Tears flow quickly

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Run fast, run far.
That's all that is going through my head right now.
Run. Run, run RUN!

Wait, why am I running again?
Oh yea! Mark, Jack, and the whole crew, and.. well... everyone, saw that I am an escaped insane person. Great.

Who knows, maybe Mark wouldn't even mind. He hasn't judged me at all yet, for anything.
Who are you kidding? He's a human, Y/N. Don't be naive, they're sure to hate you after this.
Maybe they'll forget. Forget me, forget I existed, like I was just some random fan that moved away again.
No, this was more than that. I-
Im cut off by running into a stop sign. Haha, ironic. Cause it's a stop sign. Strange, my face doesn't seem to think it's very funny.
I decide to rest for a while, so I head into the gas station that I am near. I walk in and sit down at a bench. I try to take in my whole scenario. Dang, I really screwed up. I don't know what exactly I did wrong, but I seriously screwed something up. Now I'm not only in my hometown that I was trying to avoid, not only do I have no money, not only am I lost and alone, but I have ruined the life of my idol in this world, and a great person. I start crying. Not sobbing, but tears flowing quickly and heavily. Someone jerks open the door to the gas station. I peek up. Oh great, even better.
Mark hurried over to me and sits next to me. He puts his arm around me and... just sits there, whispering things in my ear like, "Everything is okay" and "You're going to be fine." "I'll protect you." "You're okay." He is just comforting me. He just saw on the news that I'm literally insane, and he's comforting me?? I start crying harder and lean my head onto his shoulder. Jack bursts the door open and immediately sees me and Mark. He seems wary, and seeing as he just heard I'm insane, I can't blame him. He creeps over and sits down. My hood falls off as I cry on Marks shoulder. The man at the cash register looks over at me, and recognizes me in a split second. He is shocked. He looks at the phone and up at the TV. Jack gets up and walks over, and begins to talk to the man, trying to calm him down and tell him I'm not insane and the situation is dealt with.

I can't believe these guys are still being nice to me.

I cry for around 10 minutes. Felix walks in after a few and is even more wary of me than Jack, but he is still trusting me somehow, and that I like. But why?
I sniffle once more and pick me head up.
"Are you alright, Y/N?" Mark softly asks me. I nod.
"Good." He says and hugs me once more. Why is he being so nice to me?
"T-thank you..." I tell him. "I'm so sorry that I ruined your trip like this. I-" he cuts me off. "No, hey, you're more important than the dumb convention." He smiles. I smile back somehow.

Crazy? Yup, I really am.

"Never cry in public. It gives them something to laugh about, to mention when you are trying to make a good impression, but most of all, it shows them you're weak, and then they know they can walk all over you."

Duuuude this is getting half-cringy, half-cliche, half-dumb, and half-bad-at-math. It's a four-halved trihexadecoragon. Okay that isn't a real thing sorry. This is nearing an end and I hope you are enjoying it, I plan to make the next chapter a two part finale and then having one short one to wrap it all up and close it off. I don't want to overdo it after all, do I?

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