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Luke's POV...

"She left again?" I hurt on the inside. I finally got her back. Tears threaten to slip down my cheeks. I refrain from letting that happen. "When can we get out of here." I ask frustrated.
"Well, you have a show tonight and I spoke to the doctor, she said you can leave in a hour or so," Niall speaks in a general tone, "At least that's what she said," He continues.
My fists grab a fist full of sheets, "All of us are upset Luke," Calum spoke across the room, "and if you would have gone running back to her we could have avoided this whole situation." He voice cracks from being upset. He sits in the chair feet spread apart and his hands are on his cheeks. I look back to Niall, is that true? Did I cause this? Where is Chloe? Questions whirl through my head.
Niall sets his hand on my shoulder, "She's a strong girl, she will be okay. I know this. Luke, everything will be okay. Don't let this break your focus from your. That's the last thing she wants." He says and then takes his hand back, "She'll be good." I believe she will be fine but I can't help but want her next to me. What is wrong with my head? I want Chloe and then I want Kris too. My head aches from the screaming inside.
"Where is Chloe?" I ask Niall.
He looks at me, his eyes are cold. Not the best thing to say at the moment. "Why?" He asks politely, "Is there something you need?" He continues.
"I just want to know. For Kris, ya know?" I reply.
"Luke you make no sense!" Michael chimes in from across the room. He sits in the arm of the chair Calum is sitting in.
"Mikey!" Niall says to Michael.
"I just want to know." I continue pushing my question.
"She's gone too. Don't know where she is, don't want to know where she is. For all I care, she can rot under a bridge for the rest of her life and I will be just fine with it." Calum says groggily. He hasn't slept and we have a show tonight.
I nod and lay back in the bed. "When can we go?" I ask hurt.

Ashton's POV...

My mind races, Adrienne is pregnant with my child. This can't be. What if- no. It's not going to happen. I'll keep her safe, I'll keep her with me at all times!

"Ashton, this is for your safety, stay away from Adrienne. She is not good for you. You lose focus and your drumming is off. Stay away. If you don't, bad things. Bad things will happen!" Chloe whispers in my ear. Sure I was off but not enough anyone could really tell. Somehow she did though. Could she really hurt Adrienne? No she couldn't! But she did hurt Kris, I'm not Luke and I wouldn't let that happen. Why is she like this? Is she that scared? Where Adrienne is, so is Kristina. She is scared of losing Luke. I believe it's because he waits on her hand and foot.
I nod, "Got it," I say afraid to disagree.

How could I have agreed go along with this? Adrienne could get hurt. Not now, now that I have a child. I can go through with this. I look in her eyes, "This can be the story of another us," I say through her hair. It smells like flowers and I am addicted. I hold her tight. I never want to let go. She is mine, and mine only. She can be the reason I continue to do what I do.
She pulls away, "Ready to go back to Luke?" She asks. I nod and we wonder back to his room.

We enter and Luke is standing with his clothes in and everyone is standing up. Niall points to the door telling us to get out and we obey. All of us walk to the entrance and Luke signs out. I call a cab and it picks us up taking us to the venue. Adrienne sits up right next to me. He head rests on my shoulder and her hands relax on my thighs. I wrap my arm around her and hold her tight. Soon we pull up to the entrance and walk through to our dressing room. I look at the mirrors and see a slip of paper in Luke's mirror. Who knows what's that for, it's Luke, it can be anything. I sit on the couch with Adrienne pinned next to me. I love that, I just needed someone to be with me. She's like a cute puppy that always by your side when you need it.

We just relax for an hour or so before we need to move. Calum starts to speak, "Uh, did any of you put a paper in my hat?" He asks. We all reply with a no and shaking our heads.
"What does it say?" Michael asks. He moves closer to Calum who is across the room, by the door.
"It says:
Dear Calum,
Have a good show! I hope the best for you. I am moving on from everyone, so have a good time and be yourself. Don't hold back and remember that I created that masterpiece. You're welcome! I love you, thank you for being with me when I needed it. Hope you understanD why I pushed you away.

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