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Adrienne's POV...

I turn my head to the door as Ashton enters running like a chicken without a head. His face is pale and sweaty. He drops whatever he had in his hands on the floor and runs to our room. I flip onto my feet as he is running in and out of the bathroom. I stop him in the hallway, "Dude, calm down! What are you doing?" I ask.
"Going to London!" He yells, scaring me. I step back from him.
"Why?" My voice weak.
"To save Kristina! She isn't going to be okay!" He continues to yell at me. I bite my lip to calm myself.
"Ashton," my voice fades out, "Please tell me what you know."
My phone beeps from an incoming call. I look and don't recognize the number at all. I see Ashton glance and he says in a quiet voice, "Answer it."
I pick up and answer with a, "Hello?"
"ADRIENNE! Oh my god! You're okay! Thank god!" I am a little taken back at this person.
"Excuse me, but who is this?" I ask into the phone. Ashton motions for me to put it on speaker. I do so he can listen in on my call.
"Wow, I really should have called you sooner. Listen, I'm sorry. I don't have a lot of time, but you need to know that I'm going to be okay and this is the last phone call from me for a while. If you still don't know who it is, sorry again for not being there. I just have to-" a gun shot interrupts her and yelling follows. I can't make out what is being said but I know it can't be good because another bullet is fired. "I love you! Goodbye!" I can hear her say as she sobs. She hangs up before I can reply. That was Kristina! What? No! Wait! Gun shots and yelling! No!
"Ashton!" I say drowning in tears instantly, "Save her! Please!" I plead. Ashton's face is cold and he gets back to running around the house. I sit in the hallway swimming in my tears. It's over this time. There is no one to help her. I just have to have faith that she can pull a movie move and save herself. Please let her be okay! I cry until Ashton leaves and I stop. But it doesn't last long and I cry more.


Ashton's texts me: Landed in London. Can't talk right now, I'll call later!
I smile. I reply a quick: I love you. Hoping he will reply, but he doesn't which makes me cry some more just thinking that he might be too late, or he might not come back.
I hop in my car and roll my way to Michaels. Once I enter his house I yell out for him. I walk up the stairs and knock on his bedroom door. He always leaves the front door unlocked, which isn't a good idea, because it lets creeps like me in. I hear rustling and he swings open the door. He is shocked to see me in tears, still! "What's going on?" He asks. I tell him my traumatizing story and he engulfs me in a huge hug. I wrap my arms around him still crying. He hushed me and lets me watch him play video games. I'm not the biggest fan of them, but it's comforting to be around someone and get my mind off of the topic. I just needed an escape, badly.

Kris's POV...

I hang up the phone, "Get over here!" Will growls with a gun in his hand. Though they are just blanks in the gun, it still scares me. I shouldn't act scared.
I stop crying and look at him, "Shoot me." I say, testing him.
His eyes go back to the soft green I liked. I smile a little, remembering that he actually cared. That only lasts for half a second because he says to me, "I can't," his voice is back to the way it was only a day ago.
I take a daring step closer to him, "Why?" I place my hand on the gun and the other on his shoulder. I'm making a very bold move here and probably risking my life right now.
"I don't have that power," he says, softening up. I feel terrible taking advantage of him like this, but I feel as though I have too. He looks past me and focuses on something other than me. I pull the gun from his hand in a swift motion followed by me taking the bullets from his pocket. I load the gun quickly and point it at him. His hands fly up, "Don't," he says sternly, "You love me!" He says begging for mercy.
I laugh at him, "You wish!" A tear comes to my eyes, but it's hardly noticeable. "I never loved you! You were a mistake to me!" I laugh again, " I love Luke and always will." I aim and close my eyes and set my finger on the trigger.
"Kristina! Shoot!" I hear Will yells. My eyes open and he is right in front of me spinning me around to the door of the white walled room that has a blinding amount of light. "Go," he says and pushes the trigger for me. Beth points a gun at us but before she can do any harm she's is gone. The gun falls to her side. We run to grab it. In her pocket is a price of yellow paper and pen. I grab it and scribble words on it. It anonymous but it gets the point across. Before Beth can start bleeding through her clothes we drag her to the middle of the room and exit through the other door leading into the actual bar. It's loud and smells of alcohol. Lights flash and people bump into me.
I stop Will from going any further and we are stopped by some random table, "We just killed your sister!" I say mixed emotioned.
"Relax," he says brushing it off, "She wasn't really my sister. Now we have to get you out of here. I change my mind, something bad is going to happen to you. Let's go."
This all rushes through my head so fast. What am I doing? Where is the camera crew about to tell me I have been pranked by Will? He pushes me out of the door. The gun still in my hand so I move it to my pocket. The street lights are the only thing that enable us to see. Through the dim light I can see that the look on his face is painful. "Will," my voice horse, "Please tell me what's going on. I'm getting scared." My voice trembling along with my hands.
He takes a step closer to me and grabs my left hand dragging me further down the road. He does this thing with his fingers where he rubs circles around the tips of his fingers. His hand is still connected to mine. For the first time I notice the odd structure in his face. It's skinny and slim. Though it's dark, his eyes gloss through the night. He pulls me into an alley. Then Will backs me up against the side of a brick wall, scaring me. My face begins to swear along with my palms. "I can't tell you what is going on, now just shut up," he says aggressively.
I open my mouth, "But Will, I deserve to know. What is going on?"
"No you don't!" He yells and raises a hand giving me flashbacks of a few hours ago. I flinch at the sight of his hand. It swings to my cheek and burns. I fall to my knees, weak. His hand drops to his side in a regretful way. He slouches next to me, "Kristina, I didn't- I didn't mean it! I'm sorry!" Before he can continue anymore I make the bold move to get up and sprint out of the alley into the road. I pass garbage can over flowing with trash, like myself. I feel like trash and I probably smell like it too. I can hear Will try to catch up from behind. I only go faster. I run into the middle of the road and crash into something. When I land on my bum I look up to see a very tall man. I can't make out my face, but he knows mine and scoops me up. Next to him is another male. I can't see their faces but I know by how I feel I look terrified. The taller man throws me over his shoulder running down the road hopping in a cab. It's still dark so I'm not able to see. I was just kid napped. Oh help me! I wish I hadn't of run! Stupid me! Why?

