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A/N I would like to thank you for your continuation if reading SOAU and please leave a comment on how you think? I just really want opinions! Thanks loves!

Kris's POV...

"Get out!" I say harshly eyeing Chloe.
"Fine, but can we make a deal?" She asks. I look at her confused. Why in flipping hell would she want to make some deal with me? She leans closer to the door that separates us, it's a good thing because if it didn't, I would be in jail for something I did do. "I'll bail all of you out, but you must run. No contact with Niall or even Adrienne. No contact with the boys or even me!" She whispers so no one else can hear. I barely could hear her. I nod. "You must or else things won't end like this again. Be happy I don't kill you once you get out of here," I nod again being frightened. Run, that's all I have to do. Easy. I did it before, I can do it again!
"Deal!" I say through the door.
"Alright, I'll go sign the paper work!" She turns around in her heals and walks to the front desk. I go and sit by Adrienne again.
"What did she want?" She asks leaning towards me.
"Nothing, she's gonna bail us out." Her eyes widen and I fix mine on the brick across the room.
"What?" She practically yells. Calum sits messing with his fingers. He is going to hurt. I know it. He has tried to be here for me when he could, but I have to be here for them too. Maybe Chloe wouldn't hurt them if I didn't talk to them.

We walk out of the station and I walk down the sidewalk without them. Adrienne starts following me when the hulk holds her shoulder. He whispers something in her ear making her look uncomfortable. I fear whatever they could do to her in the time they get to Luke again. Ashton better protect her. I don't know what it is with me and notes, but I am going to leave a lot of them. I hop in the nearest cab and drive to their next venue.

I place a note for Luke in his mirror, one for Michael in his suitcase, one for Calum in his hat, and one for Ashton in his drum stick bag. I also leave two more notes for Adrienne and Niall to find. I sneak out of the venue the way I snuck in, through the stage doors. I start down the side walk in Australia and realize, if I stay here, they could find me. If I go back home to LA, Niall will find me. So, I'll go to some other place I have been wanting to go for a long time, London.


I step outside of the airport and breathe in London air. I take a glance, this is my new home! They can't find me, that's just fine! I wave my hand in the air while I stand on the curb. A taxi pulls up and I put my bags in the trunk. I slide into the backseat and pull on my seatbelt. The driver doesn't speak so neither do I.

The taxi pulls up to my hotel and I slide out. Before I can get to my bags, the driver had them in his hand. I nod thanking him. I think I am going to be very happy here! I walk into the huge hotel I'll be staying at for a few days and check in at the counter. The lady helps me through the process of checking in and hands me a key. I get into the elevator and ride up to the 6th floor. I walk until I find the room 164 and enter with my key. I set my bags down and take a look around. It would make it better if Luke was here with me. Stop! Do not think about him. I am going to be so very happy here and the rest of my life without the people I love. Alright, first things first, I need a phone so I can call for pizza.

The whole 'I need to open up a new line because I lost my old phone and don't want to find it' doesn't work very well. They man at the counter did it though! I have a new phone with a new number. This is perfect! I exit and walk down the sidewalk to the nearest park. I start doing a lap when someone taps me on the shoulder, "Excuse me Ms, but might I say, you have very beautiful eyes," a man with a British accent say to me making me blush. He has green eyes and red hair. He smiles at me.
"Thank you," I say still blushing. He looks in my blue-ish hazel eyes and smiles even bigger.
"My name is William," he says reaching for my hand.
I shake his hand, "I'm Kristina. It's nice to meet you William!" I say happily.
"No, just call me Will!" He says, I nod and we walk around the park together. We talk about small things and old stories of ourselves. I keep Luke and everyone else out of the stories I tell.

It came time for Will and I to split and go our separate ways. We say our goodbyes and Will adds, "We need to see each other again."
I smile and nod, "Of course, here is my number. Contact me when you want to talk again!" Who says contact!
"Great!" He walks down the side walk and I turn to go for my hotel.

Calum's POV...

