Chapter 23

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"Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart and the senses."
                                          - Lao Tzu


A.N: listen up I've said it before and I'm gonna say it again, most of my chapters aren't proofread yet which means it'll Probably have spelling/grammatical errors. If you see any, DON'T be mean about it just kindly let me know in the comments and I'll fix it. These aren't easy to write you know so leave your bitchiness else where. I know most people are gonna ignore this note. *sigh*


(buggy7) helped me with this chap ty, ly bestfran


Jacob's POV

I know I'm high right now but Mal's super drunk. "Where the fuck are you taking meeeeee" she slurred trying to get out of my grip. I held Her more tightly, my hands around her waist. She kept tapping me on my head and kicking me, ouch those heels hurt. "Mal stop behaving like a spoiled brat and shut up" she pouted. I shouldn't have said that. I opened the car door and gestured for her to get in , I texted Mark telling him I'm taking Her by me because I couldn't find him. He's in there probably getting wasted. And well since I live alone in that huge house which I bought, it wouldn't be a problem if I take Her there. I'm no longer her neighbor since I got my own house but our houses are like a 15 minute drive. The whole drive there was quiet I think she felt asleep.


I parked the car into the garage and saw Mal fast asleep. She looked beautiful even sleeping, I picked Her up since she wasn't heavy because I didn't have the heart to wake Her up. I took her to my room and laid Her down on the bed, I grabbed One of my sweat pants and shirt to get Her changed. I pulled all those clothes off and put mines on her. I put a water bottle if she feels upset by the lamp stand next to the bed. I changed into the same and left the room. "Stay" I heard in a whisper. "Please stay with me" she reiterated. I sighed and walked towards the bed. Laying down I pulled the covers over her and then unto me. I wrapped my hands around her tiny waist and buried my head into the croak of her neck.



"Do you love me?"

"Of course"

"Good Now I have all the love, not Kennedy"

She smiled and slowly drift away. What did she mean by Good Now I have all the love, not Kennedy? Was she jealous that I was spending all my time with Ken. But she she told me that she was fine with it.

Well obviously she would say that you dumbass. She doesn't want to stop you from doing what you want even if it means you spending all your time with a girl who's not her. And of course she's jealous, it's her job as part of being your girlfriend.

My conscious is definitely smarter than me. Yes I have been hanging out with ken alot lately but that doesn't mean my love for Mal has faded, three years, three. (short for kenndedy is ken or Kendall)


Mal's POV

Waking up with a headache is the worst, it's like my head was spinning in circles and is going to explode. I looked around then realization hit me, I was in Jacob's house, his bed, his clothes. Way to go Mal you Fucked up last night. Ughh shut up  conscious. How much did I really drink last night. I can't remember anything after where I was taking shots.

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