Almost Home

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It was all very mysterious.

Starfire stared at everything around her with deep thought; anything to calm her chest from the image of war in her mind. The universe, she had always known; has no boundaries or end. It was a forever no one would ever know where it ends to. Starfire sometimes imagined flying away from her planet when she was small and ended up crying alone in the corner. Blackfire would catch her and make fun of her for crying. But even know she never thought of her reasons of crying back then was something small, so how Blackfire never understood her fears was just proof to her of how mean she was. It was scary, the existence. You could get lost in it, not knowing where you are with nothing to hold onto, no one to trust, in a never ending search. You could think and hope you were somehow, magically, miraculously suddenly finding you way home but then there was the thought, 'What if I'm actually flying away from home? No matter how long I go, I'll never find home." That would drive her to madness. Starfire bit her lips, not sure which thought was worse.

She had found, over the past years that if she was in a bad situation, then her mind would make out some sort of bad scenarios that could make her kneel of fear. It was then that she would go and run to her friends for help and support; to Robin.

"Robin." She said before she could stop. The line had fallen to one way call when she pressed the button on her left, letting her talk to Robin without anyone listening. She bit her lips when an answer came, 'Starfire. Are you ready?'

"I don't think I will ever be ready." She admitted, wishing she could touch him.

'We will get through this, Star. I'll bring you home. I promise.' He said, with the same determination. Giving her hope to see what will become of this. Starfire said nothing back, looking sideways to the never ending darkness, the faint reflection of her face stared back in sadness. It felt cold in the shuffle, the chair where she sat felt suddenly too small, and she wanted to run.

'Starfire? I'm sorry this happened.'

"Don't be Robin, this is not your fault. It is... who ever have started this war's fault." She said matter of factly. Somehow, she could feel Robin smiling from the other side before he said, 'Yeah.' She turned off the channel, grasping her steer hard when someone knocked on the glass beside her. It was Vega, his hair raised around him as he flew beside her.

'You will do fine.' He said with hand sign.

'I hope so.' She replied back, surprised how well she could still do it after all these years. In Tamaran, everyone was obligated to know how to speak sign language for multiple purposes. The main reason was because there were some Tamaranian who couldn't hear and so could not speak well. It was important that they could communicate with anyone, anywhere, and anytime. Other reasons were so they could still speak in battles, though there haven't been any until now. She had learned the hand sign at school, along with her friends.

'Do you really want them to come with you? Your friends, I mean.'

'I do not know.' She said after a moment. 'I am glad they are here with me but I am also afraid for them.' His eyes narrowed, placing his palm on the glass beside her. Starfire reached out, meeting their hands. Suddenly, she remembered their little game when they were small. She would hit him when she ran from one glass to another, trying to avoid her throws of mud in the garden. It was an expensive ornament now she knew, but then it was a play thing for them.

'I'm sorry.' He said to her. She sighs. It hasn't been ten minutes since Robin had said sorry to her. For something that isn't his fault at all. For Vega, she had guessed must felt like it was entirely his fault. If has not come as someone from her side, she would also have treated him like how someone would treat a war criminal.

'I have only a thank you for being on my side.' She said back, still in hand sign.

'It will be hard for both of us, even though my father hasn't known anything about this yet.' He lowered his gaze. Starfire could sense he was fighting some strong emotions. Even his flight had lost its speed, forcing him to hold on the wing beside her.

It was, in her language, called sesat. When a Tamaran is flying outside the planet, they sometimes would get tired and when they had lost hope or depressed, they would just float. Float until they found strength again to fly.

She knocked on the glass, taking his attention. 'I think he already knows.'

'What do you mean?' He asked, frowning with worry written on his face. She had begun to sign her words but was interrupted. A meteorite was floating their way; as large as a car. He stepped on the wing and jumped up to avoid it.

'Everyone gets ready, there's a meteorite field ahead of us.' Robin said, followed by yes's from the others. Starfire looked up, worried for Vega. He was fine, concentrating on his path.

This was the border line where they needed to cross before reaching Tamaran. The path was filled with rocks and frozen meteors that floated in the way. She held on tight, letting go of her steer. In times like this, only Cyborg can control the ship. He took them in a swirl of ducking, leaning left and right, before finally passing it.

Starfire looked outside, seeing Vega, Yudit, and Rigel following behind her. She took a deep breath than hoped she wouldn't see ruined building or such. Hurt people or bodies lined on the sides. Something she had seen in history book years ago. It would feel like a nightmare.


Sorry for the late post. But I'm getting back at it :)

Robin and Starfire - The War Beyond TamaranWhere stories live. Discover now