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I run out seeing a cannon shoot at us, I have everyone run out. "jake! carry jasmine's mom!" I say, he picks her up. I then see darkness as someone puts me in a bag, a saw a glimpse of malachi going in one too. I myself get tossed on a wagon, I hope jasmine, jake, lucy, and jasmine's mom are ok.

I wake up in a cell, I see malachi by me. "what are you guys?" I hear a female voice. I finally come to the world. Malachi was trying to get his spells to go the the bars, doesn't work.

"It won't work, lined with lead" I say.

"What? my magic could always go through lead" Malachi says.

"The cooked it, makes it stronger" I say.

"What are you, girl" The woman says with short blonde hair.

I thought for a moment.

"Demon" I knew where we were.

"I see, show me proof" She says, I'm bad at controlling my dark magic.

I cast a spell, it hits the door and the door opens. She looked startled.

"how......did you..." She says.

"I always use to much magic making it stronger" I lied, ancient warrior magic was strong. it had no weakness. I see her shoot us with something and it knocked us out. I start to dream.

I was 13, just learning darkness magic. I heard it's hard to control. I look around to see i was in a field with many kids my age. Next to me was my best friend shari. She was becoming a master at forming the darkness ball. I keep making it to big. "now shoot!" the trainer says. I cast mine making a huge explosion. Many kids laugh, I don't understand. Shari looks to me. "it's okay, more you'll practice the better" This made me feel better. I see my other friend Aldis come over. "Hey, How's it going? My dad said that we have a new ally, The demons" He says. I nod. "so..wanna come over to my hut?" He asks. "no! she has to practice her dark spells speaking of demons" Shari says. "I can help you with that, Just don't think much like light" He says. I nod. I form another without thinking. I cast it out and if hits the target without exploding. "or...you could just ask him for help" Shari says. "thanks!!!" I say. He nods. "No problem see you later, come by whenever you're done" He two years older then me making him 15, We are still pretty close. I practiced some more finally getting it down.

I wake up to the sound of many voices. I see malachi still asleep and other male demons. "haha a actual female here? fighting" A hear a mocking voice. "I would stop before i rip your face off" I say. "haha yea right" He laughs. I almost did a astro spell, They are the strongest saying stars are pretty bright. I cast a darkness spell aiming for the right of his head. The spell burns his ear. "ow!" He says. I smirk and start to wake malachi up. He still didn't wake up. I hear them whisper to themselves. "I heard the last people to see the huntress are demons and they are here!" The guy that i burned his ear say, anger boils within me. "people think they killed her" I hear. "They didn't kill me!" I rage out. "what?" They say. I breathe out. "i mean..her" I say. "you said your the huntress? haha" They laugh. Rage fills up in me, i then hear my old friends calming voice. Stay strong kalrae... Aldis was always kind to me. I was getting tired of hiding my secret. "Malachi wake up!" I say to Malachi. "Wait, your friends with...commander Malachi?" One asks. "I heard commander Malachi is friends with the huntress, that they travel together more then Luke and Evan" he says. "Well you heard wrong, I no longer travel with Luke an Evan. They are traitors" I say. "You are the real huntress! I knew
She hated their guys after the betrayed her!" Another guy says, he was a little more kiddish. The was a lot of gasp. Then I feel Malachi's pulse, it was ad-normally slow. "Malachi, stay with me" it kept getting slower, soon it stops.

The huntress: the awakening ( HOLD )Where stories live. Discover now