Chapter 12: Friend and Foe

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Ciel's POV

It was around noon by the time we arrived to where the culprit was seen last. Of course, it was at an alleyway, and of course, no one was there.

I let out a sigh of frustration.

"What is it, my lord?"

I let out a groan.

"I'm tired of waiting for something to happen! This has been happening for the past few battles and I'm sick of it."

"You're a very impatient child, aren't you?" Ms. Black Rock Shooter used a tired tone as she spoke, which caused me to whirl around to face her.

"How dare you?! I'm not a child!!"

She crossed her arms.

"Well, anyone who complains and complains nonstop about small things is considered a child in my eyes. Besides, didn't you once say you were thirteen years of age?"

I shut my mouth while my face erupted in red.

Seeing as she had won the debate, she resumed her original position, her arms still crossed. She became silent while I struggled to not blow up about it. How dare she call me a child when her realself is only a year older than me?!

But then again, I suppose that doesn't really determine her own age, now does it...?

Oh, whatever!

I shook my head and turned to address her again.

"Do you know anything about how we could bring out our culprit?"

She put her finger on her chin, thinking.

"We could try baiting her out. I think if we give her someone to stab at, she'll definitely take the challenge."

I nodded.

"Good idea. But who?"

She looked at Sebastian, who looked back. I, myself, looked back and forth at them, wondering what on earth they were thinking. They nodded at the same time and looked at me, and I'm fairly certain I had a puzzled look on my face.

Ms. Black Rock Shooter stepped forward.

"I will."

I looked at her.

"Are you certain?"

She nodded.

"Yes. I feel that I'll have the most luck of drawing her out, seeing as we're old enemies. She is prone to attacking me."

I nodded in understanding. In all honesty, I can definitely relate to her situation. I've had more than a few skirmishes with my common enemies myself.

"All right."

As soon as I said this, our guest stepped into the light, waiting. Meanwhile, Sebastian and I ducked away to the dark corner, waiting for an opening.

We had better not have to wait long. We've been waiting too long already.

Suddenly, I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a metal clang. I whirled around to find our guest staring down our culprit, both with weapons in hand. Perfect! She's exposed herself!

Despite that, however, Sebastian and I decided to stay hidden just a little while longer. It would be better to see what she decided to do next.

She smirked at our guest, who was glaring at her with murder in her eyes.

"Always a pleasure, isn't it Black Rock Shooter?"

Ms. Black Rock Shooter narrowed her eyes and said nothing. Our culprit put her hand on her chest and looked hurt.

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