Chapter 4: Unexpected Relations

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Ciel's POV

We had finally gotten back to the mansion. It was way too late to question our new guest, so I had Sebastian assign the young woman the room next to Ms. Black Rock Shooter's, by her request. After that was done, we all went to bed, given the fact that we were all exhausted from the mission.

Time Skip

It was morning, and we already finished breakfast. Now, I was sitting in my study with Ms. Black Rock Shooter and the young woman we rescued from the mission. Sebastian was doing other things, so he was out at the moment.

I looked at the young woman, and begun questioning her.

"What is your name?"

The young woman apparently was lost in thought, for she snapped out of them with a bit of a jolt, and bowed respectively.

"Oh. My name is Kuroi Mato. Er, it would be Mato Kuroi in your case."

'In my case'?

"Where are you from?"

The girl looked thoughtful.

"Well, I'm originally from Japan, but I'm staying here in England for a time."

Japan? That's so far. What is she doing here?

"What business do you have here in England?"

"Well, my parents are here on a business trip, and they had to drag my brother and I here because we were too young to stay on our own."

I hummed in understanding. Then another question popped into my head.

"Tell me, how old are you?"

"I'm fourteen."

Older than me, yet she acts like a child. Then again, she probably hadn't experienced the things I have when I was younger, so acting like a child at her age was kind of expected. Another thought dawned on me after I finished the previous one; Ms. Kuroi is answering all my questions without a second thought, she must not be a very careful person.

"So, Ms. Kuroi, what were you doing at the party that we crashed?"

"Well, I was --"


The doors flew open, revealing Sebastian with a letter.

This time, I was so startled I nearly fell out of my seat. Ms. Kuroi (I believe that is how I should address her...) yelped and whirled around to the door. Ms. Black Rock Shooter quickly got into a battle position, again. Only this time, she grabbed Ms. Kuroi's arm protectively. Did she know Ms. Kuroi?

I growled in frustration after I got my heart to calm down. I stood up and yelled,

"This is the second time, Sebastian! What did I say?! Warn us!!!"

Sebastian bowed deeply.

"My apologies, my lord, but I come delivering another letter from the queen."

I sighed in exasperation, and sat down. Once again, I looked over to our guests to see if they were all right, when I saw Ms. Black Rock Shooter giving Sebastian a glare that would murder him if looks were able to kill. After, she whirled around to Ms. Kuroi and made sure she was okay. She sighed in relief and nodded, smiling brightly and our first guest. Well, if they knew each other, they were certainly close.

I snapped out of my thoughts and once again and looked up at Sebastian.

"Well, let's see it."

Sebastian approached me and handed me the letter. I took it and opened the envelope, revealing its contents...

My faithful Guard-dog,

More crime is quickly growing in London. It is upsetting, but true. This time, a murderer is on the loose, quickly killing and decapitating innocent people in the streets. The murderer is said to be female, with long, dark hair and a very large blade. Not much else is known about the culprit other than she is ruthless and doesn't care if she makes a mess. Please find and take care of this problem quickly. I do not want to see more innocent people murdered.


Queen Victoria

Just wonderful. Another mass murderer.

I looked up at everyone, our guests looking at me with questioning eyes, while Sebastian, as usual, was awaiting instructions. I closed my eyes for a moment, collecting my thoughts, then spoke.

"We have another mass murderer roaming London."

Ms. Black Rock Shooter narrowed her eyes in annoyance while Ms. Kuroi's eyes widened in shock.

"The authorities say the murderer is a female with long, dark hair and seemingly has a very large blade as a weapon."

Our first guest's eyes widened in disbelief. She lowered her head, and appeared to be thinking.

"Ms. Black Rock Shooter?"

She closed her eyes, her head still lowered. She spoke, but this time it was in a low and angered voice.

"I know who it is."

My eyes widened in shock. I stood up.

"Well, who is it?"

Ms. Kuroi looked up at Ms. Black Rock Shooter with questioning eyes. It seems she didn't know either. Ms. Black Rock Shooter raised her head and opened her eyes, but this time, there was a controlled hatred in her eyes.

"That woman,

is Black Gold Saw. The Otherself of Saya Irino."

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