T̶W̶E̶N̶T̶Y̶ F̶O̶U̶R̶

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Third Person POV

When Calum started singing, the atmosphere shifted. Everyone in the room got caught off guard at the warm voice filling the air. Luke hadn't heard Calum actually try to sing in weeks, so when Calum belted, Luke grinned. His best friend had one of the best voices in his opinion, and he knew Calum was underrated. Ashton was very shocked to see that Calum could sing. He knew that Calum had some type of talent, but he didn't expect it to be singing. Calum cringed when he played a chord incorrectly, but he continued, trying to pretend no one noticed. In reality, no one did notice. They were too focused on his voice to actually pay attention to his mistake.

Michael was literally hypnotized. As Calum sang, a wave of calmness washed over him. He stared at the talented boy, and he knew that this was the one thing that officially made him fall for Calum. Michael knew he liked Calum....a lot.......but now, he might love him. Over the past couple of weeks of them hanging out, no matter how much Michael thought he hated him, he never really did. Sure, Calum was very annoying and nosy, but he was one of a kind. He was special, and Michael loved him.

Calum had finished singing and looked up, sad to see everyone quiet. He knew that he wasn't very good and messed up a couple times, so he assumed everyone was disgusted.

"And that, my friends, is what I call art," Luke smiled, clasping his hands together. "Raise your hand if Calum's voice make you nut!" Luke's hand shot up as he looked around. Ashton slowly raised his hand up with a giggle, and even Michael put his hand up. Luke grabbed Ashton from behind and began to tickle him. Ashton began to laugh obnoxiously, screaming at Luke to stop.

"Only I get to make you nut, babe. Got it?" Luke smirked into the crook of Ashton's neck, making Ashton blush a bright red and nod quickly.

"Wow. Just a couple weeks ago, Luke was an awkward little shit who couldn't say anything sexual without laughing. Look at him now," Calum snorted, making Luke throw a pillow at him. Michael sat back and watched the whole scene, smiling. He knew he would remember this day forever.

"I'm kind of bored again. We should go out to eat or something," Michael suggested, making Calum laugh.

"I'm still broke. Literally nothing has changed within the last half hour," Calum rolled his eyes. "Unless you suddenly grow money out of your ass, I can't afford to go anywhere. You got me fucked up."

Michael chuckled and shook his head. "Ashton's rich as hell."

Calum's head shot up to look at Ashton. "You're rich?"

Ashton shrugged. "W-well I wouldn't say r-rich, b-but I have money I guess."

"He lives on Wellington," Michael stated, making Calum gasp.

"Wellington, as in that hill where all the mansions are?"

Michael nodded.

"You probably think my house is a shed, oh my god."

Ashton laughed. "I like cozy houses like this. They're cute."

"Don't ask my boyfriend for money, idiot," Luke warned Calum.

"I-it's fine. We should go out to e-eat. My treat," Ashton grinned. Calum smiled. Ashton was always grinning.

"I'm down for that," Calum announced, making Luke glare at him. "What? We could go to the diner. That isn't much."

"If it isn't much, why aren't you paying for yourself?" Luke asked. Calum did that awkward smiled.

"Cause a bitch is broke."

Luke rolled his eyes while Ashton laughed. "Don't worry dude. I got you."

"No, baby, I'll pay for his bitch ass," Luke muttered. He looked back at Calum. "Your meal better be under ten dollars."

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