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Humans were the only one who called horses steeds, in not sure why. "So...I'm Albert" the guard says. "I'm Kali, well that's my nickname..." I say. "i know, everyone seems to call you that" he says, he seems nice even though he nearly killed jake. maybe even me. we slow to a trot, we see another kingdom. "how far did we go? what kingdom is that?" i realize we've been following john. "john...where are we?" i ask. "your home" he says, it was a abandoned castle, rosenvelt. "why are we here" i ask, i look to Albert. he was confused as well. "because....your kind still lives, barley. they need my help, my healing powers aren't strong enough" he asks. "so..you want me to help? how? mine are weaker then yours, i can only heal a small stab just as it's struck" i say. "or can you? if i give you mine, you'll be stronger" he says, but what if i don't want my kind back.  i think, if his power is weak it will still be weak in me. "it still will be weak in me" i say. "the reason why it's weak is because i'm weak...your stronger and younger" he says, i wonder why this is important to him. the druids always hated my kind, along with demons. "wait, i thought druids hated demons and her kind" jake speaks my mind. "i know..my father was cruel....i want to make up for that..." he says, sadly.  "okay...." i sighed, sadly. "ok, lets head in" we walk in, i see many familiar faces looking pale and weak.  what did the angels do to them? many look up surprised i made it. i hear coughs, sneezes, and slight choking. we need to save them. "lay down on this alter" he points to a stone square, the stone is tan/gray with a light glow to it.  i sighed as i layed done, it's kinda comfy. i haven't slept in a real bed in a while, we've  been traveling so much. i slowly closed my eyes, not wanting to see what happened next. through my eye lids i could see a slight green glow. then i fainted, and it was peaceful.

my eyes opened, they sickness my kind has was worse. i had to do this now! i then knew what to do, i started to cast the spell. the color was green, then purple showing my body accepted the powers. i turned casting the spell, healing everyone. they looked surprised, again. i could tell, there the swordsman/woman, i knew they had to survive. they angels had magic, there swords and weapons blocked magic. for someone reason they got sick, this is weird. i turn to see Lucy crying, i walk to her. "what's wrong..." i ask her. "my brother....he's not here..." i remember him, his name is Lusaka and he was pretty nice. everyone calls him Luke tho, he always cared for Lucy and was pretty much her father. "Don't worry, we'll find him." the rest of the day we were asking what happened, no one knows.

~malachi's pov~

i need to get away, this spell is to strong. many thoughts race through my head, not all my own. they all gave me a headache, when ignored. my head pounded, i needed kal. i can't even control myself, i feel useless. with all the pain, i can't even think of this crazy woman's name. her name comes to mind, cinder. "come on! we're missing the fun" i can she were heading to a bar, all fights happen here. kill them all, i can't! there were people just trying to escape, i can't! a sharp pain shoots through my head, i can't. then a young adult stands up, he notices. "siren! she's controlling mal!" he cries my name. "stand down! we need to take you to boss!" a man with a rough voice says, people turn to him. i see that i jump in front of cinder, defending her against my will. i then see he looks kinda like Lucy. "malachi! im Lucy's brother! help me!" he cries as they tie him down. "your not going anywhere! your the only one to lead us to the huntress" a man says to him. then something sparks in me, i go and run at them. soon i attack him, it was actually me! i start to cast a dark spell.

The huntress: the awakening ( HOLD )Where stories live. Discover now