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A/N hey everyone! I just wanted to give another thanks to you guys for reading and if you haven't read the first book (Rejects) then I suggest you do so! Anyways, please tell me how you feel about the story and vote if you liked it! Add it to your library for daily updates!!! Yay! Thanks loves!

Luke's POV...

The elevator crashes at the bottom and Chloe rolls me out. I see Niall, Calum, Ashton, and Michael all tied in chairs. There are also two other girls but I don't know who they are. It's a horrifying sight. Why would Chloe bring me down her? The girl in the middle of the whole room looks scared and when she catches eye sight of me she mouths, "Help me". Then a very big man comes from the corner scaring me. He walks to the girls with long brown hair and hazel eyes. She fixes her eyes on me. I don't know why, it's kinda creepy that you keep staring at someone you don't know. The man raises his right arm and slashes it across the girls face. Everyone else is screaming things like, "Kris!" Or "No! Please don't hurt her!" And "Stop!"

I sit and watch what is happening even though o don't know why I am. Her body shakes every time she gets hit. Her skin opens and bleeds, there are multiple bruises already setting in her skin. The man raises his hand one last time and punches her jaw knocking her out. The boys go crazy in their chairs trying to get out and the other girl sits and sobs. Who is that? Why are they trying so desperately to get out and help her?

Chloe goes over the the man and they start to talk. Everyone else is silent. "Michael!" I whisper across the room. I wheel myself to him. "Who are those girls?" I ask him.
He looks at me with puffy eyes, "You don't know who that is!" He screams the question. I look and everyone looks at me shocked and confused- except for Chloe and the man.
"Should I know?" I ask.
"Yes, yes you should Luke." The other speaks up.
"Uh, who are you?" I ask her. She looks hurt and shocked.
"My name is Adrienne." She hangs her head between her shoulders.
"What was her name?" I ask.
"Did you not hear us scream it multiple times!" Michael screams that question too.
"Her name is Kristina, and you loved her." Niall says. "Can you do me a favor?" I nodded, "Roll over to her and take the piece of paper out of her pocket." I move myself the the girl in the center. I take out the paper without Chloe or the man noticing. I go back to Niall. "Read it please." He said with a sigh. I unfold it and read it to myself,

I have loved you for as long as I can remember you. I haven't stopped. I will never stop. Seeing you with another girl hurts, but if she makes you happy, it makes me ecstatic! I remember the days people called us names and we would hold each other close for comfort. We were movie extras, the rejects! Now I'm staring in a movie and you are making music for them! I am truly proud of how far you have come.
When I imagined seeing you again, I thought my sign would make you jump out of your skin! I thought you would pull me up on stage and squeeze me like you used to. I was wrong and this is the story of another us.
Please keep everyone safe- if it's too late, keep yourself safe. I'm at a friends place. I don't have any contact with them anywhere so there is no finding me. Don't waste your time looking. Have fun on tour and don't worry about me. I love you, Lucas.

It's too late, now I have got to make sure no one gets hurt anymore. I look up at Niall who has pain written on his face. I look to everyone else with the same thing. "You loved her! How could you just let her go like you did?" Calum asks.
"I've read this before, it seems familiar to me," I say. The girl named Adrienne lights up a bit.

Chloe grabs my chair and wheels me toward the elevator again. She stops us and turns me to face the girl named Kristina. The man shakes her conscious. Her eyes dart open and search the room. She looks up at me again. The letter is real. She smiles but it's fake. I just look at her. The man brings everyone by me so no one is behind Kristina. I hear a click behind me and the boys going crazy again. I look back and see Chloe is holding a gun. She hands it to the man who rests it on her forehead. "No!" I scream joining the others. Kristina's foot tangles around a chair leg. The man puts his finger on the trigger and Kristina kicks the chair leg making her fall lose. Before the guy had time to react she took the gun from him. She held it with confidence.
"Alright," she says pointing it at the man, " You definitely need to go to jail, and Chloe deserves much worse for what she has done!" She says raging. "Let'em go." She commands. The man obeys and she keeps the gun on him. All the guys and Adrienne rush to her side once they are untied. I stay in front of Chloe because I don't know what to do. "Niall, please call 911." She demands and Niall grabs his phone from his pocket dialing the number. She looks at me with sadness across the blood and bruises.
"They're on their way, I told them everything," Niall says standing next to Kristina.
"Last chance to remember Luke," Michael says. Calum looks at me ashamed. Chloe hits my head because she knew what I was thinking. I was going to go roll over to them.
I look at her, "What was that for?" I ask her.
"Did I not hit you hard enough?" She smacks me harder, too hard and I'm out.

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