We stand, ready to fight. Then hundreds more of demons come, they all look different. Today, today may be the death of me. I will still fight on, no matter the cost of my life.
I hold my sword tight, knowing the truth.  "Ready?" I ask. "Yes" malice says. "Sure" jake says. We all stand, together. Kara comes, fighting as well. She hisses, fighting for feiry. They attack, I strike back, doging and throwing attacks. Malichci was fight one, he had blue hair and green eyes. Jake was fighting 2, both have gold hair and brown eyes. I'm fighting 5, 2 girls and 3 boys, all have red hair and grey eyes. I get 2 of the 5 down.  One of the girls cuts my stomach open, I try hard to ignore it and fight on.

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