Torn Sobs

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Alessa's P.O.V

I felt protected as I stayed glued to the side of Alonso as we crept down the eerily barren hallway. Alonso's eyes darting to every inch of the hallway before us, his body moving in fluid motion as he speedily paced down the hallway. Whereas I was struggling to keep up, my arms shaking from the fear that was streaking through my body, causing my heart to pound at a galloping rate.

"Do you even know where Ali is?" I whispered as I came up next to Alonso.My eyes scanning his seemingly expressionless face, yet I could see his mind working at lightening speed.

"From what I saw inside the CCTV room, she should be down this next corridor to our right," he murmured quickly before taking off again down the next turning, with me hastily trotting to catch up with his long strides.

He quickly rounded on a steel door similar to the one that locked me inside my room. Glancing up at Alonso I saw him quickly examine the seemingly complex lock.

"There's an alarm on this door, therefore once I shoot off the bolt on the door you have to run and get her out before any remaining guards come chasing us down," he quickly said, his hand flexed over the trigger on his gun as I backed away from the towering steel door.

Alonso, without hesitation, quickly fired a round of bullets at the bulky lock. I watched as it dropped heavily to the ground before a ear spilling alarm rang out in the corridor causing me to flinch back from the abrupt noise.

Taking one quick look at Alonso I pushed the door open. My eyes quickly snapped to every corner of the room before my eyes landed on a small head of tousled blonde locks. Ali's familiar frame crouched over in a small corner, her shoulders sagged as her blonde locks laid limp against  her hunched back.

I quickly ran forwards, "Ali," I whispered, relief coursing through me as my friends head whipped around and her bloodshot eyes met mine.

Quickly crouching down to her, I embraced her into a hug, thanking the heavens she wasn't hurt.

"Oh my god," I breathed into her hair," Im glad your not hurt," I murmured before pulling away and wiping her tear stained cheeks as she meekly smiled at me.

"I'm so sorry I pulled you into all this mess Ali," I gushed, my hands laced with hers.

Shaking her head, she let out s low chuckle.

"It's ok Alessa, I'm jut glad you found me," she replied lowly, her hands reaching up and running through her matted hair.

"As much as this is a touching moment ladies, we've got to move," Alonso's voice rang out into the barren chamber. Nodding, I pulled Ali up before pulling her out the door.

"Any guards come yet?" I asked, practically shouting over the blaring alarm that continued to ring out in the corridor.

Shaking his head, he quickly motioned to follow him. Grabbing Ali's hand again we continued to jog down the corridor.

A quick squeeze came from Ali, causing me to look over at her. Her mouth was turned into a slight smirk.

"Who is that?" She mouthed, nodding her head towards Alonso who was a few steps ahead of us.

Rolling my eyes I mouthed back, "Alonso, he's Angelo's friend," before watching Ali take in Alonso's towering figure as we moved.

Before my lips could open again, a mass of men rounded the corner as we froze in the hallway. My eyes widened as I zeroed in on the much more powerful weapons they clutched in their leather hands.

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