Ch 15: What Now?!

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Ciel's POV

We finally trudged our way to the manor by nightfall. My feet are stinging so badly I'm pretty sure I was wearing a miserable scowl the entire trip back.

Once we entered, I breathed a sigh of relief and immediately bid the others goodnight before dragging myself to my room, Sebastian following close behind. Of course, he never made a peep.

The only time he did open his mouth was when he was changing me into my night clothes.

"You must have been quite exhausted to barely address the guests."

Wondering where that came from, I sighed in exasperation.

"I don't usually walk that far... I'm tired."

Unsurprisingly, this drew out a smirk from the butler. How dare he laugh at my suffering?

"Well, in that case, you should be able to get a good night sleep tonight."

Scoffing at the amusement lacing his tone, I crawled in bed and turned away from him.

"Just shut up and carry on with your duties."

Even though I was facing the other way, I could easily feel that damn smirk of his burning a hole into the back of my head.

"Very well, my lord. Good night."

With that, he turned off the light and closed the door. Once again, I scoffed. Sometimes, I really wish I could wipe that stupid smirk off his face. I know he only wears it at my cost, so what good does it do with having it at all?

I sighed. Such thoughts are best suited for when I'm not trying to keeping my eyes open. With that in mind, I snuggled into the covers and drifted off into sleep.


What the devil?!?!

I bolted upward, the covers I had bundled around me flinging off and making a crater around my legs. My heart beating out of my chest, I quickly whirled around to try to find what on earth just made that sound. What time was it, anyway? It was still pitch black out, so I'm assuming it's the middle of the night.

I jumped when I heard I knock on the door, and inched away from it instinctively.

"My lord?! Are you in there?!"

Sighing in relief, I called out to the person on the other side.

"Yes, Finny. I'm here."

I heard what sounded like a sigh in relief mixed with crying from Finny as he opened the door and quickly rushed over to my side.

"Thank goodness."

I looked at him with serious and wary eyes.

"Where's Sebastian? What's happening?"

He looked back at me with panicked eyes.

"Someone's entered the manor's perimeter and is attacking the guests! Sebastian's outside helping them so he instructed me to come and get you."

I slowly nodded, not believing what I just heard. Someone's attacking the guests?! But who?!

My thoughts were cut short when I heard the frantic servant rummage through my clothes and dig out an outfit.

"Please, young master. There's not much time! Let me help you change so we can get out of here!"

Understanding the severity of the situation and frankly, too tired to argue, I sat on the side of the bed as Finny proceeded to dress me.

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