Ch 14: Where is She?!

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Ciel's POV

Ms. Black Rock Shooter, Sebastian, and I finally trudged our way to the nearest forest area. I wanted to go in our carriage since it was faster, but our guest insisted that we travel on foot. Ugh. Strangely enough, she also insisted that Lizzy and Ms. Kuroi didn't come either, much to their dismay. When asked about it, she just said she doesn't want them to see what she has to do and left it that.

I'm quite certain I trudged behind the two with a very unpleasant expression, my shoulders slumped forward and everything. Thankfully, for my safety, neither paid attention to my current state, especially Ms. Black Rock Shooter. A shudder ran up my spine as I remembered the first time I complained in front of her. So, solely because of the fact that I didn't want to annoy her again and face the consequences, I kept my mouth shut.

When we finally reached the edged of the woods, our guest stopped abruptly, causing us to stop as well, much to my relief. I took this moment to address her with a scowl.

"Now, why, pray tell, do we need to travel to the woods to contact this young woman?"

She just turned back to me with a look that said to be patient and wait. Of course, because what else would I do at this point?! I sighed in annoyance and did as I was told (surprisingly), straightening my posture and staying silent, waiting for her to make her move.

Once she realized I listened, she turned back to the darkness of the forest in front of us, then silently drew her blade. Utterly confused, I raised a brow and tilted my head, but ultimately decided to wait for her to finish before asking questions.

Suddenly, she held out her free arm and slashed it with her blade, her blood spurting out everywhere. What was even more shocking is that it wasn't even normal blood! It was a combination of black and bright blue; why that was even a thing is something I'll ask her later.

I stood motionless with wide eyes, horrified, before immediately taking a step forward and shouting at her.

"What is wrong with you?!?!"

Again, she just turned around with a calm expression and told me to wait. How can she be so calm when she just sliced her own arm?! She didn't even bother to stop the bleeding at all, leaving her own blood to stain her clothing and drip to the floor!!!

Now that I think about it, this is probably why she didn't want Ms. Kuroi and Lizzy to come along with us. The poor things would've probably fainted, if not screamed bloody murder, by now. I was about fed up with watching this and nearly ordered Sebastian to clean this up when I heard... something.

I can't really describe it, but it sounded like something was moving at a very fast pace... What was going on?

I soon found my answer as from out of the trees shot out two large, black skulls that dawned a bright green glow to their insides. I could only stare in fascination and utter shock as they raced up to our guest, she herself not doing anything in protest. It seems she wasn't kidding about the whole Ebony and Ivory thing...

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a metal clang sound throughout the area. Startled, I shot my gaze up to see the skulls were standing, er... floating? a ways back, while our guest merely had her hand outstretched, while I just watched in confusion. I suppose I should've been paying more attention, but I can't worry about that now.

I looked at Ms. Black Rock Shooter again to see her staring intently at the subordinates as if she were communicating with them. Suddenly, they moved themselves down and back up, (which I'm assuming is a nod), turned around, and sped off into the forest once again. Even after the entire ordeal was done, I couldn't help but continue to stare at where they previously floated.

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