Apartments are complex

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I go over to the nearest hotel and ask for a room. They want my name, so I say "Y/N L/N" and the guy smiles are chuckles a bit. As he is finding my key, he says "You know, my cousin is a psychiatrist and he has a patient named Y/N. Pretty bad too!" He looks at me and I perfectly hide my nervousness. I smile at him, and he hands me the key. He then yawns and puts a sign up that says "Please wait for assistance" as he walks through a side room. I sigh with relief as I take my German Shepard  dog into my room. It's super small, and only even has one window. The puke yellow couch folds out into an uncomfortable bed, and there are sheets in the cabinet under the TV that's probably around 22" or less. The walls are math-textbook gray and the carpet is a dark green that clashes so much with the wood color that I want to vomit, not that it wouldn't match the room if I did. There's a mini-kitchen (a tiny fridge with a microwave on it) and a tiny bathroom with a cramped shower and no bathtub. This really is the cheapest of cheap. I set up the lime sheet that actually goes over the mattress, and the couch's white/chartreuse stripe thin blanket and fall asleep on a flat pillow.

Wait, what? No, not here. This beach again, I hate it. The forest is there. I won't accept it! Before he screams even come, I go out into the water. I look down when some fish hits my leg, and when I look back up there is a shoddy bamboo raft with two bamboo paddles. Markiplier is there, extending his hand. "Come on, let's get out of here, Y/N. They can't get us far enough out." I jump up with him, eager to not see myself with red eyes again, and we paddle out. I feel so safe, so happy. I escaped something, and relief washes over me even as I don't know what I had to escape. The light floods me again...

I am sweating. It's dark out still. I am panting my heart out as I think about what happened in the dream. I get up, realizing I'll never be able to sleep like this. I change and walk out to get a laptop, camera, headset and apartment with the last of my money. I could get a cheap apartment if I leave the hotel now, so I do, and go for the apartment first. I hit a building a few blocks away and ask for the cheapest room. I buy it, bring my crap up there, and walk back out towards the mall into the Microsoft store. I grab a Microsoft surface with good quality, and I only have a few hundred left, so I grab the cheapest headset and a mid-way camera and walk out again. I am super worn out and really tired (it's like, 3 in the morning!) and I walk through the mall to my final destination, a sportsy store, because I see a sign that says "Camping special, flashlights $1,99 sleeping bags 20.58!" I walk in and browse for a bit, before coming upon the camping special area. I am going to get tape, a flashlight, and a sleeping bag for now. The tape and the flashlight are for my recording setup, I will tape the flashlight to the wall so that it outlines my face in light with the face-cam. I buy the crap, and she says in a nasally voice, "Buy one flashlight, get one free." And she sounds so bored. I nod, and run to pick up another one of the same kind, just in hot pink with a navy lid, instead of only navy. I walk out, exhausted, holding a full bag in one hand with a deep purple sleeping bag in a deep purple bag thing around my shoulder. I just can't keep walking, so I sit down. I slowly close my eyes...

Nonono. I am in a cage! It's cold metal, and hanging from a chain! It's a small cage, I am kneeling in it. Crying. Not only me, but someone else I can't see. I turn around, (barely having enough room to do so) to see Jacksepticeye in a room with a glass window. "Don't! I'll tell you, every bit every detail every secret, just please! Who are you!?!?" He looks to his side past a small wall. He can't go around, he is tied to something with chain. I can see her though. It's me, with the red eyes. I hear moving under me too. "Where he hell am I?!" Mark?! "Don't kill them, ma'am. I beg you! You could even kill me!" Jack complains. I cry.

"Miss? You okay?" I feel tugging on my hand. I cringe. I hated it when doc did that. It pulls away at my movement, and I open my eyes a bit. I see a man with red hair, sitting by me looking at me.. He was tugging on my hand. "Do you need help?" I am still dazed, but not insane. Is that him? "I... Think I might be okay. " I am in the mall... Oh, I fell asleep. I still have my stuff in my hand. The apartments provide TV service I remember, and grin a bit. I then realize. I am sitting next to Markiplier! The youtuber! I drop my jaw a bit when I see. He smiles, rather observant, and backs up a bit to give me my space. "You going camping or something?" He asks. "With a... Laptop?" He is confused. I couldn't hope to explain. "Meh, something like that." I smile. He says, "Well, what's your name?" "Y/N." I respond. "L/N." "Well, that's cute." We smile. "And you know who I am, I take it by your face a minute ago?" I nod. "Well, I have to go. Here's my number, call me if you need me." He looks me up and down. "Don't fall asleep in anymore malls!" And smiles. I smile too, and after me texting his number to test, and is marking down each others numbers in our contacts, he left. I headed back to my apartment, less disappointed in my life than earlier. I am starved too, so I pick up sonic on the way back. I sit down, and set up my apartment.

"The life of the rich isn't always better than the life of the poor. It usually is, though!"
    -the sonic worker

Heyo, how'd you like it? Nvm, idc. I know it's rather long, but pfft. Have fun.

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