Friend or foe

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I wake up sweating. Flashbacks suck so much. I look around, realizing I'm not in a sleeping bag. I am frightened out of my mind until I remember I am at Marks place. I calm down, still being cautious. I have a nice soft blanket over me. It's black with Markiplier's M on it. I smile a bit, relaxing even more. I am still being observant, though, and still on alert. I listen for a second, and don't hear anything. He must still be asleep, or at least in bed. I get up and hit his kitchen, grabbing a piece of bread out of a bag on his counter. I eat it while I go back to the other room and look around. He has a nice TV, a comfy black leather couch, a matching armchair, an oval shaped galaxy rug and an end table with a lamp on it. It's such a big room, around the size of my full apartment. And he has the kitchen attached to it. Boring, but better than mine. I start walking towards the door to leave Mark alone. I don't want to leave, but he deserves better! I am worthless, and he shouldn't have to deal with me. If I stay when he wakes up, he will try to make me answer personal questions over breakfast. I look at the clock. 5:12 AM. I hear something and reach for the door, but it's too late. "Y/N? Why are you up..?" He asks. He is concerned. No no no! I'll ruin his life. "I... I'm sorry." I walk towards the couch again. I'll pretend to sleep and then leave. "Was it that horrid couch? I have a spare bed, if you'd like." "No no, it was my dream." I admit too much. "I'm sorry, sir. I'll just go to sleep, I won't bug you anymore." "No, you aren't bugging me." He lied, "Come on, I have a guest bed." He grabs my wrist and pulls. I resist twisting away, and I go with him. He gestures to the bed and I get on it. It's so comfortable, and warm. I'm used to sleeping really cold... I look up at him and he smiles a bit. "Anything you need, Y/N?" "No sir, thank you." He chuckles and sits next to me. "You don't have to call me 'Sir.' Y/N, it's okay." I didn't even realize I was. I nod. "I'm sorry." He laughs even more, "Well don't be sorry, it's fine. You just don't have to!" He says, and then his eyes change and he calms down. He remembered what I did, and that I wasn't just one of his buddies. I sigh. "I'm sorry I woke you up." He shakes his head smiling. "It's okay. What about your dream woke you up, anyways?" He asks. I shy away and just mutter, "No need to worry you with it, s-" I stop from saying 'sir' and gulp. I crossed my arms in front of my like I always do. "Sorry." I whisper. He sighs, and says, "Goodnight, but if you need me, come get me. Please. Okay?" I nod. I lie, of course. I'm not waking him up! He might hit me... I go back to sleep after a while, though I expect to wake up at 6:00.

I am on a beach. I see Mark in front of me, and step back from him. "I won't hurt you. She's coming, you have to follow me." I felt drugged, and I slurred out, "Nah nah nah, itsh alright maaaan." And he grabs my wrist. I perk up hearing a voice behind me. Ms. Turner. "Don't trust him!" I want to believe him that there is danger. I want to run but I can't control my body. I flick him off my wrist with ease, nearly hurting him. He takes a step back, but then looks into my eyes. He steps forward, determined. I kick his ankle and he falls. I cry. I feel cold water on my neck, as Ms. Turner sprays me. I stop crying and say, "I'm sorry, ma'am." I hate it.

I wake up sweating again, this time crying. Just a bit, it's normal but I have to hide it. I cry a lot. I wipe my face and shut my eyes hard. I open them and look at the clock. 7:30! I hear clanging outside the room and I rush out to see Mark in the kitchen making chocolate chip pancakes. I am horrified at myself for waking up late. "Im so sorry I... I just didn't wake up... My dream, I..." The words fail, and I wait for his move. How sudden it is depends how I react. I start crying because I think he might hit me, and I immediately wipe it away with my hand and try to block it from his vision. It doesn't work and he rushes over to me. I step back and he puts a hand on my shoulder. "Shh shh it's okay... It's alright, I don't care." And he keeps saying that over and over, quieter and quieter. I start to calm down. "R... Really? I... I'm sorry..." He hugs me lightly and says "Yes, it's okay I don't mind at all." Softly. I suddenly remember one-up and remember I need to feed him. "I need to feed my dog..." I say. He puts up one finger, and goes into another room. He walks out with a bag of dog treats and a small bag of dog food. He's so nice! I read the labels and they say, "Pup love- All natural dog treat" and "Chao chow, dog food, no artificial color or preservatives." I smile. Is he just giving it to me? "Thank you so much, Mark. I really appreciate it." He nods. "It's fine." I hug him, and we eat breakfast with him asking dumb stuff like 'What's your favorite color?' And me answering, almost saying sir, and apologizing. I leave for my apartment finally.

"Though love exists, some will simply never see it."

A/N- I hope you don't mind the boring ending, I have to sleep sometimes and night is the best time to do this.

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