-Five Years Later-

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-Five Years Later-

Kris's POV...
December 28th...

"Lucas! I could use some help here!" I yell for my husband. He comes running into the kitchen with our three year old, Amelia. Then in his arms is our half dressed two year old, Benjamin.
"Sorry love, Benny didn't want to put in a shirt!" He says handing me the child.
"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Is Lora gonna be here?" Amelia asks, "How about Aliza?" She says tugging at Luke's shirt. I laugh to myself as he spins around.
He picks her up and rests her on his hip, "Yes they will both be here! Please stop being a crazy three-year-old!" He kiddingly says to her. He then starts tickling her.
"Lucas, please set the table," I command as I take Benny upstairs to get a shirt on him.

When I return the living room is spotless, there is presents under the Christmas tree and the lights are on. I glance at the clock, they will be here any second! I panic. I put Benny down to play with his sister and pass Luke in the kitchen grabbing the snack bowls. I pick them up and bring them to the table. I set out plates. A nice Christmas part with the family is what I need to escape my crazy everyday life! I just laugh to myself. I sit next to Lucas on the table and watch our kids play with their toys. Benjamin runs over Amelia's toe with his tonka dump truck and she cried in pain. She soon gets over it and goes back to playing with her dolls. Lucas wraps his arms around my shoulders. I glance at the tree that is fabulously decorated, thanks to me! I just smile for not reason. I made it. I am married to the most wonderful man in the world. I married my best friend! I am happy. That's all that matters. I am happier than I am ever have been.

The doorbell rings and Calum, Sandy, and their son Jackson are waiting to be invited in, except Jackson. The little two year old pushes trough me and runs to play with Benny in the living room. I chuckle and let the Hood's in for the party. Not long after the door is answered again and in come the Horan's. Niall's and Maria make their way to the living room. Maria gets down to play with Amelia, I like Maria, she's a nice girl for Niall. WHEN WILL THEY HAVE A CHILD? I yell in my head. The next to arrive are the Irwin's! They don't even knock but come in. Adrienne is always like that! Lora and Aliza rush to the table full of foods and snacks. They each grab fistfuls, "No!" Ashton sarcastically yells to them. Then Adrienne brings in a baby carrier. Inside is the newest member of the 5sos family, Levi Irwin!
"Give me, give me, give me!" I wine. She hands me the baby and I cradle him tightly. Oh I love this kid! I love all kids now that I think about it. That's a lie, I used to never want any, now I can't get enough!
Later to appear are the Clifford's. in comes Michael and his wife, Frankie! Their one year old son, Daniel, also rushes in. Michael makes a beeline for the snack table, "Who else wants snacks?" He yells.
"I do, uncle Michael!" Benny yells. Jackson isn't far behind and dashes for Michael. I can see this ending badly! The boys tackle each other and fight like two year olds do. Just a pile of two year olds in my dining room!

Once we all catch up the kids bug us to open presents. "Go ahead," I say to them. They all rush to the tree. Wrapping paper is thrown everywhere.
Lucas leans down to my ear and whispers, "You did a good job mama," he says and rubs my shoulder. I smile, it's all great. I couldn't ever ask for anything better. A hectic life and a loving husband.
"Mommy, this one is for you!" Amelia gives me a wrapped present from Niall.
I am concerned but I open it anyway, "We agreed on no presents!" I falsely yell. I rip it open to find a closed box. I rip that open and find a slip of yellow paper inside, "Okay, I'm sorry for all those confusing letters! Are you now ganging up on me now?" I ask sarcastically. The letter reads:
Dear Kris,
I know you are always saying how you want me and Maria to have a child... MERRY CHRISTMAS! You can finally have a baby Horan!
Xoxo - Nialler and Maria

My face feels like it disappears. "Oh my god!" I shout, "This isn't a joke, right?" They shake their heads. "Oh my god congratulations!" I screams and jump up to hug them.

This life is all I want. A reject family, and a story.

Yeah you!
Guess what... there's more coming very soon!
How does a better epoluge sound?
I'll admit that I didn't like this one as much as the one I'm writing by the time you're probably reading this.
this is just another chapter for you!
You're welcome and soon comes the epoluge!!!!!

Grab your tissues!

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