Ashton's POV...
I jump in a cab and ask to be taken to Liam house. I know that's where she is. Beth is probably there too considering the fact that Liam's roommate is her brother. I frantically knock on the door. I stand in the cold for a few more minutes until Liam finally opens the door. Behind him is his roommate, Will. My eyes search further behind them, "Where is Kristina?" I say with hope she is still okay.
Will moves closer to me, "She uh... well, I have no idea. Someone picked her up and left."
My hands start to sweat, "And you didn't follow her?" I yell.
His head hangs low between his shoulders. Liam looks terrified standing behind him. Will quietly states, "I tried, the car was too fast for me to follow."
This doesn't seem right. "When and where was she taken?" I ask putting him on the spot.
He looks at me with cold eyes, "We were in an alleyway and she ran from me into the streets where two tall men scooped her up," I can see his fist form in his hand.
"Why were you in an alleyway?" Liam questions.
"That doesn't matter!" Will says. Before I can hear anymore Will slams the door shut.

I dial the number of a close friend, "Niall, where are you? We need to talk right now. I know you're in London, but you weren't at Liam's place."
He takes a second to reply, "The Sunset Motel, just around the corner from Walmart on 9th street."
"Okay, I'll be there."
"Why can't you tell me now? I'm a little busy."
"This is something that needs to be done in person."
"Fine," then faintly through the phone I can hear mumbling of another male. Who is that? I hang up the phone and dash to wherever Walmart is and go around the corner to find the Motel. He never told me which room so I'm kinda screwed. I text him: Uh, what room are you in?
He replies: 7
I speed walk to that room without being noticed and bang on the door. The door flys open and Luke is right in front of me, "When did you get here?" I ask.
"Not important. She is," he points to a girl with a pillow case over he head she sits patently.
"Who the hell is that?" I raise my voice making the girl perk up. Then everything finally clicks. That's Kristina. My jaw drops to the floor. I look at Niall and he gives me a poor excuse for a fake smile. Luke nods for me to move to her.
Luke whispers, "1...2...3!" And they pull off the pillow case to show that it is indeed Kris. She smiles seeing us. She she gets onto her feet and heads to Niall first. She balls her fist and punches him in the stomach. Then she runs to me and lightly slaps me across the face. Then at Luke where she places a kiss on his cheek and pinches his arm.
"Why would you do that to me?" She yells, "Do you know how terrifying it is to be taken from someone who at least knows you and then have a pillow case stuffed over your head?" She waits for a reply, "Didn't think so!" Then she goes and crashes on one of the beds. I see Luke staring at her. Except this isn't how he used to stare at her. I glance too and see a red print across her face and bruises on her arms. I look to Luke who is still puzzled and clearly doesn't know how to think about this. Who did that? Was it them? No they wouldn't! Who did it though? Where is Beth?

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