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Adrienne's POV...

My tummy is huge and I just about flip out of bed. I feel like a whale rolling around. A whale with feet! That's funny! I laugh to myself careful not to wake up Ashton who slept next to me as always. I squeeze through the door and waddle to the kitchen. I get out a bowl and some lucky charms. I dump a pile into the bowl and slash milk in also. I sit at the counter, as I scroll through my phone, and eat my cereal. I hear a huff and see Ashton walk around the corner rubbing his eyes with his cheeks puffed out. He kisses my cheeks with a sweet smile. Then he leans down and kisses my tummy. "Morning sunshine!" He says kissing me once again.
I kiss back, "Gooooodmorning sweet cheeks!" I say full of energy. He sits next to me with a bowl of cereal for himself. "Ready for work this morning?" I ask him.
He groans, "Yes." He says and flops his head on his inner-elbow, "Can I just stay here with you?" He asks.
"No, babe, you need to go and write some music!" I laugh at his silliness. He groans again.

Ashton left and I am by myself. The apartment is a mess again. I get to work and listen to music while doing so. I half clean and half dance awfully. The floors are dirty and the sink smells. I have been lacking in house work for a few days and this is what I get. Yuk! When I do finish cleaning the whole house I walk into Kristina's old bed room. My eyes fill with water realizing she is still gone. I have learned that I can erase my memory, just not all of it. Most of her is gone, but she still remains. I open her desk drawer where her one song book is. I flip it open to the middle. Reading her feelings in lyrics doesn't seem as bad as reasons diary or journal, but I still feel guilty. Her words are sad and depressing. I flip towards the back and see a yellow paper. I remember the letter she wrote for me that I had found the day I got out of the hospital:

Dear Ash,
Smile! You're on camera! Just kidding, that was a lie! Hope it made you smile though. Never stop smiling please. You're smile can make a kitten smile! I lOve you! I'll be there for you when ever you need me. I promise. Don't worry. I'll still let you be my maid of honor at my wedding!

But this yellow paper is not addressed to anyone. It's a song. The tittle is "Story of Another Us" the lyrics are breath taking. I take the book with me and set it on the table. Here's a song for Ashton!

Kris's POV...

I lay in Will's bed next to him shirtless. I'm wide awake and he is still sleeping. I crawl out of bed and sneak to his kitchen where I make pancakes for Liam, Will, and I. While I am flipping a pancake in the air Liam sits at the table, "Oh! I love pancakes!" He exclaims, "I used to have them when I was on tour! My buddy Niall would eat on average about 62 of them!" He giggles to himself.
"Yeah, Niall can eat a lot!" I laugh along with him.
He stops, "How do you know that?" Liam asks.
It's a good thing I was facing the other way because my eyes widened and my face became red, "Uh, we were friends back when I lived in LA." I say trying not to be suspicious.
"Ah! You know Niall?" He questioned.
I do know Niall, very well, "Yeah. We didn't talk all that much though."
"Would he remember you?" He continues the conversation.
Do I tell the truth or get caught in a lie? Well I wouldn't be lying if I didn't know. Maybe he doesn't remember me! Or he does. I won't lie if I say I don't know! "I don't really know if he remembers me." I say, "We kinda lost contact once I moved here." I continued.
He sits in silence for a second. I though the conversation was over! "Do you want to speak with him? He needs a place to stay in a few days when he visits for business reasons!" How am I supposed to say no?
"Uh... Yeah that would be great!" I say to him. I stack the pancakes on top of each other. I carry them to the table where Liam patiently waits, "Do me a favor, please don't tell him that I am here." I think fast, "I want it to be a surprise!" He nods and takes a few pancakes. He loads up on the syrup and I walk back to Will's room. I shake him awake, "PANCAKES!" I smile as he jolts awake. He smiles at me and I help him out of bed. We continue down the hallway to the table where we eat our food. All that is on my mind is, what can I do? How do I run now? I can't leave Will, I kinda like him. A lot, I kinda like him a lot.

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