Chapter 5: Another One?!

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Ciel's POV

"Black Gold Saw??"

I was thoroughly confused. Who is that? Was it someone that Ms. Black Rock Shooter knew? Did Ms. Kuroi know her?

I looked to Ms. Kuroi to find she was just as confused as I was. Well, that answers that question.

Ms. Black Rock Shooter looked me directly in the eye, with the same controlled anger in her eyes.

"Black Gold Saw is an Otherself like me. She lives in the Otherworld and is one of my greatest enemies."

Another one?! That isn't good. Ms. Black Rock Shooter continued.

"I can tell by that look in your eyes that you know this isn't good."

Ms. Kuroi tapped Ms. Black Rock Shooter on the shoulder.

"Who's that, Rock? You said she was an Otherself but I haven't seen her much."

So, Ms. Kuroi know of the Otherselves but doesn't know who some of them are. Interesting.

"She is ruthless, a lot worse than me. Also, because she is older, she is more powerful than me and most of the Otherselves in the Otherworld. She has a lot of battle experience and she doesn't care if she makes a mess while killing."

Great. Just great. So we have another mass murderer who is an Otherself, no less on the loose. And to make things worse, this one is said to have more experience than Ms. Black Rock Shooter. That meant she was a lot more powerful. Just wonderful.

Again, Ms. Kuroi tapped Ms. Black Rock Shooter on the shoulder.

"Rock. Whose Otherself is this Black Gold Saw person?"

Ms. Black Rock Shooter looked at her.

"She's the Otherself of the one I believed is called Saya Irino, as I said before."

Ms. Kuroi looked shocked.

"Saya-Chan? But she's so nice!"

"The Otherselves don't have time to be nice, Mato. You know that."

Ms. Kuroi looked down.

All right, they definitely know each other, but I'll have to get answers later. Right now, we had to catch this Black Gold Saw, as soon as possible.

I looked to Sebastian after our guests finished conversing.

"Sebastian. I want you to go and talk around. See if you can find the last whereabouts of the culprit. We need to catch her as quickly as possible."

Sebastian, as always, grinned and placed his hand on his chest, replying with,

"Yes, my lord."

After, he bolted out the door, very quickly.

I looked at my guests to find they got comfortable, suspecting it would be a while before Sebastian came back. Well, I might as well get more answers now than later.

I looked at Ms. Kuroi, her attention focused elsewhere.

"Excuse me, Ms. Kuroi."

As I spoke, both guests looked at me, question aligning their eyes.

"Do you perhaps know Ms. Black Rock Shooter?"

Ms. Kuroi smiled brightly while Ms. Black Rock Shooter remained indifferent.

"Yes, I do! We're really close."

Ah, I thought so. I nodded as she finished her statement, then silenced myself. I'll ask more questions later, right now I need to think of a plan to catch this person. I mean, of course, Sebastian will handle everything, but if she's really as bad as our first guest says, I need to form a plan to catch her off guard. That way, we can end the fight quickly.

The rest of the wait for Sebastian was silent, though not uncomfortably so. It took Sebastian about 5 minutes to arrive back into the room. Thankfully, he didn't bust open the doors and cause a big commotion this time.

No. Instead, he merely knocked on the door, saying who he was and that he found out where the culprit is, much to my relief. I immediately told him to enter.

He entered with no paper, much to my confusion, until he spoke.

"My lord, the culprit is roaming down the alleyway nearest the bakery."

I nodded and immediately stood up.

"Prepare the carriage, we leave immediately."

Everyone nodded and exited the room. Upon my exit, I heard our guests conversing to the left of me.

"Mato, I want you to stay here. You'll be protected here."

Ms. Kuroi looked at Ms. Black Rock Shooter with puppy-dog eyes.

"But... But I wanna help!!"

Ms. Black Rock Shooter looked at her.

"You know how ruthless we can be. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you. Please, just stay here. For your safety."

Ms. Kuroi looked down, muttering a small "okay". Ms. Black Rock Shooter's eyes softened as she pulled Ms. Kuroi into an embrace. Right after, Ms. Kuroi looked at our first guest with determined eyes.

"You just have to promise to not get hurt! Promise me, Rock!"

Ms. Black Rock Shooter nodded.

"I promise."

Even though she promised like that, one could tell that those words were empty. She couldn't promise Ms. Kuroi anything regarding battle and injuries.

Ms. Kuroi smiled, and they embraced one last time, before separating, our first guest walking toward me and our second guest departing for her room.

Ms. Black Rock Shooter watched her depart, before turning to me, and jumping. Ah, right. She probably didn't know I was there.

She sighed in annoyance while clutching her chest, before glaring at me.

"Sorry about that, but we must be going. I want to catch this person as soon as we can."

Ms. Black Rock Shooter said nothing, but only nodded in response. After, we both ran to the already prepared carriage, entering it as soon as Sebastian opened the door.

The trip was silent, again both our guest and I slipping into our own thoughts. My thoughts were about how we were going to accomplish this. As our guest said before, this enemy will probably be very powerful, and we need to prepare for that. But, seeing as we don't know much about this enemy, all I could do is mentally prepare myself for when we actually encounter this enemy, and hope it will go smoothly.

One can only hope, right?

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