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Disclaimer I am not jk Rowling or I probably won't be writing this well I don't know what she does with her spare time any way I don't own Harry potter or the charators she created.

Lily pov

"merry 3 days before Christmas" I hear I fall off the couch I fell asleep on last night. "Fred george it's early" I complain "now lily it's your own fault for falling asleep in the common room" Fred says and George adds "if you hadn't you probably would have woken us up" I nod I normally do that. It's weird being here during break everyone left yesterday. Me Fred and George where finding ways to torture our brothers all threw break. Mr. And mrs. Weasley decided to spend christmas with Charlie so the lot at hogwarts had to stay. Well Remus did invite everyone then we realized his furry little problem would be happening in a few days so not happening. I decided to stay because it wouldn't be Christmas unless I was surrounded by a few weasleys. "why are you waking me up early three days before Christmas" "because I had a plan we need to prank Snape" and thats exactly what we did. We ran to Snape's office put glitter all around it and I may have left a potion in his coffee mug. And it may turn invisible once it touches something just saying. We headed back to the common room. "now we need to prank quarrel a lot" I say as we enter. "he never gets mad" Fred says "yeah because he doesn't want to blow his cover" george says me and Fred nod. Harry and Ron come down to see me and the twins huddled around a sheet of paper that was trying to become so prank ideas. "what are you three doing" Harry asks "top secret if we told lamas would kill you" I say putting my finger to my lips. "was she always this weird" "she is your sister" "you've known her longer" Harry retorts "Harry just think about it we have very similar genes it might run in the family" "for the love of lamas no" Harry says going on his knees "yep your definitely related." Ron says "I'm not so sure he doesn't prank" I say Ron and Harry roll there eyes. "come on let's have breakfast" Ron says "you ever not hungry" I ask Ron was unable to answer that question. The 5 of us walked down to breakfast. Snape came in two minutes latter and yelled "POTTER" "what did I do" Harry asks I couldn't help but laugh. "Harry you see that vain right there that only comes out when he is pissed at me" I say Harry blushes. I look at Snape he is red like all over. The potions worked the potion worked right I'm in trouble. "professor your red" Ron says me and the twins roll our eyes. "professor what do you need" "fix this" he says "but your a great teacher shouldn't you figure it out" "madam pomfrey cant find a way and I know it was your doing potter" Snape says "no that definitely isn't" he was pointing at him self. "just fix it" "I'll try" I wave my wand and his nose shrinks. "there all better" I say Fred George Harry and Ron all laugh. "I'm still red" he says "no professor your a more of an orange color" i say looking at it. "just fix it" "I did" "then why am I still red" "orange wait no it's even darker red and you never clarified what it is" "it's clear what it is the color miss potter" he says and hands indicate up an down his robes. I wave my wand and his robes turn blue. "ms. Potter you know what I meant" "sir you said color and pointed to your robes which I'm annoyed about because I did not make your robes black and I clearly didn't make your nose so large but your just have to abuse me" I say Snape storms out. "now you don't believe me that he tried to kill me but you do that" Harry says "now Harry did you see professor Snape do that" I ask "no but" "I would believe you if I didn't have my own theories." I say Ron and Harry roll their eyes I shrug. Me and the twins head up to go bug everyone in the castle. Which included one of my least favorite people and the reason I slept in the common room last night Alice.


"wake up wake up" I say jumping back and forth from Fred and george's beds. I always have to wake them up on Christmas. "five more minutes" Fred says rolling over. "no it's Christmas" "is it" George says grabbing me "yep and I brought my presents in here no longer having to wait for your family" I say happily they sit up and we open our presents. "lily you have to put on your jumper" "wait" I change into Fred we all trade jumpers ms. Weasley had made mine the twins size because over break I would always turn into them and it just made life easier. So I'm wearing georges Fred is wearing mine and George is wearing freds time to confuse people. Other than the jumper I got a bracelet from George a hat from Fred. Sweets from the boys in the gang anything girl from the girls dresses skirts makeup earings ect. A deck of cards from harry. Remus got me books. Fred and George suggested I burn them. We went to Harry and ron's dorm they where opening presents. "lily why are you impersonating Fred and George" Ron asks looking at Fred. "there is no Fred and George here" they look at us weirdly. "I know you guys are crazy but what?" Harry says "it's forge lerd and fily" George says "so lily impersonated you guys and you traded jumpers" "no I stole george's so he stole Fred and Fred stole mine" I say "that isn't what happened" Fred says "it's funer to explain" "it tis funner" "funner isn't a word" Harry says "yes it is" I say "no" "if it is used then it is a word" I say "no it's not" I storm out then I remembered I look like Fred and changed back throwing the jumper at George weird I was pretending to be Fred with george's sweeter. Fred throws mine at me and george throws freds at fred "much better I'm going to get breakfast" and walked off leaving the boys. I was ambushed by querrel once I was close to the entrance hall. "ms. Potter now I can finish of what I started the first time" I did the binding spell. I don't think he expected wandless silent magic. Why didn't I do that the last time. Right bloody terrified. I put him in a closet and toke away his wand well kept it in the closet but what ever. I walk out leaving him there. I went to breakfast where the only person there was alice. "potter" "spinnet" I spit we glare at each other till Fred and George come in. We talked about pranks happily and I forgot about spinnet.

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