Victim p2

45 1 0

Your POV

I wake up in a dark room. I can't see anything, but my hands are chained to the surface of a table and I'm in a crappy metal chair. My phone rings, and I look over into my pocket.

It's Mark.

I scramble to grab it and somehow manage to push it up with my leg onto the table enough for me to grab it.
I answer the call on a quiet volume of speakerphone.

"Mark? It's you?" I ask.
"Y/N! You're okay! Where are you?!" He practically screams. The room fills with his voice. I turn the volume down a little more.
"Mark, shut up! I don't know where I am but I can't see much. Hard to explain." I can see the table in a small circle of light from the phone, and it brings back memories. Bad ones.
"I'm pretty sure I just got kidnapped by Dr.Devil." I tell him.
"Wait is his name actually Devil?"
"Devol. Not the time, Mark!" I begin to panic. I don't know where I am! How will he find me? I start hyperventilating.
"Okay uh, just calm down, okay? I'll find you, okay? Even if I have to check every building in the entire continent!
...Don't worry, Y/N. I'll keep you safe."
This calms me down.

At least, until I hear a door. I shut off his volume and toss my phone under the table just as the lights turn on, and I see the room. It's a recreation of one of the Boston Life Hospital psychiatry rooms. I know it's not the real one because in the real ones, the windows are bigger and all the exact same with white blackout curtains. These are just black curtains. This room is smaller, and the door is in a different place in relation to the room than any of the ones I saw in the hospital, and I saw all of them.
"Welcome back to the hospital!" Devil said cheerily from the doorway.
"We're not in the hospital." I tell him calmly. I must stay calm, and Mark will find me.
He chuckles. "Heh. No, it is not. This is my house. I recreated a room here a few years ago for in case I find someone on my own that needs help, so I can do my job here while I register them into the hospital..." he smiles. "But now it gets a new purpose. A better purpose. Of course, I'll still be registering you into the hospital. But I'm sure it'll take longer since I'm requesting in-hospital housing." I stiffen. In hospital housing? Like? Never ever leaving the hospital? I fake calm still.
"Ah, but where is your house? How close are we to Boston Life," I say the name so Mark knows where it is "so that I know how long to get there when we go." I lie smoothly.
He grins evilly. "Sure, and tell whoever it is that's listening through however they are, not to bother coming." He lists off the address, nice and loudly. Perfect.
I laugh along with him.
"Ah, but he will come. I do believe that." I tell him confidently.
"And if he does, I'll just tell him about you. About your... test score?" He grins at me. "I am right to assume you never told him about this? About who you are?" I glare at him, but he just laughs.

I truly hate this man...

Mark POV

I go immediately to the address he listed, Jack and Felix constantly calling me. I finally pick up once I stop hearing talking on the other line.
"WhAt!??!?!" I snap.
"Geez Mark, sorry. Where are you? Where's Y/N?" Jacks voice sounds panicked and scared.
"I'm going to get her. She got kidnapped by her old psychiatrist." I list off the address.
"Okay, we're coming too. Don't worry, she'll be okay." I then hear him scream out the address to Felix and a car door slam. I hang up and go back to Y/N's line. They idly passive-aggressively insult eachother until I arrive.

I stop the car half-parked and run into the house. It's rather large, but not a mansion or anything. Normal large. I pull open the unlocked door and rush around the house until I reach a hallway. There's a doctor standing there, looking... rather... doctory.

"Hello. May I assume you're here about Y/N?" He says smirking.
"You can assume whatever you want. Where is she?!" I demand.
"Let us talk first. Then, if you still want to see her, I promise I'll take you there." He gestures into a room with a desk. I grudgingly walk in and sit in a smaller chair, staring at him behind the desk.
"So, let's start at the beginning. How much do you know about Y/N? Her past, I mean." He questions me. Seriously dude?
"Well I uh.." I actually don't know much about her past. "I know bad things happened to her, and she wanted to get away from them, so she moved. She didn't like talking about it, but whatever you di- I mean, whatever happened to her, left her in a bad mental state." I finish. That's really all I know.
He lets out a laugh. "Did she not tell you she's legally insane?" He casually says. My eyes widen. ...Really?
He smiles at my reaction. "Did you not know she did therapy with me for two years to try to fix her, and that we still barely made progress?" He laughs some more. "Did you never know that she had a mentality of 98/100, where most people are between 0-15? And the acceptable range is 0-30?" He leans back in his chair. The next thing he said made me really stiffen.

"Did she really lie to you that much?"

Yes, she did. She lied about all of this stuff. Legally insane? Years of therapy? This guy is a doctor, yea?
...maybe she does need this.

I finally break the silence with a whisper. "What made her like this?"
He shrugs. "An orphanage. Whatever. She was probably born like this." I shudder at the thought of being 98% insane my whole life and being stuck in an orphanage.
"And you're a psychiatrist?" I make sure.
"Of course! I have a PHD." He smiles.
"Now that you know all this, would you like to talk to her?" I put my head down. I originally was hard-set on bringing her home, but now? I'm not so sure...
"Yea. I wanna talk with her." I make my decision and into the room we go.

VictimizedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora