In Every Story, There's an Antagonist | Fifteen

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A/N: Okay, so I apologize in advance, but I need to bring this up sooner than later. I'm attempting to be different, with every chapter, every character. I'm attempting to bring something new into a book.

First) I'm trying not to have you classical bad boy who's all husky and badass and looks likes he's going to kill anyone at anytime. I'm pushing myself to be unique, and in my mind, I'm failing.

Yes, he's (Luke) is a smartass, but he rally's up to almost all the other bad boys you see out in there. I don't know what to do to make him different.

Second) ahh the scenes, god don't even get me started. There is the same scenes in practically every book, parties, sexual assault, an almost rape, and so on and so forth. In almost every book I've read there's been some sort of these. I've done my one party, yes one party that's it. But my creativity train is booking out. Though, they're taking off with out me.

Third) I'm attempting to publish more, i'm trying.

But thank you, all who comment, vote, and even just read the chapters. You guys are keeping me going. I know, I have far many more chapters to go, but we're getting some where.

Chapter Fifteen?!? That's Crazy!

so thank you all.

I love you all so so much.

you're the best readers I could possibly every have <3

- Rachel

Also, please pm if you have any ideas, seriously, I could use them :)


  The red leather seat behind me sent shivers up my spine, as my eyes glanced around the in the 50's themed diner. The Floors were tiled black and white, and there were older music albums hanging on the walls. The Downtown Diner has been running since far before I was born. It's cold leather seats, and squeaky stools bringing joy to everyone.

Well, almost everyone.

   I was sipping the large chocolate milkshake that I forced Ryan to buy me. The chilly temperature of the glass, only making me colder. Ryan, Luke, and Cole were waiting on food, as I got shoved next to Ryan in a booth. But for now, they were doing the same as I, enjoying a milkshake.

  Though, in every story, there's an antagonist, I'd like to welcome you to mine.

   River Jackson.
Now, before you think she's some preppy girl, who wears her hair up in a curled pony and bashes her eyelashes for boys attention. She's not, really, she's almost the exact same as me. Well attitude wise, except she has never learned when to shut her mouth.

  She has long ginger hair, reaching her mid stomach, always straight, it was like that naturally. She had chocolate brown eyes that you could easily get lost in, adorable dimples, and a smile that could light up your world. She yearned the looks to be innocent, and that's what she got.

   Honestly, she a bitch, to put it bluntly. Though, if I were in her feet. I'd be a bitch too. She has guys hitting on her daily, and a brother always having a close eye on her. Partially ben there- ha kidding, I'm forever alone- and definitely been there.

   Now, there is no specific reason why I dislike her breathing existence, I just do. Lots of feelings churn in me when she's around, mostly anger and hate, but never jealousy. I may be insecure, but i'm not one to compare.

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