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I stand up and say, "Hey Lucas." I smile and take a step to him. I don't believe that he remembers me or if he knows who I am.
"Molly?" He says in confusion. I look to Calum, he looks at me with sympathy in his eyes. We both turn our attention to Lucas again. "What are you doing here? I thought you ran. You didn't want to be backstage."
I turn my attention to Calum and glare, "I really didn't want to, but Calum over here decided he could pull me back here anyway."
Calum looked at his shoes and the to Luke, "I can't believe you man!" Calum says, "You don't really remember 'Molly'?" He asks putting air quotes are Molly.
"Am I supposed to?" Luke asks. Wow that really hurt. He really doesn't remember me. Chloe must not want me to see him again just incase.
"Yes!" Calum screams causing me to jump out of my skin. I focus on my fingers. " How do you not recognize the one person in your life you said you would never forget? The reason we are here now! The person we owe our success to! How could you not remember the only girl you truly loved? I remember many nights you came to us guys crying because you missed her! You never slept because you were concerned over her safety! Yet you don't remember?" Calum screamed. I was not expecting that once I met Lucas again.
Luke looked to me truly unsure. He studied me, does he really not think it's me? "Kristina?" He asks, his expression is unreadable. I nod not saying a word. I look to my feet. No hug to reunite us. Not how I planed this out. Tears swell up in my eyes. He doesn't have feelings for me like I do for him. He takes a step closer to Calum and I.
"Hey! Calum, Luke, show time! They fixed the problem- who is that?" Michael says a few feet behind Luke. Calum is the only one who recognized me. Again, not how I though it was going to go down.
"It's Kristina, Michael," Calum says plainly.
"Well we have to go, like right now," Michael says. He points down the hallway away from me.
Calum turns to mean and takes me in his arms, "I'm sorry Kris," he says, " I wish it turned out differently." I am still in his arms squeezing him. I hold back tears, but I know once they leave it's going to be a waterworks show. "Don't leave," Calum says breaking the hug holding me by my shoulders, " Stay back here, lay low so Chloe doesn't kill you or some shit, but don't leave! Luke will love you again."
"Calum!" I yell, he smiles.
"Everyone knows you like him! He really loved you," he says
"Loved is past tense. He once did, doesn't me he does now."
He lets go of my shoulders, "Chloe is a publicity stunt! Don't worry."
He lied. I could see it in his eyes. I look to my feet, "Tell me where to go."


I sit on a leather couch in their locked dressing room. Calum reassured me that Chloe couldn't get in. Do they really think that Chloe could hurt me? Maybe they know something about her that I don't. My eyes grow heavy, for the past few weeks I have not had any sleep. Goodnight! I say to myself before I fall asleep.

"Hey Lucas," I say and wave.
"Kris?" His eyes light up, I smile and nod. He takes a step forward and my smile fades. He looks at me confused. What he doesn't know is Chloe is two steps behind him. She glares at me. I know I look terrified. Calum sees her too.
He whispers in my ear, "Run, go to the bus and tell the driver you are in danger. Try to convince him. I'll try my best to keep her back, " says pushing me out the exit.

I'm not outside though. Somehow I ended up on stage with hundreds throwing rocks at me. I bleed, I break, I cry. "Kris!" That's Luke! My face lights up and I look frantically for him. I see him no where. I panic. Chloe walks out on stage with a metal bat.
"Don't scream, it hurts my ears," she says with a smirk lifting the bat. I shut my eyes and-

"Stop!" I scream in terror, " Please no! Don't hurt me! No!" I scream and yell. Arms wrap around me and hold me tight. My eyes shoot open.
"Shhhh! Calm down Kris! You're okay, you're fine! It's okay!" Calum comforts me. It's hard to see him with the tears in my eyes, "Don't cry, your safe, I've got you now."
I wrap my arms around him and we sit there until Ashton walks in. Then we subtly untangle ourselves.
"Hey Kris!" Ashton says. I just look at him. He didn't remember me earlier. He stops and sees that I have tears in my eyes, "Is everything okay?" He asks unsure. He seemed concerned but I never could read Ashton's face well. I just nod because I just don't want to speak.

Soon after I hear Luke's laugh and someone else laughing, it's a girl. Chloe! No! Please no! I feel my face drain all color it once had. I feel Calum's gaze on me. He puts his hand on my shoulder. "Don't be scared, you're okay," he says to me, "I won't let you get hurt. Promise."
She walks in before Luke and turns around while pulling Luke with her. Ouch, I can't even see one of my best friends.
"Let me go in!" Luke yells, "I need my phone!"
"I'll get it!" Chloe says frantically. She walks in and glares at me. Calum watches her every move. Then he turned his attention to Ashton for a split second and she mouthed, 'shh. Bathroom, now.' I nodded at her and she walked out of the room with Luke's phone.
"Um, Calum, where is the ladies room?" I ask. I am honestly terrified to go by myself. I don't want to face what I have waiting for me. What if it's like the nightmare? No! Please, no!
"Down the hallway," he says pointing left, "Do you want me to come with you?" He asks me, "Because of you don't feel safe, that's not okay, I want you to be okay." There is something they are not telling me.
"I'm fine thank you."

I enter the bathroom and slump along the wall. Not three seconds later Chloe enters. I tense up. She holds something behind her back. Though she is a beautiful human I am afraid that she is an absolute monster! What does Lucas see in her? "You think you can just show up and get back together with Luke?" She asks and laughs. Before I can answer she continues talking, "Well, news flash, he is head over heals in love with me! I said you would be sorry if you talked to him! Be sorry." She pulls out a metal bat from behind.
I gasp in terror, "Listen, Chloe-"
"No you listen!" She yells, I'm sure they heard it outside, " I want to make sure Luke never has feelings for you again!"
"Chloe! You are being too protective! Don't! Please!" I beg. I am weak, what else and I supposed to do in a time like this?
"Kris!" Luke's voice booms from down the hall. Chloe raises the bat and I crouch down onto the floor. I shut my eyes tight. The door flys open and Chloe hits me with all her might in the side. I scream in pain. It's hard to see. Luke runs to me and Michael, Calum, and Ashton pull Chloe away. "Kris?" He says. I can barely hear him. "Stay with me! She didn't mean it! I know her! It's going to be okay! Kris!" He starts saying louder. It's all muffled though. I can't see him and I raise my hand to his cheek before I black out.

Luke's POV...
I pass back and forth in the hospital. How could Chloe do that? She is such a nice person! She is never jealous around fans, but why Kris? Kris is just so beautiful and kind! What did Kris do to upset Chloe? Yeah, she used to be a huge smartass, but never mean. Always in a funny way. Chloe walks in and runs to me with arms open. She hugs me and I wrap my arms around her. "I don't know what I was doing! I was just jealous because we will never be like you and her! I don't know! Luke I'm so, so sorry! Please forgive me!" She says in a panic tone. I will always forgive her. It's sweet innocent Chloe!
"Luke! What the fuck?" Michael says and runs to me. "What are you doing?" He pulls me away from Chloe, "How are you so oblivious to this?" He says angrily. I look to Chloe who has a face of an angel and looks one hundred percent innocent!
"What do you mean oblivious? Chloe didn't mean any of it! If you don't believe that then you can go and kiss my ass!" I yell. A nurse near by shushes me.
Ashton runs out of the bathroom a little down the hallway, "I'm calling Adrienne."

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