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A/N: its bad news.... only two more chapters left... then it's the end. If you are reading this, please leave a comment on what you think is going to happen. Do it now! Hehe! Thanks loves!

Calum's POV...

Sandy curls into my side. Her heavy breaths tickle my chest. She flinches in her sleep as if she was having a nightmare. Then her legs kick out from underneath her. What is she dreaming about? My phone buzzes from the night stand to my right. I glance over to see a text message from Michael. It reads:

M- Did you hear anything about Kris?

I reply with a simple no.

M- oh, okay.

M- I'm just a little worried about what might have happened to her.

M- Luke is gone, he has be MIA for a few days now. He is worrying me.

M- Niall told me he would call

M- he hasn't.

I answer him saying, Dude. You need to be calm about this. Everything is okay. I am sure that Luke is just clearing his head somewhere. He is probably hungover at a bar for the past few days or is spending it in a studio somewhere. Niall has probably been busy trying to convince Kris to come back with him. Or he has just forgot about you because everything is fine and Kris is coming home with him.

M- What if you are 100% wrong?

M- What if everything is not okay?

M- What if Luke isn't in a bar, but is dead in an alleyway? What if he committed some awful crime like a kidnapping?

M- What if Niall died on a plane crash? Should we get Ashton involved?

M- I'm going to call and see if Adrienne knows anything first!


...Michael added Adrienne to the group...

A- Why? Why did you add me?! I am busy and I don't have time for the drama you bring!

M- I'm concerned over Kristina and Luke and Niall. Do you know what's going on?

A- No. Ashton won't answer my texts or calls. Something is definitely happening though. He just won't pick up.

M- EXACTLY! Something is going on. Do you by any chance know where Luke is?

A- Not a clue. Y?

I join in on our conversation: Guys it's two in the morning! Would you just go to sleep already?

There is a pause from all the texting but is eventually broken by Michael.

M- What can we do?

Sandy flinches in my side. She is awake. Her brown eyes flutter open and her lips form a smile. I put down my phone and she furrows her eye brows at me, "What were you doing?" She asks.
"Texting Michael, he is freaking out over Kris and Adrienne is also on edge," I say brushing the loose strands of hair from her face.
A- We could go to London and see if we could find them!
M- That's actually not a bad idea!
I type back saying: No, no. That's a bad idea. We should just relax because they have it under control. If they didn't we would get phone calls.
There is a few minutes of silence. I set down my phone thinking I can finally go to sleep. I was wrong. My phone buzzes nonstop.
M- Niall called me too!
I didn't get any phone call! I'm sad now. I says to them through text.
A- He said that Luke kidnapped someone. And uh, that someone is Kristina. She didn't know it at the time and yeah. Ashton said it's terrible how they treated Kris. I don't know who they are, but I don't like them already. He told me everything is going to be fine because they are dragging Kris on a plane in the morning!
M- Thank god! I couldn't handle this anymore. I was so worried.
I read the messages and remember the night in the hospital when she let me lay next to her. I remember when she would let me help her. She thinks she can do everything on her own. She definitely can't. She let two blondes take her! I laugh to myself as I feel Sandy nod off to sleep again. I wish I could have known her better. This has been the craziest year of my life.

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