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"um....i might get going, not sure were but maybe me and jasmine can had to the village?" i ask looking at her. "we can go to the main kingdom, but jake will have to hide his demon self. they don't like demons, we'll kinda hate them." she says. "ok, it should be easy..." jake says holding a laugh. "no, they have people there that look around studying people seeing if the behavior is demon like and some can sense dark energy" she says worried. "i can put a cloak of light energy?" i ask him. "sure, but will it kill me?" he asks. "no, light is good energy it will only kill if commanded to" i say. "okay, then i should be safe. wait, don't you have dark engery to?" he says. "yes, but my light energy covers it up" i say getting the spell ready. "okay now when is the spell going to be done" he asks nervously. "it already it" i giggle. "oh..., you heard nothing" he says. "mind if i come along?" the masked man says. "they don't let masked people in" jasmine says. "i can understand that" he takes his mask off, he has blonde hair and green eyes. i saw a small trace of freckles as well. i look up at the sky, i nice horse ride we'll lighten the mood.

feiry: i can turn into a horse, wait can i?

me: no...but i have a horse like you and kara, haven't talked in a while after i got you ready to ride....

kara: oooooh i remember her! startdust!

feiry: hi...kara...

kara: heyo!

stardust: hi!

feiry and kara: huh?

me: yay!

i see stardust in the distance, this makes me happy. her fur was spotted in white and grey, like the stars. "is that your..horse?" lucy asks me. "stardust!" i say happily, i jump on her back. "uuuh i'll go and get horses but i thought we were ridding the dragon?" jake asks. "i think a horse ride would change the mood. soon we were racing on the trial to the kingdom, stardust was in the lead. i feel the wind blow my long brown hair, i smiled as i see the kingdom, something new. The kingdom was surrounded with miss covered cobblestone. Guards walked the top, the faces covered with helms. I see Knights race out, they're going on patrol.  "State your name" a guard says when we reach the gate. This is bad, it means there at war. "Kalrae rose, Jake lunar, Lucy stone, and..." I pause, what's his name? "John jones" he says. "Leader of the Druids..." The guard says. "And the co leader of the demon army..." He adds ruffly. "I'm not part of any wars, I come her with my friends to  have fun. Not of the war" Jake says cofindently. "Very well then, you may pass but guards will be watching" he says staring darkly of Jake. The gate opens, we walk through. "That's weird...how did they know?" I ask jazmine who got in earlier. "I'm not sure maybe a human Shamon got a vision?" She says almost as a question.
"Let's hope so" Jake says nervously. I old man with white hair and beard stop us. "You demon leave!" He shouts, people look. "I may be a demon, but I come of no matters other then of to have fun with my friends" he was getting nervous with all the attention. "And you! Your magic...is...is.." He says sharply to me, I get nervous. "You practice magic!" Guards run over. "She dose not practice any magic-" he stops to see more guards that are armed.  I need to speak for myself. "I do not practice magic...I was born with elemental magic..." I sigh. "Impossible prison her!" A head guard says, should I run? I take a deep breath, think before you talk. I feel tension raise inside me, I don't know what to say.
"I came here to find help for my friend! Because of this no magic rule you won't have magic people to fight against magic people! Now he's probably out there doing bad things he doesn't want to do because of the stupid girl who is is a sirin!" I say despritly. "Take her away!" I hear. "don't...that's that's the huntress" jazmine says. People stare in disbelief, i need to prove it. "It's true, I'm not sure how to prove it...." I say softly. I was never good at this professional talking thing. "Faker! That's it I challenge you to a duel! You win your free, I win you die!" A guard says. "What type of duel" I say annoyed. "Till the King says who is doing better, and no magic!" He yells. "I always fight a fair fight!" I defend back. People clear the way, we're starting now? "Sure you will! Anyone with magic is no noble!" He says. I think, what would Malachi do? He would grab my arm, stop me from doing something stupid. I look behind me, Jake hands ms two daggers and I smile. "Fighting with daggers nonsense! You going to lose after all!" He mocks, I'll show him. We start, I hear citizens calling his name and my friends screaming my name. I run at him, dogging his long sword. I scratch his side, he try's to stab me but I doge and stab him. "The witch has won!" I hear the king say, but he wasn't stopping. Jake jumps in and takes the killing stab for me! " Jake! No!" I say tearing up, the guard looks worried after I called jake's name. "I'll be...fine" he coughs up blood, i can try to heal him. I wasn't ever good at healing other people, but Jake was my friend I needed to help him. Purple particles glow from my hand, people gasp. I see the wound close almost fully, the rest needed to heal on its own. "Kal..you can heal?" He says weakly. "Shhh...rest yourself" I say pulling the bangs out of his eyes. "Kal..I thought healing takes a lot our of you" I nod, it dose but he's my friend. "Kal...you didn't have to-" he stops to see people listening closely, word got around that the co leader of the demon lord was attacked. "Demon!" People called, I was getting mad and annoyed. Many years people judge you because of what race or clan your from, I was tried if it. I feel weak, I can't use any more of my power. Jazmize hands me a apple, I nodded in thanks. I bite into it, fueling up. It helped to do regular stuff, but nor cast spells for awhile. I don't mind being non-magic for a couple days. I pick up Jake to see he fainted, worry fills me and people throw rocks and come closer was knives and swords. I started to walk, then ended up running to my horse. I attach a lead to his horse and lay him on the horse with a blanket. "Jazmine! John!" I yell. They jump on there horse, people shoot arrows at us. " how dose that not bother you?" John asks me. "Huh?" I ask. "Your the huntress right? How dose the people disrespecting you not bother you after all you done for them" he says looking to me. " everyone has different beliefs, and I never actually thought about it..." I say we stop at a halt, it was the same guard ridding his horse to catch up with us? He looked spooked, I dismount. "I'm sorry, please don't have the demon army after the kingdom..wait he's...is he dead?" The guard asks. " no, only unconscious" I say. "Is it true?' The guard asks me. "That your the huntress?" He adds. "Yes....it...it..is" I say carefully. "I could tell by the way you fought with the daggers...and the magic coming from your hands were purple like the huntress...I'm very very sorry, I mean very sorry.." He says. "Here, join us if you want" I say, I hope we can trust him.
Hope you guys enjoyed! A new character?! Again?!? Yep again hehe~

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