Chapter 9: Finally

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Warning! There is violence in this chapter, so if you're sensitive to that, please skip this chapter. I promise I will go over what happened in the next chapter, so you will not miss anything if you do decide to skip this chapter for violence purposes. For those you of that can handle this, please stick around. I promise you'll want to read this chapter. Anyway, let's get on with the story.

Ciel's POV

The carriage was speeding along the trail, making it a very bumpy ride. We had to go fast in order to keep up with Ms. Black Rock Shooter. She wasn't joking when she said she had to sprint all across her home all the time. She was so fast she still kept a few feet ahead of us even while we were speeding.

It was amazing she could even see where she was going; for whatever reason, this morning was a foggy one, so even if we did go out to search for last night's culprit, we would've never even found a trace of her. Because of that, I have no idea how our guest is able to track down and follow the new culprit which, admittedly, I have no idea who it even is. All our guest told us was that whoever messed up my study captured our new guest, and she quite literally bolted out the window after the culprit.

Nevertheless, we continued to track her as she ran deeper and deeper into the forest. I just hope she does know where she's going.

Le Time Skip because I am lazy...

By the time Ms. Black Rock Shooter ceased running, we were at a run-down building deep in the woods. I was amazed; our guest had run the entire way here without stopping to rest, that is nothing to scoff at.

By the time we stopped the carriage, hid it, and got out ourselves, our guest had already gotten inside. My assumption was that she had defeated the outposts and infiltrated the base, for they were all either dead or unconscious.

We entered the building slowly, making sure we didn't stir up unnecessary trouble, but as soon as we got in, we realized we didn't have to worry about stealth. All the men inside were defeated as well. It was clear that our guest meant business.

It was easy to trace her steps; we merely followed the pile of unconscious bodies that littered the floor in a linear fashion.

It didn't take us long to find her since the bodies led to a room with a closed door. Slowly, we opened the door to find our guest standing in the middle of the room, unconscious men surrounding her. She was aiming a pistol at a man who was holding Ms. Kuroi. I was confused as to why she didn't just shoot him until I realized he was pointing a gun at our newer guest's head.


Finally, he realized we were in the room.

"Oh, now this is who I wanted to see."

My eyes narrowed in anger.

"What do you want from me?"

Our first guest turned toward us with confusion on her face. Right, I'll have to explain my position to her later, which she'll probably want to kill me because of it.

"I need you dead, that's all."

"Why have you brought my guests into this?"

He smirked.

"Any close relations to you are an advantage for me. Come on, now. You should know by now that anyone would exploit your guests."

I growled.


He smiled and simply walked forward. The man's face contorted in fear.

"H-hey! What're you doing?! You know I've got a hostage!"

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