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I walk in behind him slowly, and look around his huge apartment. He lives in the same building as I do, just on the 10th floor. I am as frightened as a kicked cat in a cramped corner. I am barely keeping from crying as Mark puts his hand on my shoulder, upset and... Almost scared. "I'm going to go get some bandages, okay?" He leads me to the couch and sits me down. "Stay right here okay?" He tells me. I nod a bit. He walks out and into another room and I quietly get up and tiptoe towards the door. I need to get out of here, he needs to forget about me and have a good day, never thinking about this much sadness again. I hear him coming so I start going back towards the couch, but he walks really fast. He sees me up and I cringe. He's going to tie me down, or hit me or something. I shut my eyes to stop from crying, and hear him walk towards me. I feel a soft hand on my shoulder, and a slight pull in one direction. I pull back a little, and he holds more forcefully but doesn't try to take me anywhere. Oh no, I'm so stupid he's going to lock me up somewhere. I shrug away but he whispers, "Hey, it's okay, sweetie, I don't bite." I open one eye to see him smiling cautiously at me, and watch him move his arm down to my wrist. I was much more comfortable this way, since I knew how to snap anyone's hand off my wrist in a split second. I let him guide me towards the couch, and I sit down. He takes out the bandages and I scoot away. He notices and looks up at me. He is so observant. "It's okay, I'll just fix this up." He tries to grab my arm but I pull away. I look at him again and remember my dream. Part of me says to run, thinking he will hurt me. Part of me sees him as a nice person, the exact person from his videos, and makes me want to trust him. I finally give him my arm, half expecting him to hit it into a wall the the people at the orphanage. I am so damaged... He grabs it and I flinch. He grabbed just above my wrist, where I cut. He pulls away, and grabs my arm higher up to pull it towards him. He takes off the paper towel I wrapped on it, and bandages it cautiously and slowly. I look towards him and he smiles. I look down at my arm and its bandaged nicely, and it hurts less. "That'll heal really soon." He says calmly. I see the concern in his eyes, he is madly worried. My mind is screwing with me so much that I can't tell if he wants to hug me or hurt me. I smile a tiny bit, not being able to read his eyes very well. I got good at that over the years. "Do you want a drink? Some tea? Water?" I want fresh lemonade so badly, but I am scared to death. I mumble "Water." And quickly after, remember to finish with "Thank you, sir." The psychiatrist was trying to train that out of me recently. I had done it two years, so it must've been annoying after a while. I curl up into a ball on his couch and fall asleep soon.

Orphanage flashback dream!
I wake up in the middle of the night, and I really have to use the bathroom. I am not allowed to get up for ANY reason during the night, and Ms. Turner was in the next room asleep. She's a light sleeper, but if I pee myself I have to sleep outside for a week. If it's winter or rainy, I sleep in a dog cage with newspaper on the bottom of it. I slowly quietly get up and walk to the bathroom. The toilet is a soft flush, so that they can use it during the night. I start tiptoeing over and hear a nasty, harsh voice demand, "Just what are you doing, Y/N?" I cringe and step back one. "I... I needed to use the restroom." "You aren't allowed up at night, you know that, vermin." I shudder. "I know I just-" "Don't talk back to me!" She grabs me and pulls me over to her bedroom. It's big compared to mine, and I share mine with 9 other kids. I hate her so much. She pushes me against the wall and kicks my ankle into it, still pushing my into it by my shoulders, face outward. "Now, what do you say?" "I'm so sorry!" She kicks me again. "Well?" "I-" before I can speak, my face burns. "I'm very sorry, ma'am!" I manage. She stops pushing me into the wall, grabs my shoulder, and pulls me back into my room holding a leash. She attaches it to the 'necklace' she gives everyone, which can't come off. (Well, it can, but I have no clue how and I have tried.) It's a silver chain necklace, and I can't break it. She attaches the hook on the leash to the necklace, and the other part onto a padlock on the bed. She pushes me into my bed, slaps me one more time and says, "Lucky you I'm tired." And walks out back to her room. That was so dumb of me! I am secretly crying, and she can't know that. She sprays crybabies with freezing cold water, and it actually kinda hurts because it's so fast. If we scream she puts a muzzle on that kid. She really treats us like animals. I hear Vener, the boy sleeping next to me, say "Got caught again? Ha. Loser!" I scoff quietly, "Whatever! As if you wouldn't get caught." "Oh yea? Least I'm smart enough to not get up!" "I had to pee! I still do..." He laughs at me. He punches me in the stomach, but not hard enough to make me scream. "Are we really gonna do this again, Vener?" I ask in pain. "Yea. We are." He hits my cheek, and as I try to get up, the leash nearly chokes me. He laughs. It's a horrible sound.

"He who stops cannot continue"

A/N- Yoyoyo! Liking it? I certainly am. I aim for around 1,000 words per chapter, but some might end up short, some long. If it hits 1,900 I'll split it into two instead.

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