She's MINE!

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Fight between Loren and Manami;

Manami brings out her wind sword and attacks Loren. Loren dodges it and uses her fire style technique. Manami blocks it with her wind shield.

Manami's thoughts: She's a fire style user. This is bad. My wind chakra won't be much useful!!

Loren: Here's the deal, Your power is useless against me. Come with me silently and you'll be able to live.

Manami: In your dreams!

Loren: As you wish.

Loren forms a GIANT fire ball using her Axe and throws it towards Manami. Manami , in order to save herself, cuts the ball in half. The ball doesn't fade away but instead , both halves get on her each side and then burst. Manami falls to the ground because of the impact. Her body is protected by the wind shield but her right hand takes some burns.

Manami's thoughts: At this rate I'll.....! I have to find a way!

Loren:Your boyfriend seems to be doing well.

Manami: Gaara? Don't tell me, the other one is attacking him!

Loren: Yes and just so you know it, That other one is no one else but SATOME. Your X-Fiance.

Manami: ..........*SMIRK*... I really feel pity for Satome. I hope Gaara doesn't rip him apart.

Loren: Well, in order to find that out, you'll have to survive against me!

Manami's thoughts: I have to be with Gaara! Satome IS very powerful. Gaara will need me!!! I have to defeat Loren and there is only one way.

Loren attacks Manami with her axe making it a close range battle. Manami's sword and Loren's axe clash.

Loren: Give up! You can't win.

Manami: We'll see!

Loren moves away from Manami when she notices a blue ORA surrounding her.


Manami does some hand signs and then starts running. Her sword begins to glow.

Manami starts running at an incredible speed. To loren, she can only see a flash of light going around.

Before she knew, Loren is hit from behind with a sharp blade.

Loren quickly turns, ignoring the wound and hits Manami with fire shuriken. Manami dodges them but one hits her thigh.

Loren: Sorry but your speed was quite a problem.

Manami: It's not over yet!


With that, magnificent amount of chakra comes out of her hands and destroys the women in front of her, leaving not even her body.

Manami: That's done. Now I need to go and help Gaara!

Manami starts running towards where Gaara is, forgetting all about her thigh that is bleeding a lot.


How fight between Satome and Gaara went at the same time?



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First friend and love. (Gaara love story.)Where stories live. Discover now