The Chasing Past

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It was like sitting in her own bedroom in Tamaran after years of living on Earth. It was familiar, safe, but strange. It brought back memories of her childhood but in the same time, it made her feel she had left for so long, she couldn't recognize the detail of her large balcony, tall window... still, that very moment she knew she was safe. She knew somehow knowing the pair of hands that had caught her, the sweet smell of night wind, Derehi rock which smells like smoke that came from her home planet, and sugar; were the scent of Vega Reverick. At the time it all felt like a dream, the pain on her body felt like thousands of needles teasing her by pressing on her skin in the same time, and all sound had vanished, that she didn't dare to open her eyes. The cold surface of cement and Robin's voice was the one that had made her dare open them.

There, just in front of her was a familiar pair of eyes, looking down to her with worried lines on his forehead. He was as handsome as he always was, with purple eyes, unusual blond hair, his full lips that had brushed her viciously with memories of her past that she wanted to shut her eyes and wish everything was a dream. But it wasn't, in fact, it was all too real to think that it was a dream at all. She could recognize the way he held her, just like when they were kids. The sweet curves of his face had turned sharp and serious over the years, his gaze was the type of gaze that could undo someone. She blinked.

"Vega?" Hearing his name made his face softened a bit. He must have thought that she had forgotten all about him when she was here. "The explosion, it is liquid..." She began, remembering what had happened. He looked sad.

"Starfire... I'm sorry we had to meet again like this. If I could choose, I would have chosen for a better time,"

"No, please... I am glad you had come here and saved me. I can not imagine a better time." She said, deciding that she would talk about it later when they could sit down and drink something. Towering behind Vega were two recognizable boys. Rigel and Yudit, her smiled widened.

"I can't believe you are here too!" She said, ready to take on the world again. The two boys nodded respectfully and smiled in return. Rigel was the saw as he always was, tall and slender. He had an uneven haircut that was short at the back and long on the front, his eyes were green like hers; even now he looked like as if he hadn't got good sleep for days. While Yudit had red wild hair that rose around his head, covering his forehead with cute tangles. His lips were thin with a small mole on his upper right lip while his scar made a line across his face from his right cheeks up to his forehead.

"We're glad you're alright," Yudit said.

"Yes, ever so joyful to see you now. You have grown." Rigel said. She let Vega help her stand up and realized there was four other pairs of eyes looking at her a few steps away. She turned to them and the first thing she had saw was Robin. His black hair, his full lips, the set of his jaw. A hand grabbed her wrist, willing her to look away. Rigel made a fake cough.

"I wish we were here just for a visit Starfire but we wish to speak to you, in private," Vega said. Starfire had forgotten how stiff he was sometimes. He was expressionless now, his voice was a lifeless monotone sound. She nodded.

"I understand, but I must speak to my friends. Please, let me go." That very second he let go of her wrist and stepped back. He turned so that his back was on hers, the other two following. This was a custom in Tamaran, that if there was someone in a group wishing to speak to another group, the other members would look away in order of respect. She smiled. How long had it been that this made her shocked a little?

Starfire matched her eyes with Robin and the others who were looking at her curiously.

"So... a holiday or something?" Raven started. She shook her head, wishing with all her heart that it was the case.

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