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" you know how dangerous this is!" Malichci says. " just one spell of Astro will get him down" I say. " what spell?" Jake asks. " the star" I say. " that might kill him!" Malichci says. " just a small star in the leg" I say. " ok fine but be careful! We just got you back!" Malichci says. I give them a hug and head over. " you ready?" He says. I bring out my two daggers. " I was born ready" I say. We start, he is strong! He gets me down. I start doing the small star spell, I hit him in the leg. " how?" He says. He's holding his leg. He runs at me, I blocked him and get him down. Then he gets me, stabs me. " no!" I hear Malichci says. I use the dragon call spell. 
I wake up, I see that I'm on top of my dragon. "Feiry!" I say happily. "Ray!" He says. " ha I always loved that nickname!" I say. " I missed it!" I add. " really?!? Nice!" He says.
-flash back-
" mom? Where are we? This isn't our world?" I say. " our world is gone" mom says. " I know! But why are we here? Can't we have peace with the orcs?" I ask. " I wish" she says. " well...I'm so happy!!! Today I turn fifteenth!" I say. " yep" she says. " and you choose what group you belong to" she adds. " but I still can't master death or life!" I say. " it's ok" she says and hugs me.
-flash back over-
" we're are we going?" I ask. " back to the village, jasmine was really worried" he says. "Yea...how far, I'm worried to" I say. " about your self? That's the first" he says. " no! For her" I laugh. " of course.." He laughed. " here you go-" I jumped off him. I hear him laugh above. " kal!!" Jasmine hugs me. " kal!" I hear Malichci and Jake say. " what happened? You have magic?!" Jazmine says. " yea.....that's part of what I wanted to tell you earlier..." I say. " part?!" She asks. " she's the huntress!" Jake says. "Really jake" Malichci says. " you...are?" She asks. " yes..." I say. " that's amazing! I mean....grand.." She says. " oh my lord! We got her to say something besides grand!" Jake says.
" haha...." I laugh.
We all go to the tavern. " I just want water" I say laughing. " haha come on! Live a little!" Jake says. " I just get water to" jasmine says. " same here!" Malichci says. We talked that day for awhile. Then the guy I fought in the duel walks in, everyone high fives him. He looks around and sees me.
" you lost, time go say goodbye. I let your friends help you...sence you got stabbed. " I can walk" I say. " no I stabbed you! Then you lost and got taken by a dragon! How are you still alive?!" He yells. " humans" I mumble.
" what's that?" He ask.
" hey! She lived! Why are you angry?!" Malichci asks. " Malichci? You dare challenge me?" He says.
Feiry: hey...un you need me to help?
Me: no please, I can handle this
Feiry: heh long time no mind talk, well bye! Don't die!
" your fight is with me!" I say. " kal, you might die!" Jake says. " I won't" I say.
" you won't? Ooooh never mind kinda forgot with all the beer..." He says. "Brave? Ha! No just plane stupid! You will die!" The man says. " I'm not gonna fight, I'm letting you throw all the blows" I say. " stupid!" He says running at me. He stabs me before I could but a Sheild up. My vision goes black.

~flash back~

"Ugh!" I say. " focus!" My mentor says. " why do your genes have to be so bad!" He says again. Can't focus with you yelling!

" I almost- ugh" I say. "What's that noise? I hear screaming!" I say. " stay here! I'll go!" He says. " run!!" He says running back. I see people like us but with red eyes running and killing. I run and hide in a fallen tree. The tree made a cave like thing with its roots. I see them looking in tents and stabbing my kind in the chest. I try and hide my crys, I see them kill my mom. I thought we were enternal, wait only some of us are. My mom nor dad was so dose that mean I'm not ether?

I see a kid, mostly what I would call people killing everyone here, demons. He turned and started looking in every crack and crevices. I hold my knees, trying to forget about my mom dyeing. I see some of my kind attack and fight them.

" you can't kill us!!! We're immortal!" There leader says in a deep voice. I could run straight at him, and kill him. He back is not covered. My kind try to cast spells, but the demon lord has some spell blocking the spells. I see my to daggers, I slowly sneak and grab them. I run and stab him, it just heals. " hahaha you thought I could die ahahaha" he says to me. I takes out his sword, we fight and block everyone of his blows. " ahhhh....I see you can actually fight with sword instead of magic...." He says. I see the demon kid in the corner of my eye, he's about to attack me. The aceint warrio armys see him, they don't care so they ignore. I slide under the demon lord, where the army is. I demon kid looks scared, he doesn't want to do this.

~flash back over~

I'm still in the tavern, my friends tried to fight him. I see them lying in the floor. I will save my mana to heal them, I must hurt him somehow. I can't he's a demon! He's immortal, that's there deepest secret. I stand up ignoring the pain. " you coward! Your immortal!! That's why when I stuck you you never went down!" I yell at him. " huh? You?!? I killed you! Wait how did you know?! Did your demon friends tell you!!?" He yells. " no, I knew before I met any demons, you knew I would go down and you won't!" He runs at me. I only need to wait jazmine is gone!

I doge his attack. " where is jazmine!" I yell. " I figured that she need something....more painful then a stab" he says. "Your a monster! Worse then the demon lord that killed all the aceint Warriors!" Oops, I kinda meant to say that but not the aceint warrior part. " how did you know?! That was over 5,000 years ago!" He yells . I know this is the time to reaval myself. " hey! I'm not that young!" I say. " what?" He says confused. "I'm 12,000 years old! Soo that was 11985 years ago! See I can do math!" I say. " that's impossible!" He says. Then I do a spell that puts me in a red riding hood type thing, it's still a Mage uniform, it's colors are gold as the rim, purple red as the main color, half of the sleeves are white, and I half leather colored gloves. Everyone stared. " I kept your secret for many years, now that it's out I tell you my secret" I say. " I'm the huntress" everyone cheers and runs up in joy. The man I was fighting was clueless. " I'm sorry..I...I" he says. " just because I'm the huntress dosen't mean you'll be all nice to me now, you shouldn't of attack any citizen" I say kindly. " your right?" He says as a question. " everyone is no better then everyone else, we all have soft spots" I say. " even you?" A young kid says. " yes" I say. " what's that?" He asks. " I would do the stupidest thing to save my Friends and people on this earth" I say. " really? I never knew you cared that much!" He says. " just kept dreaming, your still young and there's lots to learn" I say to him. " thank you!" I hug him. " now, where's jasmine" I ask. " she's in the back tied up..." Th man I was attack says. " by the way I'm drake" he says. I nod, I run into the back.

" are you okay?!" I ask in a worried voice. " yea! Are you okay?" She asks. " yea I'm fine" I untie her. " I heard what you did out there.....wait you look good!" She says. " haha yea....thanks" I say. " ok so....he's friend now?" She ask. " yea...I guess" I say. Well now that's off my back....I hope things we'll be...good..er better..

We walk out. " I'm going to head back to the inn" I say. I walk into my room, I see a worried man in the middle of my room.


Posted early again....yea....I said Friday because of school coming up so....yea but why do you think that guy was standing in her room? What happened? Dose he know who she is? Read more to find out!

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