Chapter 8: Really?!

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"Aah!! Rock!!!"


It was dark. So dark.

And cold. I felt weak, not like myself. I saw Mato being taken by a large shadow.

Immediately, I lunged to save her, but I felt weak. I felt I couldn't do it.

I grabbed her hand, holding desperately tight, not willing to let whatever this force was take her. But, as I said before, I felt weak. It didn't feel as if I had all the strength that I normally do. Soon, I felt her slipping from my grasp.

My eyes widened as she continued to slip. Her expression changed from fear to horror as she figured out what was happening as well.

Afraid, I tightened my grip on her, desperately trying to save her. But my sudden weakness made it a mute point.

Suddenly, Mato was ripped away from my grasp.

"Aah! Rock!!!!"

I could tell my expression held only pure terror.


3rd POV

BRS bolted up out of bed, her arm outstretched, still reaching for Mato.

Once she fully sat up, she realized it was just a dream. She sat there, trying to control both her breathing and heartbeat.

'So that's what Mato calls a nightmare...? No wonder she bolts out of bed every time she has one. That's terrifying!'

By the time she finished her thought, she had gotten herself calmed down enough to where she could think clearly. Suddenly, her head shot up.

'Mato! Is she still allright?!'

Immediately, she jumped out the bed she was laying in and pulled Mato's door open. She found Mato fully dressed and facing away from her as she opened the door. And as she did, Mato jumped and squeaked in surprise, startled by the sudden noise.  She whirled around to find BRS breathing a sigh of relief, thankful that Mato was still well.

It took Mato herself a few minutes to calm her beating heart before she saw the worry in her friend's eyes. Her expression changed to worry as a result.

"Rock? Is everything okay?"

BRS jolted out if her thoughts, before nodding slowly.

"Yeah. Sorry, just... had a bad dream."

Mato gasped.

"Oh no! Do you wanna talk about it?"

BRS calmly shook her head. It wouldn't do to get Mato troubled over a silly little dream.

"No, it's fine."

She turned around and gestured to the door.

"We should get going. They're probably waiting for us."

Mato nodded, but she was still worried about BRS.

With that, they both exited her room and went for the dining room. Along the way, they heard somebody screaming. Both turned curiously to the direction of the screaming when suddenly one of the household servants, Mey Rin, flew toward them with flying plates.

Immediately BRS put Mato behind her and caught the plates that were flying right at her. She didn't bother with the other plates as her only goal was to protect herself and Mato. This caused said plates to crash on the ground, making a very loud noise.

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