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"Have you seen Michael?"

Luke and Ashton look up at me in unison. It was lunch now, and Michael was nowhere to be found.

I knew I shouldn't have said anything to Michael after what happened. I should've just walked off. I was so mad though. I just couldn't bare the thought of giving him anymore space when he's been given space his entire life. His parents were probably the only ones he'd allow touch him. What I said was too mean. I get mean when I'm mad. I can't help it. I just need to apologize. I really really need to apologize.

"Lunch literally just started a couple minutes ago. He should be on his way," Luke muttered, taking a bite out of his salad.

"Michael comes a minute before lunch actually starts every day," I say, instantly regretting spilling that out. I sound like a creep.

"H-how do yo-you k-know that?" Ashton asks. "O-only I-I-I know that."

"I just like to observe people," I mutter, hopefully covering the fact that I sounded like a stalker earlier.

Luke and Ashton both look at me suspiciously, then look at each other, smile, and look back at me with a grin on both their faces. They didn't say anything. They just....stared and smile.

It was weird.

"Stop looking at me like that I'm getting offended," I muttered.

Ashton giggled, causing Luke to stare at him with a fond smile. That made me smile too because, goals. My smile dropped when I realized that Michael still wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"You were no help. I'm gonna go look for him," I muttered, beginning to walk way from the table.

For some reason, I found myself in the basement of the school, forgetting that I was looking for Michael. The basement was filled with abandoned classrooms that haven't been used in years. No one has really been down here since the school got some huge funding and new classes were built. I don't even think it's used for storage. Literally, no one goes here. Well, no one except for me.

I loved to wind down in the basement sometimes. It's really quiet here, and no one would bother me. I can take a quick break from all the drama that goes on in school. It's nice down here. Usually, I just lay down on one of the tables in the old science room that's no longer used. No one disturbs you here.

I was walking towards the science room when I suddenly heard a noise. I stopped in my tracks, straining to hear the sound again, which I did. It sort of sounded like...piano keys. I heard a soft, unfamiliar tune.

I can either be an idiot (once more) and follow the sound only to possibly get killed, or I could walk right back upstairs and pretend that I didn't hear anything. I decided to be smart and turned on my heels to walk back upstairs until I heard someone singing.

My head cocked up and now I was really interested.

Fuck, I can't go. It's probably bait. It might be one of those jocks. Wait, it couldn't be them. They don't even know about the basement. What if it were some crazy person that lived in the basement the entire time? I could die if I went to investigate. Is it really worth it? Just to hear a voice singing and a melody playing?

Well, curiosity does overrule a lot.

I began to walk through the abandoned halls, trying to get closer to the sound of the voice. My only logical guess would be that this person was playing the piano in the music room. This was the only music room in the building, but due to cut funds, the Music and Arts Program got taken away. A lot of people ended up forgetting about it, which made me sort of sad. I personally love music. Music should be more appreciated in this goddamn school.

Soon, I reached the music room. The voice was clear now, and it sounded so beautiful. It almost made me tear up. I looked through the small window and tried to see who the voice belonged to, but all I could see was pale hands playing the piano. I opened the door, trying not to make any noise. I walked into the music room and gasped at who was sitting at the piano.

I crept up to him. He was still singing the unknown song. I assume he wrote it. I decided to sit next to him.

Michael flinched when he saw me, but his fingers were still pressing against the piano keys and he was still singing. I smiled at him, trying to encourage him to continue, which he did. Michael's powerful voice shook the room (and my soul because fuck, he's so good) as he sang. You could hear the emotion in his voice as he sang, and it was literally bringing me to tears. Michael finished singing, played a couple notes, and the song was over. The room was now pure silence, and I longed to hear his voice again. 

"Your voice is really pretty," I mumbled, causing Michael to look up at me. We made eye contact, and for some reason I began to blush. Why was I blushing? There was no reason for me to be blushing.

Michael spoke barely in a whisper. "Thank you."

"No problem. What's the song called? I've never heard it before."

Michael showed a small smile as he turned to look at his hands.

"It's called Broken Home."

Did I just permanently ruin you emotionally? That was my intentions ;)

Just know that this is the start of the plot.

Also ty for 150+ reads ily all so much

Don't do drugs.

School starts in like 6 days and I'm not emotionally nor physically ready. Someone kill me please.

Okay ily bye



(Ima just go back to my nickname now bc why not)

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