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A/N: I just wanted to ask everyone a quick favor before reading... could you all spread the word of Rejects and SOAU? That would be awesome! Thanks guys!

Kris's POV...
"Hey Beth!" I say joyfully as I pass her in the kitchen. This is her third day here, along with Luke. I don't like the fact that Luke is here. It kinda scares me.
She smiles at me, "Hey." She gives off a weird feeling and I can't pick out what it is. She moves towards the living room leaving me alone in the kitchen. Liam runs in frantically searching for something. His eyes dart around and his hair is a mess.
He had no shirt on and is in his underwear. He looks at me for a split second, "Niall's coming today!" He sounds excited. My face drains. Niall too? Luke and Niall? Luke shouldn't be here! Neither should Niall! I have to tell Will everything and him and I could leave before Niall gets here!
"Why are you running around like a chicken without a head, Liam?" I ask him. I grab is bare shoulder stoping him from shuffling his feet, "Aren't you excited?" I ask looking into his brown eyes.
He smiles, "Yes I am! I just can't find my lucky pie tin!" He says aggravated. I can never have pumpkin pie again! He opens the cupboard closest to the dishwasher. He searches and moves pans out of his way.
"Calm down, I put all of your tins in the cup cabinet. There is more room up there for them."
He looks at me, "Thank you!" He reliefs his stress. I roll my eyes and chuckle to myself.

I think it's a bit odd that Beth had to show up, the same day Luke did. What if Luke didn't show up? Would I have a better life here? What if Luke never left in the first place? Could Luke and I have a life together?
Several years later...
"Lucas!" I yell down the stairs of our house, "Julia just got sick! I need your help up here!" He runs up making loud noises. In his arms is our three year old named Luke. I hear him set our son in his room and make his way to me. I hand him Julia and run to clean myself up from our newborn puking on me. I can't help but smile though. It's the life I always wanted. Something I didn't think I would get. I hear Julia start to cry and I walk back into her room shocked to see Lucas singing softly to her. His voice calm, sweet almost. A tear comes to my eye. I wouldn't want anything else. I turn around and walk to Luke's room. I smile as the tear runs down my cheek.
Luke looks to me, "Mommy? You okay?" He asks. I nod. He picks up his blocks, brining them to me a little handful at a time. He sets them down and puts them in some kind of shape. "Mommy? We play!" He laughs and I play with him until I hear the soft singing of Lucas end. This is what I want. What I have dreamed of. This is my life. No story.

"Hey Kris, can we talk?" I whirl around to see Luke. Tears streaming down my face. He looks at me differently than before, "What's wrong?" He asks. He is genuinely concerned and I can tell. Should I just spill all of my feelings?
I think quick, "Nothing," I say through tears.
"Don't lie," he says taking a step closer to make us inches apart. I breath in deeply, "Please tell me." He stares into my eyes and I can't stop crying. I can't deny that I want him more than life, but I can't have him. Fantasies are just fake, aren't they? I look past him, but I can still feels his gaze on me. Luke inches closer to me, blocking me from looking past him. He takes my face in his hands, "Please?" He questions.
I look to him, "Not now. Not here," I say and remove his hands from my cheeks. I walk past him to find Will. I look over my shoulder as I walk away, he stands with his shoulders slumped. I messed up. Why did I have to call that radio station? What's wrong with me?

I find Will and drag him to our bedroom. I stand and pace back and forth as he sits on the bed, "What's going on?" He asks.
I stop and look at him and uncross my arms, but then cross them again.
I bite my tongue, "I don't like that Niall is coming and the fact that you let Luke stay here," I blurt out.
He looks at me confused, "Is anything wrong with them?" He and looking for me to answer.
My eyes grow wide, "No. No! God, no! They are wonderful. I just... I don't know. I know them from a different life," I say and tears threaten to escape quickly. Why do I cry so much.
"What different life?" He asks. With him asking makes me think about everything. The pain that Chloe put me through, well, it wasn't awful. It was more of the pain that she put Luke through and he didn't even see it. I collapse onto the floor and start sobbing covering my eyes with my fists. My knuckles turn white from crushing my own fingers in my palm. Will rushes to my side and holds me saying, "Shhh, don't. It's okay." Once I have calmed down a bit he says, "Why don't we go out tonight? Me, you, Beth, and Liam? We don't need to take Luke," he says gliding his hand through my hair occasionally push a stray strand behind my ear.
I stop breathing heavily, "That would be awful to just leave him out like that, especially in a place he doesn't know!" I yell. I wouldn't do that to anyone! I push off of him, "Why would you even think if leaving one person behind so that we can go out!" I am so stressed I don't even know I continue to yell random things about how I had loved Luke and how I couldn't leave him behind if the world was ending. I scream, "I would leave you in a heartbeat!" I harshly yell trough my gritted teeth. He stands up to move towards me, "Don't touch me, you monster!" I yell. He hushed me, "No!" I yell back. What I do is pull out my suitcase and start packing.
He holds my wrist tight, "Listen to me," I look up at him and notice something scary about him, "We are going out tonight! Me, you, and Beth! We can leave Liam here with Luke!" He says harshly. He grips my wrists even tighter causing me to wince at the pain. "Put it away," he glares at me. Will let's go of my hands. I put everything away without saying a word. He moves to me once I'm done. He grabs my arms again basically throwing me onto the bed. He leaves bruises on my skin. "Stay here until I come back. You don't want to be bothered. You tell no one about this," he says sternly before he leaves me with my thoughts. This isn't the Will I fell into a liking with.

