Counting Seconds

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Robin cursed under his breath several times, clutching his hands as hard as possible on a piece of loose wire. Vega, as it turned out didn't have that sensitivity and understanding that not everyone can fly. Robin had to jump at one of the half-broken small ship heading back towards the mothership in order to follow Vega, resulting; him in this very situation.

The ship went up suddenly and went as if the machine was trying its best to keep on going up, but as the tail of the ship swung up and down, it hit his ribcage.

"Robin!" Starfire called out. She reached out a hand to him and he took it, letting go of the wire.

"Starfire, we have to follow Vega!"

"I know, but there are guards up there," Starfire said matter-of-factly. He didn't see them at first but as they approach he could see small heads walking around the outer part of the ship. They were walking like robots, going back and forth with weapons in their hands.

"Starfire, drop me off then leave." He ordered, raising one eyebrow when he heard Starfire snort then said, "I will not leave you to fight a battle I must fight. I am with you in this or I go alone and you can go down."

"Alright, but make sure you don't get shot by one of those guns. They look like they load more liquid." Starfire then dropped him on one of the large anti-gravity machines that occupied half of the ship. It looked like large plates facing down.

"Where is Vega?" She asked him. He was staring at two men who were guarding the main entrance when suddenly Vega dropped down, stepping on both their faces at the same time. Vega turned towards them then gestured for them to follow him in before running in himself. Robin ran to follow him in, Starfire just behind him.

As they had suspected, there were not so many guards in the inside, they were left to guard the outer part. Vega was half kneeling in one of the shadowy parts between two giant fuel tanks; the machines rumbling so loud under them.

"Starfire?" Vega looked surprised, not just for her presence but for what she was wearing; what she looked like. For a moment he felt a pinch of uneasiness but quickly dismissed it. This was no time for distracting feelings, he had to concentrate. If Batman has ever told him something, it is that concentration is not something people are born with but something people can choose to have. And he chose to have it.

"I am here to help you." She said.

"The plan is to shut down all engine, that way the mothership would go down. It's just that I'm not sure if there are people under the ship... it could kill hundreds."

"They all have been moved to the borders of Panbia, they should all be there by now. I do not mind checking while you shut the machines down." She offered. Vega nodded, "Very well, Robin you're the only one among us that can move freely without being detected by the system. Were still in the machinery room, so they don't know we're here yet until-" A yell came from outside the entrance. The other guards had found their comrade fainted with a broken neck, two of them ran in but none seemed to notice they were there.

"Until we get in. So Starfire, secure the area, Robin, go to the main control room and shut down every single battleship controlled. I'll get you a clean way in." He continued. Robin nodded, Starfire had flown up leaving them to their own share. He noticed Vega staring after her, his face blushing.

"She looked different," Vega said finally, leading the way down.

"Yes, she does," Robin replied, following him.

The Tamarah battleship was not impressive. It was made from old metal, just strong enough to hold the engine, fly, and function. All along the small hidden corridor behind the engine, the machines were simply struggling to keep running, the rust was yellow and from it, some pipes had a leak; which would have led to a terrible explosion if for instance one of the crew dropped a lighter. If the people of this planet had lighters, Robin thought, eyeing the rust between his thumb and middle finger.

Robin and Starfire - The War Beyond TamaranWhere stories live. Discover now