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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in forever! I have been super busy! Any questions feel free to ask as always and I hope you enjoy the next three chapters! UPDATE TOMORROW TOO!!! Yay!

Adrienne's POV...

What did she slam in her desk earlier? I secretly go trough the drawers in her desk. I feel so bad, but she was crying. That's not okay! I open the largest drawer with leather books piled and squeezed in there. On top is a ripped envelope. I glance to see if she came back. Nope! I pull out a price of paper with a threat on it. "Tell anyone and the ones you love will get hurt." Oh no. She can't know I know or else Chloe could know I know and it's just a big mess! It's signed "Xoxo- your favorite" obviously it's Chloe! I set the letter on top of her desk and do some snooping! I pull out the black leather book- well one of them. Inside are notes of music. Under neath are lyrics. Maybe if I had spent more time with her when it mattered I would already know she wrote songs. The lyrics are beautiful and I can hear the music playing behind it.

I stop snooping and put everything back where it was and then walk to my room. I lay in bed and can't sleep, what is she doing?

Kris's POV...

Kissing Niall was a relief and a weight off my shoulders. "Come with me to my place!" Niall says between our lips.
"Let's go," I say pushing him off me towards the exit. He stumbles and we walk out together. His arm is around my waist pulling me close. We get in a black car and pull out into the road. He looks to me with his blue eyes, blonde hair, he is an Irish Luke! My eyes widen and face glows red. I can't do this! What if I as to hurt him! All I would think about is Luke!
"You okay love?" He asks. WOW, his accent gives me chills!
"Yeah, I just forgot," I couldn't think of anything! "I forgot to... Charge my phone! Darn it!" I say making things up.
"That's why you turned red?" He asked, "I thought it was something I did."
"Never, you amazing!" I look at him and plant a gentle kiss on his lips resting my hand on his upper thigh. He smiles and looks at me.

We enter his house and it's huge. He tells me I'm welcome to anything but I really just want him right now. He moves closer to me, "We could watch a movie or go for a swim," he says pressing up against me.
I put my hands on his cheeks, "You're house!" I say and peck his lips before turning around and walking further into the the house. I see him smirk and follow me.
He picks me up and carries me up the stairs to his bedroom. He sets me on his bed and climbs on top of me. He starts kissing my neck and I moan pulling his hair.

Adrienne's POV...

I am so tired that I can't sleep. Kristina is still not home an she won't answer my calls. What's wrong with her? I don't want to be so concerned but I can help it, we just got out of a hospital today! I don't want to go back again! I'm terribly worried about her. She might not be worried about me, but then again I wasn't the nicest friend back in 11th grade. Curl up under the covers and fall to sleep.

"Adrienne! Don't walk out! We can make this better!" Ashton says behind me. I turn to look at him. Tears fill my eyes and he looks at me pleadingly, "Don't go, I need you." He chokes out.
"Ashton you are leaving tonight! We can't be together if we wanted to!" I protest. Does he not understand? They could think I am the next Chloe and I be labeled at her. That's awful! He knows I can't handle any form of hate.
He runs his hands through his curly hair, "Who needs to know?" He says scratching the back of his neck. He looks to my eyes, "We could run and be together forever, you know?" It's weird how we switched rolls I was the one who wanted us, now I'm not so sure. "Adrienne, we could go to Ecuador and live on a farm or something! We could be together. I need you Adrienne, I need you." His voice getting weaker.
"Good-bye Ashton. If we happen to meet again in the future I would love to pick up were we left off," I say with tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Ash, I love you, don't go," he says walking towards me.
" Good-bye, Ashton." I turn around and walk out the door leaving him in his house by himself. I hear smashes behind me and don't care, because I keep walking.

My eyes open, they stick together from crying. Could this actually happen? I want to find out just to see him again. I have bigger things in my plate than boys at the moment- Kristina. Where the hell is she? What do I do? I get out of bed and look at the clock. It read 6:42, early for me. I walk into her kitchen, well my kitchen too, and make- she literally had nothing to eat! I rummage through her fridge, cupboards, and I even try the dishwasher. I finally find some fruity pebbles and make a small bowl of that knowing she would eat me if I took too much.

Once I fished cleaning her whole apartment I sit back on her couch and look at my phone, it's only 8:34. Where the hell is she? I'm scared. I call her and she doesn't answer. I call once more and she picks up, "Hello?" She answers groggy.
"Where the hell are you! I am so worried you don't tell me were you are going and you just got out of the hospital yesterday!" I scream into the phone.
"Calm down, mom!" She says sarcastically. "Who's that?" I hear faintly in the background.
"Where are are you!" I yell.
"I'm at a friends place!" She yells back to me with anger. She is older than me- only by two months though!
"You have me worried, Kristina," I say with genteelness.
"Well I hope your happy because I'm coming home now!" She yells.
"Okay," I say relaxing.
"Bye." She hung up and I am left standing in the middle of a clean apartment.

Kris's POV...

"Bye," I hang up on her and turn to Niall.

He smirks and moves closer to me, "A friends house? What kind of friends are we?" He asks in a seductive tone.
"The ones who aren't really friends!" I say grabbing his shirt in my fists and pulling him close planting a kiss on his lips, "We'll see each other again soon, okay?" I ask him pushing away.
"As soon as possible!" He says. I walk to grab my things from his room and find him right behind me. He grabs my waist from behind,"A quickie?" He asks.
I turn to him, "I'll have to take a rain check on that one." I put my hands on his checks and peck his lips. I grab my things and head outside with him next to me. Somehow my truck ended up in his driveway. I have a very faint memory of last night. I just remember a lot of Niall, a whole bunch of Niall. I pull out of his driveway and drive home.

Luke's POV...
I step and knock on the door. She'll answer me here. I really fucked up with her. How could o have left her in the first place? If I'm being completely honest with myself, I don't remember her much. The door swings open and Adrienne stands in front of me. "Why are you here?" She asks harshly.
"I messed up Ash, let me in. I need Kristina." I plead. I look at her, why did Ashton let her go?
"I don't know where she is. I would love to help you, but she doesn't want to speak with me, let alone you."
"Adrienne, please!" I beg. She takes a step back and closes the door in my face.

I wonder down the sidewalk dragging my feet. I kick a pebble like its a football. I continue when I hear the sound of a truck coming down the road. I look up and I swear it's Kristina's truck. I look through the windshield and sure enough it's her. I stop in my tracks. I see her glance at me and focus back on the road. She pulls up beside me and stops. She lays across her seat and open the door, "Get in you fool!" She says to me waving me in. I close the door and she turns around in the road.
"I thought you didn't want to talk to me?" I ask her. I look to her and she has tears in her eyes.
"Who dropped you off?" She asks ignoring my question.
"Michael," I say, "I thought you hated me?" I ask again.
"I'm gonna give you a ride home," she says focusing on the road. Tears fall from her eyes.
"Answer my question please," I say. What is wrong with me? I didn't ask if she was okay or what's going on. This is why she hates me.
"Can you do me a favor?" She asks looking at me for a split second. He eyes are red and puffy, her cheeks are soaked with tears. I nod giving her permission to tell me. "Please don't tell Chloe about this," she says focusing in the road again. "Luke," she didn't say Lucas, something really is wrong, "I love you and this is the last I will ever see you! I truly love you!" She shouts stopping the truck a few blocks from my house, "Good-bye." She is shedding tears like clouds in the sky.
"Kris-" she cuts me off.
"Please leave," she said unlocking the door. I obey and jump out of the truck. She turns around and drives down the road. I didn't even say I love you back!

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