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My dumbass forgot the title name lol carry on

Calum's POV

A week has passed and no one talked to me. Well, yeah, the popular people seemed way more interested in me, but I didn't care about them. I only cared about Michael, Luke and Ashton. They've been ignoring me and I can barely deal with it. I haven't had a wink of sleep in days. I shouldn't even be complaining, though. Michael must be so hurt right now. He thinks that our friendship was all fake, and it was my fault.

Wow, I really wanted to die right now.

"Calum, why have you been so down lately? Where's Luke?" my mom walked into my room and noticed the plate full of uneaten dinner from two hours ago.....and the plate full on uneaten breakfast from earlier.

"You haven't eaten properly in days. And when was the last time you showered?"

"I don't know," I muttered. "Just get out please."

"Don't talk to me like that. You need to go outside and get some fresh air." My mom rolled her eyes when I made no effort to move. She must've had enough of me because she suddenly used all her strength to push me off my bed. I fell onto the floor hard and groaned in pain.

"If you don't get up I'm going to send your 'accidental' nudes to the entire family," my mom spoke up.

I quickly shot up and huffed in annoyance. "I told you not to use that against me!"

"I'm you're mother. You shouldn't have taken them anyways. Now get up and don't come back for another half hour. You need all the outside you could get."

I rolled my eyes but complied. Once my mom left the room, I dressed up in some black skinny wjeans, a black shirt, and a black hoodie with a black hat. This outfit was my most emo and depressing outfit, and it described my emotions perfectly so I was fine with it. I grabbed my phone and headphones, slipped the buds in my ears. I left my house and began to walk towards the nearby park.

Why did I have to be such an idiot? There was nothing wrong with having Michael as a friend. I don't see why anyone in the school made such a big deal out of it. He's not a freak once you get to know him. He doesn't like being touched. Is that such an issue? I kicked a rock to the side in anger. Michael didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve to be embarrassed in front of the entire school. He should be happy with real friends and a good life and not get bullied. I did this to him. I made him cry. This was my fault.

My depressing thoughts were interrupted when I saw a figure walking towards me with its head down. Well, the person wasn't walking towards me, but he was walking in my general direction. I squinted my eyes only because it was around midnight and no one normal would be walking out this late. Seeing purple hair slightly popping out from under the hood of his hoodie, I quickly recognized the person as Michael. He was wearing a very large oversized lilac sweater with black skinny jeans and whine vans. He had white headphones on and seemed to be listening to sad music. I could only tell because of how still his head was. If it was any other music, his head would've been moving at least slightly. That just made me even more depressed.

"Michael?" I called out.

Michael's head shot up in confusion, and we made eye contact. I noticed the pain shining in his pupils, and just wanted to run up and hug him until he was happy again. Michael frowned when he saw me, but he didn't run away (which was a great sign for me).

"Calum?" What're you doing out here so late?" Michael spoke quietly.

"I should be asking you that. It's not too safe out here alone. Especially at night," I spoke in a soft tone, trying not to scare him away.

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