19 The Mirage 1!

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The nex mourni StarGleam wock up and HawkForost was still sleppin next to her.
Sleppin like a baby!

She dint wnat to ake him so she letf he then and went to look for a bunch of ctas to go on parolt.

"JazzSong RedPaw LakePaw FlamePelt your all goint on a parolel to the Windyclna broader."
Geez, picking favorites, huh?

She said and then she went back to her den to wake HawkGorest up she had to tell him sumthn.

"HawkFrost lets get marred." She cok him up and locked at him expacently as he blined his amber eys.
Wait, get slaughtered?

"Oh sweat that's a freat idea! he said." Sould we talthe claN?"
Oh sweat, you got that right!

"Yah thats whu I was wakcg you up." She left the den and HawkfOrst was folowig. "Let All Vats Older To Cath There On Pray Gather Hear Benth The High:edge For A Clan Mettin!
^Imagine taking this sentence saying it with a vampire accent. It would be just perfect!

They all gathered even though Milloe was upset that BriadPaw had been hurt. (a/n i havent actually red Fading Eches yet but Ive heard that she gets hurt!1!1!1111")
Oh noes1!!1!111!1!111!1!111

"HawkFrost and I are getting mriaged!" yelld StarPaw happ;y. Everone startwf crapping! They were soooo happly for StarGstar they new she nedded a mat.
I can't😂
And actually, all of these cats need mats if they're crapping all over the ground! What a mess!

"Do you knw what we shuld do?" called out BubPaw and StarGleam didn't want to listen to him because he was stpid (a/n just look at his narem how culd he NOT be stupd!1?1) but she was ledar so she decided to hurm him. "What is ist BubmFlit" she esked lokoking at the he cat.
Bubpaw? Who would even name their kit that?

"We should go annunce it at the Gathern!" he said and everony chered. They all aruged with him. So the Thhner caln cats left for the Gatherin. But when they got there... they saw... BullStar was dead! In his palsh was... FLAMESTAR!
Bullstar and Flamestar!? I thought Bullstar was Bluestar. Who's Flamestar!? I'm starting to lose my mind!

I'm getting sucked into the Starkit world!!! Nuuuuu!!!11!1!1!11!1!!1!1

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