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Authors note: I lied Im updating for my own enjoyment you probably won't like this chapter And keep in mind the title. It isnt an important chapter and doesn't really efect the story. Read if you wantt I hope you enjoy.

I wake up at 7 in the morning anticipating getting to go to hogwarts. We where heading to kings crossing at ten so I had 3 hours I jumped in the shower and got ready I wore a T-shirt and some jeans. The T-shirt just covered my scar. I was in my natual form seeing as they will all be my classmates try might as well know me. It was 8 when I headed down stairs. "hey little lily" he calls

"hey Remus" I say as I come up to him.

"you excited" he asks

"yeah but do you think people will want to be my friend just cause I'm 'the girl who lived" I ask i was a little nervous about that. i mean i dont want my only true friends to be fred and george.

"well you know the weasleys are your true friends they didn't really bug you about it so just keep your hopes up head high and you'll be fine" he said

"thanks Remus" I gave him a giant hug. even though his words didnt make me feel much better it was somthing

"you want some breakfast"he says changing the subject

"yes please" he started to cook when I was done eating it was 9:30 I grabed my stuff with the help of Remus and we went out to kings crossing station. We got there we put my stuff on a cart and we went to the barrier runing through. I loved the sight of the old train it was perfect. The weasleys werent there yet. "Remus how long is the train ride" I ask

"about 5 hours" he said

"that is a long train ride" I complain but I didnt care that much I got to go to hogwarts.why couldnt we all just floo to hogwarts or something. well i guess then the muggle borns would get lost.it would be unfair to only make them take the train.

"hey lily" I heard Fred and George call

"hey guys" I say while me and Remus go up to the weasleys.

"hi dear you excited to go" mrs. Weasley asks me

"yep" I say if i was any more excitd i would be bouncing up and down.

 "now go put your trunks on and come back out here" mrs. Weasley says me and the twins helped each other out bringing our trunks on the train we put them in an empty compartment and went back out. Percy and Charlie where already out Remus was talking to mrs. Weasley mr. Weasley had to work. "now all of you stay out of trouble Fred George lily listen to Charlie an Percy"

"do we have to" the three of us complain at the same time.

"yes and no pranking also have a great time" mrs. Weasley said I said goodbye to Remus. Then me and the twins hoped back onto the train.

"I cant wait till we get there" I said

"I know it is so exciting do you really think it is as big as Charlie described it?" Fred asks

"don't know" we sat down in our compartment.

"I hate how they don't let first years play Quiddich" George says

"I know so unfair" I pout we talked about Quiddich for 5 minutes when a girl entered the compartment I recognized her from a trip to diagon alley we toke Fred had a crush he also almost started to droll.

"can I sit here" she asks "

yeah" I say and she sits next to me

"I'm Angelina" she looks at me and says "are you lily potter"

Harry potter's older sisterWhere stories live. Discover now