Luke's POV...

Liam rushes to the door once he hears the ding of the doorbell. I hear, "Niall! Hey man! Come on in!" He yells with joy. I slowly get up from the couch making my way to the door. Niall looks up in shock to see me here.
His eyes grow, "What are you doing here?" He questions me like I'm being interrogated, "No one knew where you were!" He punches my shoulder making me smirk.
I smile at his presence. Finally, someone who will speak with me. Liam is always baking, Kristina ignores me, and I don't know Will, plus, Beth is just... I don't know but it's weird. "Kristina's here," I say shyly. But then I think about it, she hates me. My smile fades and I stuff my hands in my pockets.
Niall's eyes grow, "How did you know she was here?" He asks, "Who told you?"
"One of the guys."
"She's upstairs! I'll go and get her!" Liam suggests. I shake my head no and Niall shakes yes. Before we can agree, Kristina and Will walk down the steps. Kristina is in her Nirvana tee that I got her that one year for her birthday. Over top of it is a leather jacket. She also has in some skin tight black skinny jeans. Her makeup is down along with her hair. I don't think I have ever seen anyone look as good as she does at this very moment. She gasps at the sight of me and Niall. Will grabs her arm and pulls her out the door past us. I feel heart broken seeing her with someone else. Is this how she was all those years? Is it bad I didn't feel like this for as long as she did? Do I love her as much as she loves me? I pull on my boots and whisper to Niall, "Something isn't right, let's follow them."
He looks at me like I'm crazy, then Beth pushes past us out the door, "No! What makes you think that?" He asks.
"I know her, something's not right. Let's go."

We see them exit onto the sidewalk and swiftly move into the back of some bar. The sign lights up saying, "exit" and we catch the door before it can fully close. The door shuts and locks behind Niall. He stands behind me, "Uh... I don't think we are supposed to be here. I mean I'm all in to help Kristina, but I don't think Will would do anything! He's a really great guy, Luke. You really need to calm down," as soon as he stops I hear footsteps.
"Did you move?" I ask him.
"No," he says a little scared. The hallway we are in is dark and we can't see our feet or two feet in front of us. I feel my face drain and my hands sweat. The footsteps are closer. In the dim light of the exit sign I can see Niall faintly. We look down the hall and walk to wherever it leads. There is a door with no sound as I listen through it to see if I can hear anything. I push open the door and I close my eyes because of the amount of light blinding me. When I can see again I see a blob of something on the floor. Around it is just red. It's like a shape of a square, but why? Niall pushes past me and goes to the center of the room. He jut stares at what is in front of him and looks to me. He comes back to me with tears in his eyes. He grabs me by the shoulders and spins me around leading me out of the room into the darkness. I stop him from taking me any further. "Niall! What are you doing?" I ask.
"We need to leave, now," he says graving my wrist.
I stop him, "What was that?"
"Nothing! Now let's go!" He says frantically shuffling his feet towards the door. I follow him out and onto the side walk.
"Niall! What is going on?" I yell to him. He stops looking up and down the street. He pulls out a yellow paper.

Please read the following:
Exit this building and run far away. Get as far as you can before she has the time to hurt you like she did me.
~Someone close

"Let's go now!" He says panicked, "I love Kris, but she is gone! We need to go now! Save us, save Michael, Calum, Adrienne, Ashton!"
"Who signed it?" I ask him before he had the chance to leave.
His face looks to me in confusion, "It says, 'Someone close' and honestly I don't know how to take that. I don't know if it means that they are close here or if they were close to-" he gets cut off by the sound of gun shots. We both jump and sprint down the sidewalk weaving in an out of the road, beside cars, and around light poles.
As we are running I yell the question, "What was that in the floor back there?"
"Not now Luke!" He yells back continuing to speed up. I huff kissing breath, "Come on Luke! Let's go! You got this!"

Once we reach Liam's place we slam the door and breath heavily as we lay against it. Niall was right, it was a bad idea. Liam rushes around the corner confused about our commotion, "What's going on?" He asks with oven mitts on his hands.
Niall, drawing deep breaths, says, "Beth was shot, and there was a note."

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