We walk out of the police station and glance at Kristina walking down the sidewalk as Chloe gets in the black van. Adrienne starts after her but the man with big muscles stops her. He whispers, "Let her go. She is doing this for you. Don't bother to find her either!" He says harshly making her squirm out of his arms and run to me. All of us in the van made it seem small, but it wasn't. The van starts down the road and Adrienne huddles up to me.
"It's going to be okay, I promise." I say stoking her hair to comfort her like a friend I am. The friend I am wouldn't just let Kris walk in a different direction! The friend I am would follow her and protect her. What ever Luke is to her now should do that, not me! My head is spinning and screaming at the same time. What kind of person am I? Not the good kind. I just let her go!
We reach the hospital and Ash and I walk to Luke's room avoiding the bulky muscle guy at all cost so we don't end up where we were last time. Ash walks with her head hung between her shoulders. I swing my arm around her shoulders and guide her to Luke's room.
I knock on the door and Ashton enters. The blood stains from my face. I know something he doesn't. He looks at my arm and I quickly move it to my side. He motions us in and I go sit in the chair across the room with my hands on my face. Niall moves across the room to me, "Where is Chloe and Kris?" He asks. I look at him. His hair is a mess and he has puffy eyes. He was crying. Not only do I care but so does he. I look around the room and see everyone but like with messy hair and puffy eyes.
"I don't know about Chloe, but Kris is gone. Don't look for her either. She keeps running, she doesn't want to be found," I say looking Niall in the eyes. I sigh and put my face in my hands again. I hear Ashton whispering to Ash and listen closely. I only hear mumbles and can't understand. I hear the door open and close. I peek up and see the two gone.

Michael moves next to me and sits on the chairs arm, "She's really gone?" He asks. His voice cracks, "Where did she go?"
"Michael if I knew I wouldn't be here," I say aggressively. He jumps at my reply. He doesn't say anymore. "What are we supposed to do anyway!" I say with a giggle. Niall looks at my like I'm insane. "She doesn't want to be found!" I laugh. Luke who was asleep wakes up at the sound of my crazy laugh. Michael puts his hand on my back trying to calm me down. "If she really loved us she would stay here!" I finally explode.
"Calum you know that's not at all what this is," Niall says crossing the room to me.
"Who is she?" Luke asks. Our heads dart to him. He sits up and gives us a confusing look, "Where is Chloe, Ashton, and Ash? Where is Kris?" He asks.
Michael stands up, "Well, we don't know where Chloe is and Ash and Ash are out in the hallway somewhere. Kris..." He pauses. Michael looks at us. Luke searches for answers in our eyes, "Kris ran away again. No one had a clue of where she is."

Adrienne's POV...

"Ashton, we need to speak right now." I say in his arms. My voice shakes from being apprehensive. He nods and we walk into the hallway. I lead him far into the hospital. I stand with him in a doorway. I look into his green eyes and get lost. They take me back to the first time we met. To when he first said he loved me. To when I first went to his house. The first time I had ever been in love. He still gives me shivers. The thought of him touching me with his finger tips makes me jump. I hope he loves me the same way. Don't leave me Ashton. Stay with me, love me and our child. Please say that you love me. "Ashton," I get out of my trance, "I'm pregnant." I say slowly. His eyes widen. I jump back afraid of what he might say.
He notices and relaxes, "Who's is it?" He asks stupidly.
I smile, "Yours," I say plainly.
He takes me in his arms and then pulls away and the pervious smile on his face fades, "No, this can't be," he says. Everything I was feeling, happiness, joy, love, turned into fright, sadness, and hope. "I have to finish tour! How far along are you?" He asks.
"Two weeks." I say tear welling up in my eyes. Does he not want this? It was unplanned but it's a gift!
He sighs relief, "Only two weeks," he says under his breath reassuring me. "Please stay with me in tour!" He asks holding me once again.
"Of course!" I say as tears rush down my cheeks.
"This can be a story of another us," he says through my hair.

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