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Heyo, this is chapter one of my Markiplier x reader fanfic and I am excited! I don't usually do fanfic so don't judge if something is off, and if you have an idea for the outcome put it in a comment! A/N's will be in the bottom

Chap 1: My POV
Where am I? I... Can't do this again. No! It's so confusing! Take me home! I am on the beach again. The ocean waves get bigger each time. I hear that same voice, "Help! Help me!" It's a deep voice, kind of like Markipliers. No, it IS Marks. Is this some fan girl dream? I swear... I hear his plain scream. "Stop it! You can have me! I'm sorry!" Wait, 'You can have me?' What the hell? That hasn't happened before. I run towards the forest again, like I used to. When I used to do that, I would trip on a branch. I didn't. I keep running, and finally I see a clearing. In the clearing is... My dog? What is One-up doing here? Da hell? I go over to her. She is barking towards a particular direction. She is my german Shepard light brown with a blue and orange collar with a small white bow that has a yellow middle. I designed it custom that way, since I love portal. I go towards the way she is barking, and I see another clearing. Mark is there! He looks towards me and almost smiles. His arm is being slowly cut all the way down by some girl who I can only see the back of, but she looks familiar. Her H/C hair to just above the shoulders, heck even the clothes style. I... Think... Oh, she's turning around towards me. Just as I suspected. It's me. Her eyes are red though? I.. (No! Stop! Fight it, he is learning so much personal stuff about you. He can't invade privacy like that!) I turn away. It fades into light...

I am awake sweating hard. Screw this guy! He fooled me! I look over to the psychiatrist and he looks at me confused. "Why'd you turn away? We were so close to delving where we needed to be!" I look at him. "I just couldn't bear to watch my idol torn apart like that. And when I was..." I pretend to be all guilty, but really I am lying. I think that's my natural talent. "I see. Meet you tomorrow?" I don't have a choice. He has a doctor knock on my door early in the morning and make sure I am going, and then take me there in his car. "Sure!" I pretend to be glad to get treatment. It makes me look better to the hospital. "Great! Since you are doing so good, I will even let you come on your own. No doctors to go get you, honest." I am shocked, surprised, and so so happy. I nod and smile, pretending it isn't a big deal. And by the way, no of course I'm not going! Ha! Not a chance in hell. "Have a nice day, Y/N." I walk out thrilled. No doctors watching me. I am driven home by the weird intern that they have to watch me. I smile and nod as we arrive, and once I am inside I grab my suitcase and dog.
I am never coming back.

"A part of everyone's brain is blocked, and sometimes it just ends up being the conscience. Lock them up forever."
-Dr. Devol, psychiatric hypnosis head doctor, Boston life hospital.

Did you like it so far? Lol, we are pretty messed up to be forced to go through psychiatric conditioning in a hospital. Also, Devol is meant to resemble Devil, and we have been at this for a couple years now. Scared? I am too. And there is a reason this is in Boston... >:D

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