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I grab my stuff, and shove it in my satchel. I chuckle as I see the Hershey's cookies and cream drops still in my bag. I stuff my navy sweater and two pairs of clothes into my bag. One pajamas, two normal. I grab my two flashlights and my laptop, phone, and chocolate. I grab the sleeping bag and see the knife. I wipe it off and put it at the bottom of my bag. This is really all I have... I tear up a little, seeing that I have so little. I left it all behind. I think about it, and I am glad I left it behind. I'll have a fresh start, and that's really what I need... I'm even beginning to see happiness in things, instead of when I always saw what could go wrong, or how someone could hurt me. I see a few good things too, like how happy a couple is, or the jokes of a man in a car. Music too, I hear the happier points. Not the fact that they die, the fact that they come back afterwards. I'm confused with life, and it's fine. I grab the dog food that Mark gave me, and head out up to the 10th floor. The walk is a happy one, plus I'm not being pulled. I smile at this. I hear someone behind me. "Little one... Turn around!" I'm 21, and I hate being called 'Little' by strangers. I whip around to see someone try to punch my face out. I dodge and run up the steps as fast as I can run. I need to get to Mark, he'll help. I look behind me, the man is still there. It's the blonde guy in sunglasses from the park. Crap! I run faster, and I hear him gaining. I suddenly stop and kick backwards, and he stumbles back giving me a huge lead. I hit the 10th floor, but he catches me before I can leave the stairwell. The guy covers my eyes with a bandana, and he holds me against the wall. He pushes my left wrist in especially, seeing bandages above my wrists. He punches the space above my wrist, hitting right at the point I cut. I scream instinctively, and begin whining at him, "Stop, no I'm sorry. I shouldn't have run I'm sorry sir!" And loads of things of the same kind, until I hear a door open. My arm burns, and my neck too since he took to pushing that into the wall instead of by my head. Someone walks over, and the blonde guy chuckles and says, "Stop in your tracks. This who you're looking for?" I hear a growl. "Leave, now." Mark! "Mark! Ple-" I get cut off with a hit to my wrist. I twist my head against the wall, pushing the bandana off my eyes. Mark is angrier than I have ever seen. I am in so much pain... But I have to do something. Mark looks at me, and I look to him. I am filled with determination. I kick backwards and hit the guy's ankle. He steps back just enough for me to get him again and he nearly falls. I race over to Mark, who is so determined his eyes are on fire. I wanted to sit and cry before, but now I want to see him fall. Mark goes angrily over to the frightened man, and kicks him down the stairs. That'll show him. I smile, and Mark rushes over to me. "Are you okay? How bad is it? Where did he hit you?" My neck hurts so much I can hardly speak, and I look down at my left wrist. It's bloodied. Mark looks too, and says, "Here, I'll take your stuff, and we can get you inside and fix this." I nod, and hand him my stuff. We head in and he sets down my things next to a door. "That is, well, was my guest room. It's yours now." We smile and I sit down, and he goes to find the bandages again. Or a 1-aid kit or something. I grab my satchel and take the Hershey's drops out and munch on them. One-up and some adorable yellow dog are playing behind the couch. I think I remember that's Chica. I chuckle, they are so cute. Mark walks back in with the bandages and a first aid kit. We unwrap the bandage, and Mark says, "Oh that's not so bad. We can just wipe it up and re-bandage it." I smile, and he does to. After a second of looking at it, his smile fades a bit. He remembers how I got it. He grabs a wipe out of the first aid box, and Chica comes over to say hello to me. "Oh, this is Chica." Mark smiles. "I'd guessed." I say weakly as I pet the dog with one hand. Mark wipes my arm off and re-bandages it. I hug him, and he hugs back. "Thank you so much Mark. You helped me see how to smile." "Hey, it's what I do." I smile. He does! I should set up my social media, but I tell myself I'll do that later. I drift slowly to sleep against Marks shoulder.

Where am I? I'm in chains, in a dungeon. I hear Mark screaming, "No! Please! What is it you want?!" In another room. These walls look brick, so it must be loud. "Stahp it! I'm sorry!" Jacksepticeye. Oh god... I am in chains, sitting here. I look around, there's no exit. At ALL. Not even in the roof. I hear something to my left, and I turn. I there's a woman there, deep black hair and a creepy smile. It's like mine when I... Never mind that. She pulls out a knife and comes toward me. She kneels next to me and whispers, "You are worthless.." Into my face. I truly am... I whimper once, and she smiles. She holds the knife to my left leg, and I close my eyes and brace. Wait, no. No I won't do this, I won't sit here and be pushed around, I won't! I hiss at her, and she looks up. She comes up to me smiling, and I kick her a bit so she isn't. I smile. Before she can withdraw, I whisper, "I am not worthless..." At her, grinning. She withdraws, frowning. She pulls the knife back up to my leg, and I hiss again. I pull out of the chains with strength that I just don't have! The chains break, and the ones on my leg too. There is another knife on the floor, (it wasn't there before) and the handle has a small sapphire heart on it. I love it.  I pick it up and point it at her. I cut into her arm, and suddenly teleport to a new room. "No! Please Y/N don't..." I hear Mark. I turn around and he is chained up. "No, I won't hurt you." I smile and walk over to break his chains. "You didn't hurt me, so I won't hurt you." He looks scared. I break off the chains with the knife, and grab him in my arms in a hug. We teleport back to the room I was in, with the woman in it. I push Mark back and face her with my knife. She has a large gash on her arm. I put a similar gash in the other arm and turn around to see Mark next to Jack, who is still chained. I run and cut his chains, too, and he looks scared out of his mind... Of me. "Nono... Please don't hurt me." He whimpers in his cute accent as he turns away. "I wouldn't hurt you, Jack! Stop that and get up already." I say as I cut his chains. He turns around and gets up in a snap. He is as obedient as a video game character to a controller. "I won't hurt you..." I walk slowly to him with my hand extended. He backs up at first, but comes in and hugs me. Thank god. I turn around and hug both boys hands as we teleport back to the room. The girl is there, her first arm mostly destroyed, and her second bloody. I point the knife to her. "Stop hurting my friends!" I say, not worried about me. She screams and everything fades.

I sit up fast, sweating and even crying. Mark is sitting in front of me. "Y/N? Are you alright?" I nod and he sits next to me, close. "You kept whimpering and crying in your sleep. I couldn't wake you up." I lean in to him. Friggin dreams, man. That lady was creepy.
Good thing it's just a dream.

"Dreams represent the unconscious thought, and the way life happened."

Ugh whatchu want!? I just make chapters and stuff. This was long. Sorry.

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