy is dragging around a, as I quote 'devastating dork with no social life'.  He smirked, or smiled, god knows the difference, to a few people as we passed by. My books pulling closer to my chest.

"So tell me fair maiden, how would you feel about a party.  That is if you dread to know what that even is." He whispered teasingly into my ear as we turned the corner.

"Kind offer," I began looking up at him with a raised eyebrow, "but sadly, I will have to willingly pass."

"Whyyyyyyy?" he asked pouting slightly, "It'll be fun! we could go swimming, talk about shitty celeb couples and chit chat about guys." he said mocking a dramatic teenage girl voice.

"Stop letting your true girly characteristics shine through, you'll frighten someone." I rolled my eyes, pushing back a smile.

"Ouch, as hard as it is to belive, I do have these things call feelings." he smirked before walking down the hall and turning into his classroom. "Oh, and I'll pick you up at eight"

     I roll my eyes walking towards my classroom, plopping in a seat and leaning back as I yawn.

"Welcome Class!" The teacher Miss Valarie began as I yawned against slightly.

"Great, here's go an entire thirty minutes of yip yap about her break up again." I voice from behind me whispered into my ear and a smirked slightly. Beckett Ross, valedictorian, and secretly an evil genius.

    I met him the same day I met Jeremy, but he was far more awkward than he is today. Even at such a young age. Dreadful really, but he managed to push through the awkward stage.

    Miss Valarie didn't have that great of a dating life. Her fiancée left her a week before the wedding, for a bridesmaid. Not a pretty day for her. After that it really went down hill. She tried online dating. Nope. Until she found her ex, some badass biker guy, yeah that lasted for about a year. Then he broke it off. So we're back at square one.

    Class went the same as usual, and just how Beckett predicted. Sobbing and ranting as we all sat back in our metal seats awkwardly. Fun.

    The bell rang after about three trillion years, and we all rushed out and to our lockers. I slid the books into my bag, then grabbing the next and pulling it to my chest.

    Only 7 more periods to go.


- Rachel Sierra

March 21st 2017

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