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It's 3 am when I wake up. Luckily I had no dream. I grab my camera and my navy blue flashlight and go out to vlog. I'll make a gaming video right after, and then edit them both. I tiptoe out and pull the door open. I stop to listen but I hear nothing, so I shut it. I quietly walk down the hall and walk out to the sidewalk. I hit my flashlight on and walk down a bit before putting the camera on. "Yo yo yo, is Y/N here..!" I whisper. "Or YT/N whichever you like to refer to me with. Anywho, I am on the streets of LA where I live at 3 in the morning. I would be in my apartment, but my roommate is a light sleeper." I stop, unsure what to do. I pull my necklace out from under my shirt (I never took it off) and smile, "This is my necklace." Pausing again, and then my smile turns more sly. "If you like it, like this video below, it's right about..." I make a gesture with my hand to my lower left. "Here? Ish. Maybe the other side, I don't know how this works yet." I chuckle. I turn off the camera and walk to the park. There's one person there walking their dog grudgingly and tiredly. I chuckle, maybe I could do that if I don't get money soon. I sit on the swing, get going a bit and put the camera on. "I'm on a swing! I'm 20 friggin 1!" I laugh a bunch and I'm unsure what to say again. "I don't have anything interesting to do so don't expect much. But really, I love swinging cause I always felt like I was flying." I laugh. "On a badly made rocket seat I guess." I grin. I've gotten up really high by now and I say, "Do you like dogs? I should've brought my dog. I'll record with him tomorrow." I laugh. I'm thinking about how I am talking about dogs while holding a camera swinging on a swing. "I'll record a gaming video really soon, but for now..." I pause and grin. "Bye-ah!" And I turn it off. I laugh for a long time about my situation. Must've been an hour, swinging and laughing. Some girl walks up to me, her dirty blonde hair in a long ponytail. "What are you doing? I've been here for ten minutes and the whole time you have been swinging and laughing like a toddler." I laugh a bit more, and respond, "Is there any reason really why I can't?" I smile. She shakes her head chuckling and says, "Well, why do you have a camera?" I grin. "I have a little YouTube channel. Nothing much, though." She grins at me. "What's it called? I'll look it up." I chuckle. "It's YT/N and I only have around 10-15 subs." "Oh, well I'll boost the number for you by one." She chuckles. She waves and walks away, and I wave back. I stop swinging, bored. I yawn. I'll just head home, Mark will never notice. I put my stuff in my satchel and walk on over. I am really tired, but I had so much fun. I have "work" tomorrow at 9:00 am so I'll do that, and I'll just do videos. I hit the elevator, since I'm so tired. I head up to the 10th floor and tiptoe into Mark's room. I quietly shut the door and walk to my room. As soon as I put my satchel down, Mark walks in. I clearly woke him up. "Hey... Whatchu doing up?" He says tiredly but pleasantly. "I'm so so sorry, Mark. I'll go back to sleep.." I cringe back a bit. "You should too. Not that I'm telling you what to do, I..." Words begin to fail me and I just shake it off of my head. "Just... I'm fine. Sorry." "Oh it's okay, I just want to be sure you're okay." He looks over me, and sighs. He walks out, and I sigh in relief. He didn't suspect a thing. One-up stumbles in and knocks out on her dog bed. She's almost as tired as I am. I chuckle at the thought, and change my shorts out and hit the sack. I fall asleep quickly.

That's all I can say.
I can't see. What the hell?
"No..!" I push out again. It's so dark. I can't move...
"No!!" I say. I can't not! Where's Mark? Where am I? I begin whimpering as I feel something hit my face. "Shut up." I cringe. The fuzziness in feeling is fading, and my hands are bound, as well as my feet. I seem to have something on my neck, and I'm standing on something. I'm on a chair or stool. The cloth over my eyes whips off, and I am on a wood stool. I look up and around, and nearly fall over. The thing on my neck is a rope, and I can do nothing about it. I whine again and she hisses. She is the black-haired girl. "Do you want me to kick this out from under you?" I take a half-step back. She smiles. "Good. Then you'll let my little friend have some fun?" She says demonically. I nod slightly. What other choice do I have? She walks out, and a guy walks in with Mark and Jack tied up. Another guy follows. Mark, Jack and the first man walk into a connecting room. They are only wearing boxers. I realize I am only wearing a light pink blouse and some panties. The guy comes over to me and unbuttons the blouse so I have no shirt on, and he laughs. He rolls his hand over my chest. "No!" I manage one last time, before he rubs his hand around my stomach, and works up. His dirty hands hit my chest. "No..."

I wake up sweating. I am crying. "No." I whisper lightly. I am shivering. I grab a blanket and walk over to Marks room, seeing him on his phone. He looks up at me, and I blush. I shouldn't have even come in here. Why did I?! I'm so dumb. He will lock me to my bed for sure. "S-sorry. I'll leave." I whisper. "No, wait." He says, and I stop. Crap what have I done? He scoots over and gestures me to join him. If I don't, he might be mad. I walk over. I'm not upset just scared. I actually love that he's letting me do this, but it could be a trick... Something tells me it's not. I crawl into his bed by him and he puts an arm around me. We both quickly fall asleep again.

Ice cream? Where did I get ice cream..? I'm in a park, on a bench, but where is anyone else? The land is infinitely flat around the park, with a couple hills. Mint chocolate chip one scoop, cookie dough another, and another vanilla. It's very good! I see myself swinging on the swing. It's night now. I'm recording. Wha...
All I know is I look like an idiot.

My eyes shoot open and I am in Marks bed. I get up and walk into the main area. "S-sorry it took so long for me to wake up." Mark is here. He has a white box that looks like cheap plastic. He puts it on the counter and opens it to show donuts. I smile. "That's alright. I know you had a rough night." I nod and grab a cake donut. I munch on it quietly. The silence is awkward, with Mark sitting on the couch. I am on a rocking chair. He finally pipes up, "So, you have work soon? It's 7:45. Doesn't it start at 8:00?" I don't even remember what time, but I don't care. "Yea, I think." I finish up quickly. "I need to get dressed and such..." I mention. "Yea, alright." He responds, a bit dreary but a bit happy. I get up and go to the room he gave me. I stuff my laptop, cam, and one of my flashlights in the satchel. One-up comes to say hi, and I pat her head. I get dressed into a navy hoodie and jean capris with flip flops and I walk out. Mark waves at me as I walk out. I head to a forest near the park, and go out in it. After awhile I get to a beautiful pond. It's even better because it's spring. There are flowers all around, and pear trees scattered all over the place. It's astonishing. I sit on a relatively short flat rock, and pull up my laptop and attach my headset. I really can manage, can't I?

"Don't let the tears of the fallen seep too far in. It might just kill you."

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