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Our POV three years later

"Mark! Get DOWN here! Get your lazy a-" my screaming is interrupted by running steps.
"Sorry, sorry. Homeslice tried to escape again." He explains with messy hair running downstairs.
"It took you thirty minutes to catch a hamster in an enclosed room?!" I sigh.
"No, it took me thirty minutes to get a hamster OUT FROM UNDER OUR BED, HONEY." He yells as he brushes his hair and grabs the gift basket. I pull the sloppy tupperware of chocolate fudge off the counter as well as Izzy's bag. She whines at me from the baby chest-strap thing and reaches for the counter. I look back and grab her stuffed dragon off the counter as we run out the door to the car.
Oh, yea, Mark and I got married around two and a half years ago, and Isabell is our baby girl. And now we're late for a Christmas party. We're all meeting up at Ethan's house and bringing food. We draw cards for what we brought, and we got dessert.

We walk out of the car with Mark CONSTANTLY telling me to slow down. He wouldn't even let me open my own door. Cause pregnancy affects my ability to open doors, yea okay.

Did I mention I'm pregnant? With twins? Well, I did now.

We walk in and immediately everyone looks at us laughing and pointing at the ceiling. There's an unavoidable mistletoe. Mark smirks at me.
I pick Izzy up out of her strap and kiss her on the cheek. She giggles and I enter the party, leaving Mark pouting.
"Awww come onnnnn...." he gives me sad puppy dog eyes.
"Ah shush, doodldy doo." I smirk at him.
"It's okay Mark, I'll kiss you." Ethan laughs out.
"I'll pass on that one!" Mark laughs back. I put down the fudge and Izzy's bag as she yet again drops her dragon toy. I lean in and kiss Mark, intending to break away to grab Izzy's toy, but he pulls me in closer for a short makeout session. I break off and put our daughter down next to her toy and everyone closes in to fawn over her. I pull Mark out of the crowd before he starts a story and I kiss him. And I don't stop.

This is my life now, and I love it. Yea, I occasionally have nightmares. Okay, fine, I wake up screaming more than Izzy, but Mark always hugs me and tells me it's alright. And I'm okay. I'm not wonderful, not normal and not perfect, but I'm okay. Because I'm with Mark. And you know what?

I wouldn't have it any other way.

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