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Kris's POV...

2011- February 2nd

I walk out of the airport with my hands pressed against my face. Luke's leaving, my whole world is leaving me. I know it's bad to revolve around someone but I have never felt this way around anyone like I do with Lucas. Every time I see him my body send chills up my spine. I have always felt safe and him leaving me, well that's the hardest thing that has ever happened to me. I have been through some tough shit too, but this is by far the worst. I'm sure leaving is easier than being left.

As my feet lead me out of the airport and to my car, I walk slow. I could stop him right? No. He has to leave. I'm not the only one in pain, Ash is also hurting. Maybe now is the perfect time to make up for good! I smirk at myself as I let the drips of rain plonk on my head. Pretty soon the light rain on my head picks up and bullets of rain is dropping from the sky. I pick up my pace to my car and close the door as I hop in. I turn the key to my car and the radio turns on to Teenage Dirtbag. I lose my mind and let the tears flow from my eyes to my lap. The first band practice floods back into my mind. I didn't want it to end. I want Luke. I need Lucas. He was my only source of happiness for so long that I don't know what to do with my life anymore. I look up past the light plink, plonk on my windshield to see his flight in the air. I get out and wave to him, but there is a high chance he didn't see me. I watch it until there is no more Lucas for me to look for. In the car I sit for a few moments, wiping away the tears falling from my face. My next move is for the shack. Our only safe place. I felt better there.

In the shack, I sit on the rickety wooden bench and hope that I see him again one day. I didn't want to keep much communication with him because I wanted him to focus on the now and not the past- me. My gaze is at the other side of the bench were our names are etched into the wall. I smile at our shaky handwriting. How I wish I could relive that moment right now. I could have cherished it more. I shift my feel under the bench and kick something on accident. I look to see what it is and pull it out from under me. I flip through a thick leather book with furrowed eyebrows. What is this? There are no words on any of the pages. I flip to inside the front cover to see messy handwriting of an Australian blonde boy. I smile as tears well up in my eyes. Inside reads:


Wow, writing your name for the last time in a while can't register in my mind. Listen, I really loved you without a doubt and never had the balls to admit it. I sensed you felt the same, but was playing it safe so my heart wouldn't break and our friendship would last a life time.

I sure hope it does, Lucas. Uncontrollably, salty tears rush down my cheeks.

This is your writing book because I know how amazing you are at writing songs and short stories. Never leave this behind and think of it as my good-bye to you. For now at least, because this isn't the end of our story. I wish I could hold you in my arms as I give you this gift but this is as close as I can get to you at the moment.

I love you, Kris.


I feel my heart shatter as I read the letter from him. I walk back to my house and into my room where I open the letter he gave to me a few days ago. I want to open it now. But I don't.

2011- February 3rd

Laying in my back in my bed I think. Think of all the best moments with Lucas. The first day we met each other is a day that sticks out like a stick on cement. Another day when I got into a fight and he was trying to help. It was stupid, but we grew from it. I recall every other laugh and special moments over the last couple of months. I didn't want it to end like it had. One more day. One more day with Lucas. Please.
With all the strength left in me at 3 in the morning, I pull myself from bed and open the letter I was given a couple days ago. Inside reads:
Please go to...
And wait. There's something special coming.
Please don't let go just yet,

I pull my computer to my side. But there's no way it's up yet. So I slide it back and wait. While I lay on my back again with tears in my eyes I start letting my gears tick. What if I saved all of my money and went to see him? I bet he would love that! On another topic, God do I hope he keeps the band together. Please? Please. Please!


I jump on my bed and quickly open my computer now. Lucas has to have done something by now! I type in the address he gave me. A video pops up on an account that is random to me. I smile as I connect the dots. Wow Lucas. Hemmo1996, good username. I smile as I click the video with his face on it. He sits with a guitar in his hands while he begins strumming away. I smile through the tears steaming down my face. "Please don't go," I whisper as my eyes stay glued to the screen. I look past him and see the pink speakers I gave to him in the background. A chuckle escapes my lips. At the end of the video he gives a nice smile and says the routine things. Like and subscribe and all that. I scroll down to the comment section and let my fingers speak for me. My eyes reread because I don't trust my fingers. I hit enter and read my comment aloud, "You should form a band!" I smile. We won't let this be the end. I love you Lucas. Please don't go. I close my laptop and put it aside as I lay on my back again and stare at the ceiling, "I love you. I can't wait to see you again." A single tear rolls down my cheek as I prepare for my horrific day tomorrow. "You reject, nobody likes you but me!" I laugh as I yell to the ceiling of my room, "Haha, you reject."

The End.

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