Chapter 1: First Encounter

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It had to be close to midnight, by now, and there had been no sign of the culprit whatsoever. It was honestly making me annoyed. I had waited so long for another case just to find out that I'll have to wait even more. Oh well, a few more minutes wouldn't kill me.

Suddenly, a shrill high-pitched scream echoed throughout the streets. It sounded like the voice of a scared woman.


Sebastian and I wasted no time in rushing to where the scream originated. It didn't take us long to find the woman, only she was already long dead before we came here. There was someone standing over her corpse, looking down at it. I couldn't see the person very well because it was so dark. All I could see was that the person had a long, black cloak that went down to their shins. They had what looked like black boots on their feet.

The figure obviously noticed us, for he turned his head to look at us. I wasn't able to see his full face, but I did catch something: his eyes. They were the brightest blue, and... What the devil?! His pupils were white and there are white circular patterns in them. Just who the devil were we dealing with here?

The person had turned fully around and, well, my face went red. It turned out "he" was actually a "she" in about her late teens, and her sense of style was... interesting, to say the least. Under that black cloak, all she had was a black bikini top and black shorts to go with it. The boots went up to her knees.

"J-Just what the devil are you wearing?!" I said, my face still red. That seemed to annoy her quite a bit, because she narrowed her eyes at me, and dashed toward me with sword in hand. Well, the Queen was right about her being hostile.

Before she could make a downward strike, Sebastian had pulled out his silverware, and blocked her 3 quarters of the way through. She narrowed her eyes even more, and she broke free and back-flipped out of the way, about 6 feet back.

She dashed toward us again, and got to us in a matter of seconds.

(She's fast!) I thought in dismay. (Still, Sebastian should be able to best and apprehend her.)

I assumed she made at least 5 more strikes, judging by her speed, and the fact that her eyes had a ferocious gaze in them. But neither her eyebrows have changed position, nor has her mouth moved at all. Had it not been for her gaze, one would assume it was as if she was bored with this fight.

The girl and Sebastian have been locked in a combative hold for 5 minutes now. I have to admit, this girl is a very formidable fighter. I have not met many who could hold out against Sebastian for this long.

The girl shockingly got the upper hand, shoving Sebastian slowly to the ground. I grunted in both unhappiness and frustration. Even Sebastian had an uneasy look on his face.

...That's not good...

Then, she did something very shocking. A flame ignited from her eye, a blue one at that. This startled both Sebastian and I. The girl used this to her advantage and kicked Sebastian's feet out from under him. Then, she impaled him with her sword.

I stood, speechless. Never in my life have I seen someone... best... Sebastian. As his body fell from her sword, she turned to me, and I stiffened. Without a word, she dashed toward me with inhumane speed, her sword ready to strike.

She slashed, the sword hitting its mark.

Girl's POV

As I halted my sprint, the boy's body fell to the ground. I took a deep breath, stood up, and turned to the two males.

After a few minutes of gazing at their bodies, I finally decided to act.

"Get up." I murmured.

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