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-Four Months Later-

Luke's POV...

I run into the hospital with Chloe by my side. I tell Chloe to wait in the waiting room as I continue to run to Adrienne's room. I walk in and see her in tears. Ashton is passed out in the chair. I ask her, "Why are you crying? Aren't you in pain? You just pushed a baby out of your vagina!" I laugh. She looks up to me and smiles. Soon a nurse walks in with a baby in a pink blanket. I smile and a tear threatens to escape my eyes.
"Lora Spencer Irwin. I love the name Spencer and Ashton loves Lora. We decided to give her Irwin as a last name," she says holding her daughter and then handing her to me. I wish I had a child. Chloe has been my best friend over the past few months. She has been with me for support. Not something you would expect, but she is!
"Hi there Lora Spencer!" I smile and giggle as she rustles in my arms, "I'm uncle Luke! You're gonna hear a lot about me when you're older! I know you are gonna love your aunt Kristina too! When I see here sometime I will tell her that you are such a beautiful lady and she should have been here! Wow she is gonna be so happy you are here!" I rock her until the door is opened by Niall, Calum, Sandy, and Michael barge into the room. I have to hand off Lora to the boys. I walk out to see Chloe. My phone beeps and buzzes. I look to it. "Lucas, I need you right now. Help me. I need help. I am bleeding. I am in LA. Help me." The person is I know but only one person calls me Lucas. Kristina came back. For months. For fucking months of pain. She is back. She needs help. She is bleeding!
I respond asking where she is.
She replies, "In your apartment. Michael wasn't home. You weren't home. I did something awful!"
I completely forget about Chloe and sprint outside running home. I unlock the door and find an empty house. On the floor in the kitchen is a limp Kris. Her arms stained in blood. She doesn't breathe. My heart sinks. I pick her up and run back to the hospital.
When someone sees me outside they take her away from me. I fall to my knees in the middle of the hallway. My sobs become hysterical and I can't feel my body anymore. Michael comes out of Adrienne's room. He stands me up and walks me back into her room. I, once again, fall to my feet engulfed in sobs and tears. Adrienne looks at me with concern. Chloe is next to her. "Luke, what happened?" Adrienne asks.
"Kris... she... I... dead?" I can't get out real words. Just a thought or name or pronoun. Nothing make sense.
"Kris died?" Calum straightening up.
"Maybe..." I choke out. I start to tremble as fear over powers me.
Everyone huddles together and hugs. We all wait for a nurse.

An hour of comforting each other a nurse walks in. All of us start piling questions on top of her, "Is Kristina okay? Did she die? What happened to her?" She looks confused.
I step up, "Kristina was brought here and hour ago. We want to know if we can see her." My voice shakes along with me body.
The nurse looks at me, "I don't know who you are talking about. But I will go find out for you." With that she leaves. I crash to the floor and put in head phones as I curl myself into the corner. I listen to the cd on my phone.

The nurse walks back waving for me to follow. This can't be good at all. She brings me to a room in the back of the hospital. I enter to see no machines or wires. My heart and jaw drop. She hurt herself? Why? "Is she dead?" I ask stupidly. The nurse doesn't answer but she does leave. I stand to see what looks like a lifeless body on a bed. I walk over to her and take her hand in mine. It's cold. Her fingers make mine feel numb. I bend over so our foreheads are touching. Tears, without hesitation, crash from my eyes to her cheeks. My lips tremble as I speak, "Please don't be gone. I can't have you be gone. I can't live without you. Kristina, you are my only happiness." I start laughing to myself, still shaking, "I remember when we would pick on each other. I remember when I called you Kris and you hated it so much. I can still see the look on your beautiful face. I can still hear you saying you wanted 5 seconds of summer. Anything in the world and that's what you wanted. I can see your reaction when I gave you the Nirvana shirt. I can see how you tried standing up the that dickhead Jack. I can see the way you would smile when you heard the band get progressively better. I can still remember how your nose would wrinkle when you were mad or just being silly. I don't know what I would be without you. I would be nothing. Stay with me. Be with me. I need you. Kristina, I need you."
The doctor interrupts me and her face is soaked in tears. He walks over to her on the other side of the bed. I pick my head up but I don't let go of her hand, "Kristina is alive, she is just... not responding," he says. I continue to cry even though I can't make out what he is saying completely, "She is okay and we don't have anything hooked up to her because she is doing fine. She is just... not breathing or she is awake. We don't know weather she is brain dead or not. I don't understand how she could be brain dead. It's very complicated and we are trying to figure out the best solution. We are also working with the police because she did not do this to herself. I am going to need you to leave her. She is fine and won't die on my watch. Take a breath and relax. Kristina is alive, she is fine and everything is good!" He makes me let go of Kris's hand. I walks behind me out into the hallway, "Do me a favor, smile."
I walk back to Adrienne's room where they are all waiting for me. I don't say anything. I grab my keys I left in there and leave the hospital. No words spoken. No feelings. No emotion. No thoughts. All I can do is get into my car and drive. Driving is the key to clearing my head that is already empty.

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