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I ran to my locker to grab all my things so I could get out of this goddamn torture building. Left and right, there were people either staring at me weird or making comments that make me feel horrible. I can't last 20 minutes without breaking down.

You're pathetic.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to ignore the voices in my head.

So patheti-

"Calum?" A familiar voice interrupted the demons trying to corrupt me form within. I turned to see none other than Luke running towards me. He finally reached me, out of breath.

"Gimme a minute-oh gosh," Luke panted as he bent over.

"Um, you good?" I asked after moments of silence. Well, by silence I mean there was nothing said and the hall was filled with the sound of Luke regaining his breath.

"Yeah, um, I'm good. But the question is, are you?" Luke regained his "good posture" and looked me in the eye.

"Y-Yeah." I stuttered.

Luke looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed, an unconvinced look on his face. "I've known you for over 13 years, asshole. I know when you're not good."

"I'm fine," I muttered, staring at the ground.

"Okay, well if you're fine, you wouldn't have a problem with me asking if you're gay," Luke suddenly blurted out, causing me to look up at him in shock. I stood silent.

Luke sighed and grabbed my untouched arm, dragging me to a nearby empty classroom. He shut the door and locked it, and looked back up at me.

"So....are you gay?" Luke asked properly.

Suddenly, I couldn't control the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I began to silently cry, and looked at the ground, letting out the quietest sob I'd ever let out. Luke walked over to me and engulfed me in a very warm hug. I immediately hugged back and clung onto him for dear life as I cried into his shoulder.

"Don't cry. Crying is for bitches." I let out a chuckle as I remembered the inside joke we had when we were barely teenagers.

I wiped away my tears and pulled away from Luke. "I thought you hated me."

Luke gasped and put his hand over his heart. "Me? Hating you? I could never hate my best friend. Yeah, you may have been an idiot and jackass, and you did get me very mad, but I could never hate you, Calum. Never in a million years." Luke pulled me into another reassuring hug and I smiled, thankful that I didn't, in fact, lose my best friend.

"Luke, I'm scared," I whispered. Luke just held me closer.

"I know you're scared, dude. I was be too. You need to overcome it, though. Or at least try. I understand how hard it is to accept who you are, especially when people have been telling you it's wrong left and right. I want you to know that it's totally okay to be gay. If you're worried about all that religion stuff, it says in the Bible that god loves everyone. He loves you for who you are. Everyone has sinned before. This is nothing. You can't be hated for who you are, babe. And Michael's the perfect match for you. Don't be afraid to love."

"I never knew you could be that deep," Calum chuckled, blushing as Luke wiped away his tears.

"Shut up, loser," Luke laughed. "I knew you were into guys, though. You enjoyed it a little too much when I sucked you off that one time."

"Shut up!" Calum put both his hands over Luke's mouth. "I was drunk. Didn't count."

"Yes, of course you were drunk off of one beer. Of course."

Calum stayed quiet, knowing he was very well sober.

"Whatever. I'm gonna get you with Michael."

"No, Luke. Stay out of it. You don't even know if I like him or not."

"Do you like him?"

The fact that I was quiet for more than 5 seconds made Luke automatically assume that I liked him. Which...might be true.

"Boom. Question answered. You like him," Luke smiled.

"So what if I do? I can't do anything about it and neither can you," I frowned.

"What do mean?"

"I can't date a....boy, Luke. It's wrong for my family. It's wrong for me. I'll get disowned or something."

"Simple. Don't tell your parents. And if they do disown you, which I doubt they will because they love you so much, live with me. My mom will gladly take you in. You're like another son to her. Literally." Luke sighed. "Just give it a chance. It'll be worth it, I swear."

I thought about the worst things that could happen if my parents found out I were gay, if I were gay. They'd probably just yell at me about the Bible and tell me I'm going to hell. The worst they can do is kick me out, which would hurt, but I have Luke to help me. The best thing they can do is accept me and love me for who I am. That's what parents do though, right? Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Fine," I whispered. Luke broke out into a grin.

"What was that?"

"I said fine," I spoke louder. "I'll give it a chance. Maybe..maybe I am gay. And I wanna be with Michael. Maybe I'll let you help me."

Luke chuckled and playfully punched my shoulder. "Of course you'll let me help you. I'm gonna play matchmaker and by the time I'm done, Michael will already be on his knees giving you the succ."

Comment "succ succ" if you want Michael to give Calum the succ succ ;)

Mkay shortish chapter but it's really vital to the story so ya welcome it's on a role and also I've lowkey got the rest of the chapters figured out and lemme just say that the last chapter is gonna fuck you up and you don't even know why it's gonna fuck you up bc i haven't gotten there yet (well I did but you don't know that I only mentioned it once lmao) so get ready.

What do you think is gonna be in the last chapter anyways? I wanna know.

I'm only a day behind schedule it's all good it's all good.

K love ya


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