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Ashton's POV...

I want to kiss her so badly, but I know she will be in pain when I leave tomorrow. She looks up at me, lonely is in her eyes. I bend down to place my lips on hers. She needs this, she needs to know she is loved. Our lips move on their own and I place my hands on her waist. I slip my hands around to her butt and keep them there. Her hands move to my hair and she tugs on that. I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. We travel to my room and I place her on the bed taking off my shirt. I crawl on top of her and kiss along her jaw moving down her neck. She moans out and I suck on her skin making her continue to moan. I break out connection and slide off her pants and shirt. I unbuckle my belt and she slides my pants down my legs. I connect out lips once again preparing for the night.

Kris's POV...

"Niall," I say looking at him from the other side of the couch, "can I trust you with something?" I ask.
He looks to me and sees I am concerned, "Always!" He places his hand on my thigh reassuring me.
"What do you do in the case of a terrible threat you can't fix?" I ask again.
"Well, you tell the police," he says scooting closer to me.
"What if the ones you love are in danger too?" I ask.
"I don't know. Who is hurting you?" He says looking closely.
"Do you know Luke Hemmings? I know it's a stupid question," I trail off.
"Yeah, he's a good lad," he said.
"Well has he ever talked about a girlfriend named Chloe?" I ask, I feel like I am investigating a crime scene, when really I am the crime scene. He nodded. "She has threatened me quite a few times now." I look at my hands. They are nicely folded and I focus on my fingers.
"Is there any way I can help?" He asks. I recite the letter to him. He takes me in his arms and I refrain from crying.
"I saw and spoke and thought about Luke today." I say into his shoulder. He runs his hand up and down my back. "I don't know what to do anymore! I told you and everyone I love is in danger! I spoke to Luke, I am in danger! What do I do?" I asks frantically.
"Don't panic, stay here with me and lose contact with everyone. Chloe can't hurt you if she doesn't know where you are. I want to keep you safe!" He says tightening his grip around me. He touches my side and I flinch. He pulls away, "Why did you finch?" He asks. I pull up my shirt and show him my bruised side. "How come you never told me about this? And how did I not see it?" He holds me gently.
"When I fist came over I felt no pain! Today, I don't know." I say.

I enter the apartment. I am glad I finished work early so I don't have to go anymore! I grab everything I need, including clothes, and hygiene materials. Adrienne is still not here. I write a note on yellow paper:

I'll be back! Don't worry about me!
Love you!

I walk out and hop in Niall's car. Chloe could track me from my truck, so I am leaving that in the driveway along with my phone. Zero contact to the outside world. We pull out of the driveway, good-bye. Tears are stinging my eyes as we continue down the road heading to Niall's place.

Adrienne's POV...

I walk into the apartment thinking Kris will be here. I shout her name and get no reply. I see a yellow paper on the table. "I'll be back! Don't worry about me! Love you! Kris," I read aloud. She ran away! She know that I know about the treat! Now Ashton knows too. This is awful! What have I done! She was safe! If I had just let Luke in that one day, maybe things would be different! If I hadn't snooped around, maybe she would not have to worry about us! I pick up my phone and try to reach her. I hear all the rings and it goes to voicemail. I start to panic. Chloe could have hurt her again, where is she? I am worrying! I walk to the couch and sit down, "Ashton, she ran!" I yell into the phone.

"Calm down Adrienne! It's gonna be okay, she can take care of herself! She is just afraid to be around us. She is doing this for our sake and hers." He comforts me.
"She knows what we know! That's why she ran!" I panic. Someone knocks on the door and Ashton goes to answer. Standing there is Calum and Michael.
"Hey, we just needed to speak to Kris," Michael says.
"She ran," Ashton returns. The look on Michael and Calum's faces were extremely sad.
"She ran? Why?" Calum asks.
"You can't let anyone else know this, but Chloe threatened her and us." Ashton continues letting them in. They sit beside me and Ashton stands in the middle of the room.
"We know," Michael says, "We need evidence that Chloe threatened her."
Calum sits on my left starring at his feet mortified. I speak up, "You can't tell that it was Chloe, you just know it was her," I lay back into the couch.
"How?" Calum asks.
"It's signed 'your favorite'" I answer. I am the only one other than Kris who saw the letter.

Luke's POV...

Chloe snuggles in my arms. I can't help but think what Calum said was true. The words Michael spoke could also mean something. Do I really not pay attention to things around me? I don't wait on her do I? "Luke get me a blanket, I'm cold." She demands interrupting me from my thoughts.
"No," I put my foot down to see what she is going to do.
"I said, get me a blanket!" She speaks up and the tone in her voice getting harsher.
"And I said no!" I say also getting harsher. She stands up as slaps me across the face. I feel the mark of her hand setting on my face. The slap burns and a tear forms in my eye from everything happening so quickly. I stand up, "Get out! I don't want you here anymore!" I shout at her. "All of your things will be outside tomorrow! If you want them get'em, if you don't, they burn!" I yell extremely loud. She grabs her bag and puts on her shoes. On her way out she knocks over an old vase Kris made me when we first met. It shattered and Chloe slammed the door. I told Kris it would be worth millions one day when she became famous in animation. Then she started acting and I didn't even know, Ashton had to tell me! What have I done. Chloe really is abusive. What she did to Kris was no accident! I finally understand something now! I grab my keys and rush out the door.

I swing in seeing Kris's truck, Adrienne's car, and Calum's too. I walk up to the front door and knock. Adrienne answers, "Are you having a secret meeting without me or something?" I laugh. She stands cold faced. She begins to close the door on me again. I stop her, "Please, Adrienne, let me speak to her," I beg.
"You're too late, leave." She says angrily.
"What do you mean? You are speaking nonsense!" I say to her.
"Let 'em in!" Ashton says from behind. They all are here. I walk through the door and stand next to Ashton.
"Where is Kris?" I ask. They all look at me tears in there eyes, except for Ashton who is dry eyed.
"Kristina ran away," Ashton put his hand on my shoulder.
"That's ridiculous! Where is she really guys! I get it! I was a dick, but tell me where she is!" I say getting aggravated. I push Ashton's hand off my shoulder searching their eyes for answers. I see no lie in any eye. She really ran away. "We have to find her!" I say taking out my phone and calling her.
"She won't answer. It goes all the way to voicemail." Adrienne says. Michael and Calum look like a mess.
"Search her truck," I say walking out the door before they can say not to.

I climb in and shut the door. I lock myself in. We had so many great memories, why is it now that we get pulled apart? What happened that she ran away? I open the glove box and pull out her phone with numerous voicemails and text messages. Then I find a envelope with 'Lucas' written in her writing. I tear it open fast. Tears rush to my eyes making it hard to read. The letter said:

I have loved you for as long as I can remember you. I haven't stopped. I will never stop. Seeing you with another girl hurts, but if she makes you happy, it makes me ecstatic! I remember the days people called us names and we would hold each other close for comfort. We were movie extras, the rejects! Now I'm staring in a movie and you are making music for them! I am truly proud of how far you have come.
When I imagined seeing you again, I thought my sign would make you jump out of your skin! I thought you would pull me up on stage and squeeze me like you used to. I was wrong and this is the story of another us.
Please keep everyone safe- if it's too late, keep yourself safe. I'm at a friends place. I don't have any contact with them anywhere so there is no finding me. Don't waste your time looking. Have fun on tour and don't worry about me. I love you, Lucas.

"I love you too," I whisper wiping away the falling tears.

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